Knight Bus and the Minister

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The Portkey dropped Brooklyn into a quiet nighttime setting of Privet Drive. Pulling himself up and placing the boot into his bag, he trudged down the silent street towards number 4, hoping to find his brother before anything bad happened, for his device was still blinking.

I hope those morons haven't hurt him, or so help me... Brooklyn growled silently to himself, his hatred towards that despicable human family growing again. He was gonna chew them out if they did!

There were luckily not so many people out, except for one old lady wearing a hairnet. Brooklyn immediately then realized that it was Mrs. Figg, who didn't seem so disturbed by his appearance. On the contrary, she simply gave him a little nod.

Guess I can take that, he thought, giving Mrs. Figg a little wave as he moved along before finally spotting Number 4, and to his opinion, the Burrow looked much better. He was glad now not to have to hide in the smelly second room anymore and was looking forward to busting his brother out.

Suddenly, he heard screaming, mostly a woman's, and Mr. Dursley of course. Eyes narrowed, Brooklyn quickly hid in the bushes near the patio area, where he saw the most confusing thing ever.

A fat woman, literally, she was the size of a beach ball, was floating off the ground, Mr. Dursley trying in vain to pull her down while a bulldog was biting his leg.

Okay, either this woman ate too much that she floated off the ground, or Harry was involved somehow, Brooklyn imagined, smirking a little as he watched Mr. Dursley slip and fall face first onto the grass, the fat woman screaming as she floated off into the sky.

He quietly snuck his way towards the front door, where a lot of shouting was going on, and Brooklyn heard his brother's and the Whale's voices.


"No! She deserved what she got!" Harry's voice yelled, sounding very angry. Brooklyn gripped the edge of the building with his talons, eyes glowing as he eventually figured that lady who floated away was another bad one in Harry's 'family'.

Right as Vernon yelled again, the gargoyle couldn't wait any longer as he growled, storming up to the door and slamming it open, eyes glowing at a great intensity, just in time to see that overgrown walrus about to bear down onto his little brother.

"Don't you dare!" He bellowed, pointing a talon right into his chest, making the coward quail away from him, recognizing this monster from last summer.

"Y-you!" He croaked. Brooklyn folded his arms, growling viciously. Harry grinned at the sight of him.

"I don't think you two properly met," Harry said in a brave voice, as he drew his wand.

The Dursleys all cowered in front of this red demon, who towered over them, wings extended to their full height.

"I've come to take my brother away from you pigs for the rest of the year. And to be quite frank, I'm sick and tired of your treatment of him! He's your blood, for Pete's sake!"

Dudley was really scared of this beast right now, especially since it could talk, but when he heard it call Harry its brother, he was surprised. When did that happen?

"You'd better start to treat him better, or else I'm coming back for another visit. We're leaving right now. And don't you dare try anything funny!" Brooklyn hissed, giving them his fiercest glare, while guiding Harry to the door. That's when Vernon stupidly spoke.

"And just where else do you think you're going to go?"

Brooklyn turned sharply, and he cowered again. "I think I have a general idea," He huffed, and with that, he took Harry's hand and the two of them left, Brooklyn slamming the door for good measure.

As they strode down the dark street together, Harry was quite glad Brooklyn had arrived when he did.

"I'm glad you came, Brook!"

Brooklyn shrugged. "Hey, I couldn't leave you hanging. You were in trouble."

"Guess I'm gonna be expelled again, though. I used magic illegally again, if you saw it," Harry said in a downcast voice as they reached an empty playground.

"I'm sure it was an accident, Harry," Brooklyn tried to assure him as they sat down on a bench. Harry looked quite hopeless about it, though.

But then, Brooklyn's sharp hearing picked up a strange sound, like footsteps. He looked about sharply.

"What is it?" Harry asked nervously, as Brooklyn drew his wand.

Out of nowhere, in some bushes, a huge black dog stood there, its eyes glowing in the dark. Brooklyn growled softly, staying near Harry, who drew his own wand. This action made the dog bark sharply, then jump away into the bushes just as a loud bang started, nearly making the duo fall over.

Brooklyn stared in astonishment as a violet triple decker bus appeared out of nowhere, skidding to a halt in front of the human and gargoyle.

A skinny human man appeared, wearing a conductor's hat, and leaning against the doorway of the bus, looking somewhat bored.

"Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for a stranded witch or wizard. My name is Stan Shunpike, I will be your conductor for this eve—" he stuttered as he spotted Brooklyn, who was watching him suspiciously.

"W-yer friend there, what the heck is 'e?" Stan yelped, eyes popping at the sight of the red beaked creature near the small teen boy.

"First of all, my name's Brooklyn," he growled.

"And he's my brother, a gargoyle," Harry continued. Stan was simply open mouthed at this.

"By golly," he mumbled, looking Brooklyn up and down with amazement, never seeing a gargoyle like him before.

Rolling his eyes, Brooklyn quickly looked over to where the dog was, Harry looking too. But it was gone. Stan joined them, his brow raised.

"What 'choo looking at?" he asked. Brooklyn shook his head. For some reason, he saw something off about that dog, too. Its eyes almost looked human, like Scabbers.

"Nothing," Harry muttered.

"Well, then, come on, youngin'," said Stan, gesturing. He seemed unsure of Brooklyn coming on board, though.

Harry noticed and gripped Brooklyn's arm. "Wherever I go, he goes! He's coming on board, too!" He defended, glaring.

Stan then couldn't help but smile just a little at this boy's fierce devotion to this strange gargoyle.

"All righ', but he'd better act nice," Stan agreed, while trying to lift Harry's trunk. Brooklyn came over to help, grunting a little as he lifted the other end.

As they got it inside, Stan was somewhat grateful.

"Guess yer okay," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. Brooklyn smiled at him a little as he looked around, thinking there were chairs, but no. Beds were set up with a few witches and wizards sleeping on them.

Okay, this is something I'd never thought I'd see on a bus, Brooklyn admitted to himself as he and Harry both sat down on one. Stan handed them tickets and knocked on the window where the driver was.

"Take 'er away, Ern!" Stan called.

Brooklyn looked over to the front where a bearded man sat, taking a bite of his sandwich before pulling the lever, and a shrunken head that suddenly talked.

"Yeah! Take it away, Ernie! It's gonna be a bumpy ride!"

And before Brooklyn had time to grab onto anything, he gave a yelp as he fell off the bed onto his back, hitting his head as the bus zoomed off at high speed.

The bus zoomed along the streets of an unknown town, but when Brooklyn looked out, he thought he recognized two buildings, the Twin Towers before it was gone in a flash. Had they just passed through Manhattan? How?

Stan watched them curiously. "You, Brooklyn or whatever. What did you say yer friend's name was, again?"

Brooklyn held on tight, having flashbacks of that flying car from last year as he tried not to get sick. "I didn't!" He snapped irritably.

"Whereabouts are you two headed?"

"The Leaky Cauldron!" Brooklyn said, knowing that would be the perfect place for them all to meet with the Weasleys and then go to Diagon Alley together.

"That's in London!" Harry added.

Stan turned to the driver. "You 'ear that, Ern? 'The Leaky Cauldron, that's in London!'"

"Hey! You got the pea soup, make sure you eat it before it eats you!" The shrunken head cackled, as the bus continued along its way.

Stan even explained to them how they can travel without the Muggles seeing them at all. And Brooklyn now wondered what Xanatos and Lex would think of this strange bus.

At one point, they almost slammed into an old woman, and Ernie stopped the bus, causing Harry and Brooklyn to fall against the window of it. Once she was out of harm's way, the bus zoomed away again.

Harry suddenly noticed the photo on Stan's newspaper, Sirius Black, and Brooklyn realized he had forgotten to tell him.

"Who is that? That man?" Harry questioned.

Brooklyn looked at Harry in a serious way. "That's Sirius Black. Ron told me twelve years ago he murdered thirteen people, but that's about all I know about him."

Stan was open mouthed. "You don' know the rest? 'E was a big supporter of You-Know-Who, he was! Reckon yeh two have 'eard of him!"

Brooklyn's eyes darkened and a rush of anger flooded his heart. "All too well," he muttered, gripping the bed tightly as memories of Voldemort trying to possess him to do his dirty work plagued his thoughts. If this Black character was in league with this monster, then Brooklyn knew he can't be trusted.

He was snapped out of his thoughts by falling off the bed again, hitting the floor with Harry falling on top of him, the bus stopping at last at the Leaky Cauldron.

Brooklyn grunted as he struggled to pull himself up. "I officially hate magic cars," he grumbled, the wind knocked out of him. Harry managed to get off Brooklyn and helped him to his feet, Stan gesturing them out.

Tom greeted them at the entrance, and Brooklyn was glad to see his old friend again.

"It is wonderful to have you back, Brooklyn and Mr. Potter. The Minister wishes to speak with you. I'll take care of your things."

Brooklyn began to feel his nerves rise. Meeting the Minister of Magic? This was a big moment for him. Did he know about how he was taken over by Voldemort last year? He trembled a little at the idea of meeting the governor of this world as he and Harry both made their way to the office.

To Brooklyn's surprise, his and Harry's owl were there waiting for them. Wyvern hooted happily at the sight of him and landed on his shoulder. He stroked his owl, feeling somewhat comforted and not so nervous now.

Cornelius Fudge sat there as he looked up to see them.

"Ah, Harry Potter and Brooklyn! Such a delight to meet you two at last. You'll be happy to know Mr. Potter that your uncle's sister had been discovered floating over a chimney in Shimmery. The Accidental Magic Reversal team had successfully and properly punctured her and modified her memory. She will have no recollection of the incident whatsoever. So no harm done at all!"

Brooklyn stayed put near Harry though, still not assured. "But Harry got a warning about a hover charm in the past year. Isn't this yet another accidental magic that you take charges for?" He demanded, eyes narrowed. Brooklyn himself was surprised by his own bravery.

But all that Fudge did was laugh. "Oh, come now, the Ministry doesn't send people to Azkaban for blowing up their aunts! But, given the state of things, running away even with your guardian here was very irresponsible."

"But what's Black got to do with him?" Brooklyn questioned.

"Absolutely nothing. Now I had the liberty of getting your school supplies for you already. Tom will now take you to your room. And Brooklyn...."

Brooklyn froze in place while Harry went out with Tom. Oh no, he dreaded, turning to face the Minister. But his expression didn't change.

"Keep your eyes on young Mr. Potter this year. He will need the most protection with Black on the loose. I can tell you two really have a strong connection with each other." Fudge said in a tone that told Brooklyn he was keeping some sort of secret.

"Are you sure Black's not after Harry?" He growled. Fudge held up his hands.

"No! Just a temporary high protection only for this year. Now you should get some rest. And it was a pleasure to speak with you."

Fudge shook Brooklyn's hand as the red gargoyle made his way to catch up with Harry, who was settling in and sat down on the bed with him.

The two brothers then began to laugh, both having been through the craziest night of their lives, laughing for two minutes straight, happy that Harry wasn't expelled and that Brooklyn wasn't convicted for his interaction with Voldemort last year.

Harry then also asked Brooklyn about his trip with the Weasleys, and he explained about their trip as much as he could until it got late and they both turned in for the night, after Brooklyn wrote a quick letter to the Weasleys and Hermione saying he got Harry and to meet with them at the Leaky Cauldron for the last few days of summer. But for Brooklyn, he was just glad that he and Harry were back together.

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