Godric's Hollow

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It hadn't been the same without Ron since he left, Brooklyn at one point woke expecting to see Ron there with Hermione, but soul crushing reality hit his heart. Ron wouldn't want to return after he almost struck him.

Harry, Brooklyn, and Hermione packed up to leave, Apparating to a cliff side this time. He groaned silently, remembering what Ron said to him earlier, for it was true, he secretly listened to the radio about missing people during his night watches, praying Elisa or Angela's or his Rookery brother's names wouldn't show.

He made it a mission not to discuss Ron to Hermione, who always broke down whenever his name is mentioned. But if there was one other person Brooklyn missed as much as Ron, it was Katie Bell.

Harry caught him staring at her name on the Marauders Map one day, sometimes alongside Lexington or Broadway's names in the hallways of the schools, and sat down to talk to him.

"Hey, soon we will see them again," he said. Brooklyn nodded, but didn't speak, small tears falling down his face as he traced his hand along the map.

The weather got colder in the passing months, and already there was signs of Christmas in the air, one that Brooklyn had hoped to enjoy with his Clan again, but no thanks to Voldemort's Horcruxes, that dream was dashed, as he sat in their tent, looking down at the Marauder's Map once more.

Hermione had been reading her Tales of Beedle the Bard book from Dumbledore, when she saw something that she called the two boys over. Feeling curious, the gargoyle glanced over to where she pointed, a familiar symbol that Luna's father had worn at the wedding. The symbol of one Dark Wizard that Brooklyn had heard of from Hermione once: Gellert Grindelwald, the wizard Dumbledore dueled in his youth. But why was it in there?

"Who's idea was it to put this symbol in a kid's book?" Brooklyn asked, scratching his head. Even Hermione had no clue. But then Harry brought up the one thing he and Brooklyn had been wanting to do together.

"Hermione, Brooklyn, I think we need to go to Godric's Hollow. Because it is where I was born, where Dumbledore lived, Gryffindor's birthplace, and where my parents died."

Hermione nodded. "Yes, we-we should go there," she said.

Brooklyn put an arm around his brother. "I wouldn't pass this one up, Harry, I really did want to see the place where you grew up," he stated, grinning just a little.

"And...I'm just throwing out possibilities, but maybe the sword is there. Surely it wouldn't hurt to check?" Harry asked. Hermione and Brooklyn both looked at one another before nodding.

"Then why are we still talking about it? Let's get going!" Brooklyn said, standing up. Harry smiled at Brooklyn's still active enthusiasm.

The trio Apparated right there in a snowy alleyway in the village. Brooklyn felt a rush of emotion when he suddenly heard the Muggles in the church nearby singing Christmas Carols.

Harry, Brooklyn, and Hermione approached the graveyard near the church, until Hermione pointed something out.

"Guys, it's Christmas Eve, I'm sure of it," she whispered. Brooklyn's heart overflowed with so much sadness, and joy from this news, wondering if Goliath and the others had decided to celebrate this occasion without him there, even after all that waiting for him to come home... He gave a small sniffle at the idea, but pushed it back. No, he still mustn't think that way.

They explored the gravestones, first finding Dumbledore's family's graves of his parents and Ariana. Brooklyn gazed down at Ariana's headstone, hearing echoes of Muriel's claims about the bad things of the family ringing in his brain once more, feeling his breathing coming in small shaky breaths. No way he didn't want to remember the kind Headmaster who wanted to help him like that.

Resting one hand on Ariana's name, he closed his eyes, murmuring farewell to her before moving on even though they never met, seeing Hermione near a really old grave.

He watched her brush off snow.

"Brook, look at this..." she whispered in shock. He moved closer, eyes widening at the name.

Ignotus Peverell

It included the same symbol from the book, and this was confusing Brooklyn immensely. What the heck does this symbol even describe?

"Hey, Harry?" Hermione called, but Brooklyn saw his little brother standing near a newer headstone, and his heart began to ache. Harry had found them.

The two joined Harry on either side, and looked down at the headstone description together:

James Potter

Born 27 March 1960

Died 31 October 1981

Lily Potter

Born 30 January 1960

Died 31 October 1981

The last enemy that shall be destroyed is Death.

Then came that small shaky breath once again. Brooklyn felt hollow inside, seeing the gravestone of the two people that gave up their lives so their only hatchling and offspring could carry on living. Seeing their graves here now after seeing their 'spirits' that night in the graveyard struck something in his soul. They were now lying under the snow, unaware of their son and his bond brother visiting them at all, either skeletons, or just dust, he didn't know.

And that saying... he eventually figured that it meant one day, there shall be no more death, crying, and no more loss of loved ones altogether. Brooklyn gave a little smile at the thought.

Then, without warning, he hugged his little brother. Harry had started crying while reading his parent's graves, and the gargoyle knew he needed a hug right now. Just being able to be here for this moment, had been worth everything they've been through together.

"Merry Christmas, Brooklyn and Hermione," Harry sobbed silently, as Brooklyn nodded. "M-Merry Christmas, little brother," He whispered hoarsely back. Hermione responded by conjuring up a Christmas Wreath to place near the grave.

After that, Hermione had noticed someone watching them. "Guys, there's somebody watching us," she whispered. The brothers broke apart, Brooklyn narrowing his eyes at the sight of an old woman there. It was Batilda Bagshot, but no...it couldn't be.

She gestured with her hand to the trio to follow her. Brooklyn felt a little nervous about all this. Something didn't feel right to him. But maybe Batilda knows where the sword is, and he could ask her questions, perhaps about if there were other gargoyles besides the ones he knew that survived that Goliath didn't know about yet.

The trio followed Batilda over to a wrecked old house that stood out among the rest, the place where Harry's parents were murdered. Brooklyn approached her before going in.

"Are you really Batilda Bagshot?" He asked warily. She gazed at him with an unreadable expression before nodding, and pointing to the inside of the house, then to Harry, then to him. She hardly paid attention to Hermione at all, and the brothers understood that she wanted to talk to only the two of them.

Once inside the house with the door shut, they looked about them. The house really was a mess, and Brooklyn was grateful now that Lily and James's bodies were now buried, and not left in here to become skeletons. It would have disturbed him greatly. Harry meanwhile stowed a portrait of a young man into his jacket.

He heard Batilda shuffling up the stairs, and the two followed her, up to the bedroom area. They reached up there, Harry drawing his wand. Batilda's eyes stared at Brooklyn some more, which made him feel just a little uncomfortable, before noticing the Horcrux around Harry's neck.

"You are Potter and Brooklyn?" She whispered suddenly. Brooklyn tensed, wondering why she now decided to speak as he nodded.

"We are," Harry replied. Batilda nodded in acceptance, and Brooklyn now wondered what she wanted with them.

"What do you want? Do you know where the sword is?" Harry asked. Batilda didn't speak again, but instead pointed underneath the bed. The brothers glanced at one another in confusion, then turned their backs away from Batilda, digging around near the bed to find a sword handle with glittering rubies.

Then, a strange smell hit Brooklyn's nose, and he tensed up, turning around, he saw Batilda staggering, eyes rolling to the back of her head, a weird hissing noise coming from her mouth.

He pulled Harry about sharply to see, his eyes glowing fiercely as to his disgust and terror, Batilda's body collapsed to the ground, which had been nothing but an empty shell the whole time, and in her place was...

"Nagini!" Yelled Brooklyn, backing away from the demented serpent, who reared up in front of the brothers, swaying it's neck ominously and hissing dangerously. They both drew their wands, ready to blow this thing to hell even if she is a Horcrux.

She struck, forcing Brooklyn to dive out of the way, he and Harry landing on opposite ends of the room. Nagini took a moment to decide who to go to, until she decided on Brooklyn, who backed away again, her eyes locked onto his own.

"Yesss, you and me, gargoyle..." Brooklyn heard her say in Parseltongue, sending shivers up his spine.

"Harry, find Hermione so you can get her out of here! I'll distract her!" Brooklyn shouted, dodging another attack from Nagini.

"Brooklyn, no! She'll kill you!" Harry screamed, wanting to do something. But his brother shook his head.

"Just go already!" He screamed back, before crying out as Nagini tackled him, breaking through the wall into another bedroom, hissing loudly in his ears. Gasping and panting, Brooklyn instantly threw her off him, using his wings to leap onto a dresser hopefully out of her reach.

Nagini gazed up at Brooklyn with the cold look of evil on her face.

"Sssuch nobility... itsss disgusting..." Nagini hissed, baring her fangs.

Brooklyn bared his own teeth, hoping to mask his fear. "Don't come any closer! We want nothing to do with you! Plus how come you didn't talk to me before in the graveyard?" He roared in Parseltongue. Nagini growled, lunging again, destroying the cabinet Brooklyn stood on, but he was quick to get out of her way, and grabbed a chair to hold in front of him, in hope to avoid her fangs.

Nagini circled him, still not taking her eyes of Brooklyn for a second. Her tongue flickered as she spoke.

"I knew of your gift implanted into your system by my Masster. But he didn't want me to reveal it to you yet... but I decided now was a good time, since you discovered it so recently..." she said.

"Really? I'm so honored," Brooklyn huffed sarcastically. "And I say it is a curse, not a gift! I hate this ability!" He added.

"Lissten to me... My Masster only wantsss the child...give up your human... and he will reward you greatly, maybe even help remove your 'curse'..." Murmured Nagini in a honey coated voice. Brooklyn rolled his eyes. He wouldn't trust this snake, no way!

"Hell no I won't! He wants to kill him! And why did you even want to be his Horcrux and pet anyway? It's stupid!" He shouted, planting his feet firm on the floor, glaring hard.

Nagini let loose a hiss combined with a roar. Brooklyn barely had time to react when he suddenly had huge strong coils ensnare around his torso, including his wings, and he slipped, falling to the floor, every inch of his body covered in her terrible coils except his feet and head.

Brooklyn gasped in a panicked voice, writhing in an attempt to free himself by kicking his legs and moving his muscles, only for Nagini to squeeze her hold tighter even when he breathed, her eyes livid with fury.

"You have no idea what my past life is like, wretched gargoyle! Humans and other wizards shunned me, because of my curse! They made me perform in a circus! I realized who I truly am because of two people, a lost boy named Credence, and my master, Voldemort! Someone like you wouldn't understand a snake like me! So now, I ssshall end you for inssulting me, until my Master arrives to kill your friends!"

Brooklyn panted painfully, struggling more, and the coils continued to squeeze his muscles and bones, threatening to break them. She moved her face close, making him pull away in fear.

"The more you sstruggle, the tighter my grip is on you... jussst let me finissh you swiftly..." Nagini taunted.

"N-no... no! I... will get away from yo... ahh!" He cried, those terrible coils wrapped around his throat tightly, choking him and cutting off his ability to speak. Nagini's coils pressed hard on his chest and rib cage, threatening to poke out his lungs.

Brooklyn could feel his breath giving out from the suffocation, his mind going numb and tired, limbs slowly growing limp, unable to fight against her much longer...

A loud gargoyle scream sounded, Brooklyn turned his head, staring as he spotted Harry in his gargoyle form, grabbing Nagini's neck with his talons, yanking him off his big brother. He fell to the floor, pain shooting up his body from the sudden ability to breathe again and the bruises Nagini gave him, taking in shaky needed breaths.

Harry fought Nagini, scratching her scales even though they barely made a dent in her scales. Nagini writhed dangerously in the gargoyle Boy Who Lived's grip, hissing and spitting.

Brooklyn cried out in horror when Nagini took advantage of Harry's suddenly exposed arm, biting hard with her fangs. Harry gave a pain filled yell, gripping his arm and turning back to a human, along with his scar beginning to burn as well. Brooklyn stumbled a bit towards Harry, holding him gently close against his chest and glowered at the snake who curled up, eyes gleaming evilly.

"Ssooner or later, my Master will have that child..." Nagini leered, while Brooklyn shielded Harry in his arms with his wings like he would usually do whenever this happened.

"It's still not happening! Like I'll keep telling Him, I'll continue to protect Harry as long as I'm breathing!" He stormed back, while Hermione stared, wide eyed, for this was her first time hearing Brooklyn speaking Parseltongue, and it scared her.

She used both Harry's and her wand, shouting a spell, knocking Nagini away and taking Brooklyn's hand, who still held Harry in his arms, Apparating out of there, right before Voldemort showed up.

They had arrived in a snowy wood called the Forest of Dean, where Harry had been immediately put to bed, Brooklyn watching over him while Hermione healed his wounds.

Color had managed to come back into Harry's face, and Brooklyn felt relief when his little brother woke up, eventually meeting with Hermione to discuss what had happened.

The three of them sat out there together, where Brooklyn learned that Batilda had actually been dead for quite a few years, and Nagini had stolen her body. He felt rather creeped out thinking about that idea and pushed it away.

"Where's my wand, Hermione?" Harry then asked next, causing Hermione to flinch.

"When I got us out, I-I cast a curse and it rebounded. It-it's broken, Harry," Hermione said in a tearful voice, displaying the snapped in half pieces of Harry's holly wand, with some of the Phoenix feather poking out.

Brooklyn now felt rather guilty that he and Hermione still had their wands while Harry was wandless. If he wanted it, the gargoyle would've gladly snapped his own to join Harry. But he couldn't, they needed all the defense they could get. Hermione tried Reparo, but apparently wands were a special case, sometimes unable to be mended altogether.

"I'm sorry, bro. I knew that wand was everything to you," Brooklyn said, taking Harry's hand. Harry wiped his eyes.

"It's fine, I'll just borrow Hermione's and take first watch, if that's alright with you," Harry said, ending with Hermione handing over her wand. Brooklyn wanted to join him even though his sides were bruised, but Hermione pushed him back in with a fierce look.

"Listen, Brooklyn. Harry may say he's fine after being bitten, but you were almost crushed by that snake, so you're not to do anything crazy until the bruises aren't there anymore!" She demanded, pushing him more to a bunk.

Brooklyn folded his arms, despite wincing from the effort of doing it. "Like Harry said, it's fine. I'm fine. I won't let some lousy cursed snake who nearly crushed my ribs keep me from protecting you two!" He confirmed. But Hermione met his gaze with a more stern look, making him falter just a little. There were times when Hermione could get scary.

"Ugh, okay, but I don't want to be out for very long," he grumbled, reluctantly climbing into the bunk. Hermione nodded.

"She didn't do any permanent damage to you, but Episky and Dittany should take care of some of it," she said gently. "And take sleeping potion every now and then, too."

Brooklyn nodded, after climbing back into his bunk. Hermione left to go get the potion for him, and Harry came in after she left.

"Hey, so what's up?" Harry asked, already guessing.

"Just need to bed rest for a while," Brooklyn replied. "But be careful out there while I'm in here," he cautioned. Harry grinned, nodding, as Hermione eventually came back with the Sleeping potion. She decided to take some with her in case any of her friends needed it.

Brooklyn took the goblet from her. But before he drank, he remembered something.

"Harry, I just want to say, thank you for showing your parent's resting place, that really meant something to me," he said, smiling.

Harry looked rather tearful, but there was still a smile present on his face, as he hugged Brooklyn carefully so not to hit his bruises. The two brothers hugged for a time then broke apart.

"Well, I'd gotta go keep watch, but take your potion before Hermione becomes an angry mother hen and forces it down your throat," Harry said, lightly bumping Brooklyn on the arm.

Brooklyn chuckled, nodding as he then drank the potion. Once again, it took effect on him instantly, lying down onto his pillows, his eyes slipping shut, Harry staying with him until he fell asleep at last.

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