Luna's Father and the Deathly Hallows

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Brooklyn had slept soundly through the night, until he had been woken by Harry's voice, calling them out.

What he saw as he pulled the tent flap back... it was too unreal, and Brooklyn thought it was the potion playing mind games with him.

It was Ron, standing there with Harry, both soaked, and Ron was holding two things: a destroyed locket, and the Sword of Gryffindor. After weeks on end, through Christmas, and fighting off a crazy snake, he decides now to come back?!

"Harry? What happened? And what is he even doing here?" Brooklyn demanded in an almost breathless angry voice. Ron looked pretty scared of Brooklyn's angry look, as the gargoyle started towards him, hands balled.

"Brook, wait! Ron helped me when I tried getting the sword out of a pool that a silver doe led me to!" Harry exclaimed, stepping in front of Ron.

"A Silver Doe? What are you talking about?" Brooklyn asked, wondering how could there even be a silver doe in the first place?

Hermione, though, was even more angry than him. Ron awkwardly waved to her. "Hey!"

She stormed up to Ron, punching every inch of him. Ron yelped, trying to cover himself from her.

"Ouch! Stop it! Bloody hell, gerroff!" He yelled. Brooklyn felt some satisfaction watching this, arms and wings folded. If he couldn't do it, let the angry mother hen do it for him.

"You... complete... arse Ronald Weasley! You show up here after weeks, and you say 'hey?'" She hissed, eyes flashing dangerously, before turning to the brothers.

"Where's my wand, Harry?" She demanded, and Brooklyn noted Harry quickly putting Hermione's wand behind him, and he was glad now that his wand was in his saddlebag, after Hermione demanded it from him next.

Ron then showed them the destroyed Horcrux, and told them his story of how he came here, that even included being caught by a gang of Snatchers.

"Snatchers?" Brooklyn asked in a harsh angry voice, and Ron nodded.

"Yeah, gangs of Dark Wizard bounty hunters you can call them, rounding up any loose Muggleborns and Blood Traitors. And from what I've heard, their leader longs to get his hands on you for a big price next to Harry, Brook," Ron said. Brooklyn scoffed.

"I'd teach that puny wizard who is boss before he hauls me into the Ministry!" He proclaimed confidently, folding his arms, but still felt pretty mad at Ron.

Ron continued on, explaining how he had come to his senses, hearing Hermione's voice coming out of the Deluminator just saying his name.

"I clicked the Deluminator, and a little ball of light appeared, going right into my chest, here," he said, while Brooklyn raised his brow. This was raising so many questions on so many levels. How could the Deluminator even talk?

His story ended with how he and Harry destroyed the Horcrux, and Brooklyn slowly felt his anger towards Ron evaporate. What Ron must've gone through to use the Sword on the locket...

Speaking of which, Brooklyn had his gaze back onto the familiar sword in front of him. It felt strange to see it again in the physical world after using it in his mind.

After Ron finished, Hermione didn't speak anymore, rather than turning on her heel and stalking back into the tent. Brooklyn slowly went up to Ron, no longer angry.

Ron and Brooklyn both stared at one another, before eventually the two apologized to each other for their outbursts that night.

"And I'm sorry for almost striking you," Brooklyn said awkwardly. Ron chuckled.

"Don't be, I probably would've deserved it," he said.

After that, the three of them all headed back in. Three had become four once again, and Brooklyn was happy that their group was back together.

Brooklyn's bruises healed somewhat the next day, even with Hermione not talking to Ron, he was in much better spirits now that Ron was back, meaning he had another to talk to besides Harry and Hermione.

Ron had given Harry a replacement wand, a blackthorn one. He tested it on a small flame.


Brooklyn yelped as the flame shot up into the air, and Harry quickly reduced it.

"Guess you're gonna have to practice with that one," Brooklyn said, now noting the wand's temperamental behavior, as Harry nodded. Hermione came in at that moment with the book that she took from Godric's Hollow, the Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore. Brooklyn never took the courage to read anything that was written by Rita Skeeter, and hadn't even touched the book once, especially after hearing about all those rumors from Muriel.

"We need to talk," Hermione said. The boys raised their brows at her.

"Yes?" Harry asked. Hermione took a breath.

"I want to go see Xenophilius Lovegood," she announced. Brooklyn blinked quite a few times.

"Uh, what? Why do you want to see Luna's dad?" He asked. Not that Brooklyn despised Luna, she was nice, even if there were a couple um...strange moments with her, like her belief in Crumple-Horned Snorkacks, for example.

"Because I saw the symbol again that we saw on Ignotus's Grave in here, take a look," Hermione stated, holding the book toward them, but Brooklyn shook his head.

"No, I made a vow to never read that and-hey!" He grunted, after Hermione thrusted it into his hands roughly. Grumbling, he and Harry both looked down, to see a letter from Dumbledore to Grindelwald, and on Dumbledore's signature, was that same triangular symbol that replaced the letter A.

What's the deal with this? The gargoyle thought, scratching his head again.

"This thing keeps cropping up, first in Beedle the Bard, the tomb at Godric's Hollow," she said, pacing. "Mr. Lovegood might have an answer for it, since you and Harry saw him wearing the symbol at the wedding."

Brooklyn nodded. "Yeah, I can see it, but I just don't want this to be another trap," he protested.

"We'll have our guard up, Brook. It will be fine. This is Luna's dad we're talking about, he supports us, I'm sure he'd be willing to help," Harry said back.

After a bit of arguing and voting, the gang eventually Apparated to Ottery St. Catchpole, a few miles away where Xenophilius lived. Brooklyn thankfully felt tons better now to be able to Apparate.

The foursome went to the front door, and Brooklyn thought almost looked like the Burrow, but not really, and knocked, to be greeted by a somewhat nervous, but pleased to see them Mr. Lovegood who gestured them indoors.

"We're so sorry to disturb you, Mr. Lovegood, but there's something we need to discuss with you," Brooklyn said, gazing about the house, filled with unusual things. But one thing confused him, where was Luna? He should've smelled her the minute he stepped in.

"No! No trouble at all, Brooklyn, it's a pleasure, why don't you and your friends sit down, while I get the tea going?" He mumbled, while quickly going out to the kitchen.

He came back with cups of strange black tea. Not wanting to be rude, Brooklyn made a show of drinking it, and he nearly spat it out, it tasted horrible! But he struggled to swallow it, grinning nervously, but Mr. Lovegood seemed undisturbed by it, eyes flickering back and forth between him and Harry.

"We had questions, Mr. Lovegood," Harry said. "It was about what you were wearing at the Wedding."

Brooklyn nodded. "Yes, a triangular symbol," he described. "Just like that," the gargoyle pointed right to the pendant Mr. Lovegood still wore. He put a hand on it, fingering it.

"This? Why, it is a sign of the Deathly Hallows, of course," He said. The foursome glanced at one another quizzically. Now this was something new!

"Yes, I know Krum told you that it was Grindelwald's mark, but I'm sure you're familiar with The Tale of the Three Brothers, where the Hallows first came from?"

Brooklyn and Harry both shook their heads. Hermione then proceeded to pull out her copy. "Got it in here, this is the original text," she said, flipping to the story, and began to read it:

"There were once three brothers who were traveling along a lonely winding road at twilight..."

"Midnight," Ron interrupted. Brooklyn raised his brow at the red head. "Mum always said midnight, to make it a bit spookier. But twilight's okay."

Brooklyn cleared his throat. "Continue, if you please?" He said.

"In time, the brothers reached a river deemed too treacherous to pass. However, these brothers learned in the magical arts, and so, waving their wands, they made a bridge to cross it. They were halfway across when their path was blocked by a hooded figure. It was Death, and he felt cheated, because normally travelers drowned in this river.

Death however was cunning, and he spoke to them..."

"I'm sorry, but Death spoke to them?" Brooklyn spoke up and interrupted, without meaning to. Harry too nodded, eyes wide at that.

"It's a fairytale, Brooklyn and Harry! Now if you would let me—!"

Brooklyn held up his hands. "My apologies," he grumbled. Harry nodded at Hermione to continue.

"He spoke to them, pretending to congratulate the brothers on their incredible feats of magic, and said that each earned a special prize for having been clever enough to evade him.

So the eldest brother, a combative man, asked from Death a wand more powerful than any in existence. So Death fashioned him one from an elder tree that stood nearby.

The second brother decided to humiliate Death even further, so he asked for the power to recall loved ones from the grave. So Death chose a stone near the river and offered it to the second brother."

Brooklyn shook his head slightly at the second brother's intentions, for it was near to impossible to bring back anybody from the dead, unless you did what Demona and Xanatos did with Coldstone, but that was a bit different.

"And finally, Death turned to the third brother. A humble man, he asked for something that would allow him to go forth from that place without being followed by Death. So it was with great reluctance that Death handed over his own Cloak of Invisibility.

After that, Death stood aside, allowing the brothers to continue on their way, admiring their gifts, and each separated to his own destination. The first brother journeyed to a distant village, seeking out a fellow wizard with whom he once quarreled, and killed him instantly in a duel. Drunk with the power the wand gave him, he boasted of its power in a nearby inn after leaving his enemy dead, telling of how he had snatched it right from Death himself.

Later that evening, another wizard stole the wand, slitting the brother's throat with his own knife for good measure. And so Death took the first brother for his own.

The second brother journeyed to his own home, where he lived alone. He took the stone and turned it three times in his hand. To his utter delight, the girl which he had hoped to marry before her untimely death appeared before him. But she grew sad and cold, for she didn't belong in the mortal world. Driven mad with hopeless longing, the second brother killed himself in hopes to join her. And so Death took the second brother for his own.

But for the third brother, Death searched for many years but was never able to find him. Only when he detained a great age the third brother shed his own cloak of invisibility and gave it to his son. He then greeted Death as an old friend, and went with him gladly, departing this life as equals."

Hermione finished, closing the book. This left Brooklyn deep in thought, still wondering what the Deathly Hallows had to do with this story.

Xenophilius smiled. "So there you are, those are the Deathly Hallows," he said.

"Come again?" Harry asked, and Xenophilius picked out a piece of paper and a quill, drawing something, starting with a line.

"The Elder Wand, the most powerful wand in existence."

Next Brooklyn watched him draw a circle around the line.

"The Resurrection Stone."

Last, he drew a triangle around the others.

"And the Cloak of Invisibility. Together, they make the Deathly Hallows. Together, they make one, the Master of Death." Xenophilius said in a mysterious voice. This new information made Brooklyn's skin crawl.

Jalapeña, if these things are real, and if Demona could get at them...Ugh! He thought, shuddering at the idea of Demona being the Master (or in her case, Mistress) of Death.

"Sir, d-do you believe they existed?" Brooklyn asked tentatively, Xenophilius looked a bit nervous as he spoke again.

"The original owners, Antioch, Cadmus, and Ignotus. They were claimed to be the original owners of the Hallows, legends they were."

"But what do Dumbledore and Grindelwald have to do with it?" Harry said.

"Dumbledore and Grindelwald vowed to find the Hallows together. But sadly caused a rift in their friendship, resulting into their legendary duel that ended up settling things. Perhaps you would all stay for dinner? I shall make soup," Xenophilius said, walking out, leaving the four friends to discuss the Hallows.

Ron's face looked rather excited. "This had always been my favorite story, because if it was true, I would go for the unbeatable wand," he said.

"I'd much rather have the Cloak of Invisibility, if it was me, and I just thought of something, Harry has an Invisibility Cloak from his father that could've belonged to Ignotus and Death. It's not in perfect condition, but it's been more than useful to us, so Harry could be related to the third brother!" Brooklyn said, feeling his voice growing excited.

"There's no way to prove that, and what good will the Hallows do to us? The Stone if it were real didn't help the second brother except resulting into killing himself. The Elder Wand would only work if wielded by its true master, and the Cloak we have is useful, but not curse proof!" Hermione argued back.

Ron continued on with her about it, but Brooklyn felt disturbance in the air. He still hadn't seen Luna, and it was worrying him. The gargoyle got up to go to see her room.

"Brook? Where are you going?" Harry asked.

"To find Luna," he replied, already going up the stairs.

Harry joined him, and the two brothers entered Luna's room. Brooklyn opened the door, noting a few things, such as photographs, articles from the Daily Prophet about their showdown at the Ministry, and the frames were gold letters spelling one word countless times, friends... friends... friends....

Brooklyn smiled, chuckling softly and feeling a rush of affection towards Luna, happy she saw someone like him as a friend, for he had seen his own photo in the D.A. pictures. Something was wrong here in the room, though.

Everything was covered in dust, the bedsheets hadn't been slept in, and no clothes in her wardrobe. The smile disappeared off his and Harry's faces. This wasn't right. Where could she be?

They went back downstairs where Xenophilius was setting up a dinner tray, face looking nervous still.

"Where's Luna?" Brooklyn demanded again.

"I've said before, she's gone down to the Botions Bridge to fish for Plimplies," he said.

"But then why are there only five bowls, when there should be six?" Harry asked. This time, Xenophilius had no words, which made Brooklyn suspicious all the more.

"Luna hasn't been here for weeks, has she? Is that why you're constantly looking out the window?" Brooklyn pressed, right as Xenophilius did another quick glance outside.

But then Ron showed them the Quibbler, and to Brooklyn's horror and anger, his and Harry's faces were both printed, a wanted poster for him, and Harry being the Undesirable #1. He snatched the paper from Ron.

"Mr. Lovegood, what the hell is this? I thought you supported us!" He roared in anger, thrusting the paper at him.

"P-please, you don't understand! They took my Luna! And said they would hurt her if I didn't print it and handed over you two!" He sobbed.

"So you planned to betray us the whole time?" Harry snarled. Xenophilius sobbed harder.

"I had no choice! I need my Luna! You four must stay here!"

Ron shook his head. "No way are we staying, not if you're going to hand us over!"

Xenophilius then ran to the door, closing it shut, his eyes wide with terror. Brooklyn's eyes glowed, moving threateningly toward him.

"Step aside, Lovegood. I don't want to hurt you," he growled, but Xenophilius shook his head.

"Brooklyn, look!" Hermione cried, and the gargoyle turned around to see brooms landing outside the window, resulting the foursome to run upstairs, right as the Death Eaters busted in, causing the ceiling to crash, burying the friends under it. Brooklyn coughed out wood dust as he heard voices.

"Where are Potter and the gargoyle, Lovegood?"

"P-please! They're upstairs! I promise you!" Xenophilius's voice came from below.

"You lying piece of filth! You've never seen Potter or a gargoyle your whole life, have you, and you thought you could get your precious little child back this way?"

"I swear! I swear! Potter and the gargoyle are upstairs! Please! Give me back Luna!"

"You can have your little girl back, Lovegood, if you don't go upstairs and bring down Harry Potter and that gargoyle freak. But if this is a trick of any sort, we'll see if we can spare a bit of your daughter for you to bury!"

Brooklyn growled silently at the idea of any of those thugs hurting Luna, Xenophilius's wails of despair ringing in his ears. Eventually the group pulled themselves out from under the rubble, waiting for Hermione's signal to Apparate.

She obliviated Xenophilius right as his face appeared at the stairs, creating a hole in the floor, the four of them falling in, and at last, Hermione Apparated them all into the constricting darkness to a safer location.

Back at their tent, Ron was in a pretty angry temper.

"That no good traitorous git! I hope he has a splitting migraine after what he tried to do to us!" He snapped, while Brooklyn took a branch, crushing it in his hands to ease off the tension. He could understand the situation and prayed that Luna was alright, but it was still no excuse.

"I just never thought...he seemed nice before when we first met. Who would've thought that Luna's father would turn me and Harry in to Demona and—."

"Brooklyn, don't! The name's still—!" Ron cried in a panicked voice.

"—Voldemort. What? I have no problem saying the name, Ron, even after Tom Riddle. And besides, we're covered with security spells, there's no Death Eater for miles!" Brooklyn exclaimed, waving his arms about dramatically. But then he noted the scared looks on his friends faces.

"There's a bunch of them right behind me, is there?" He muttered in a small voice.

"Yes, and you're coming with us!" Sneered the leader, drawing his wand. Brooklyn felt his face pale all over, now realizing his error, seeing a whole line of Snatchers right behind them. They were in trouble!


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