Year Three Begins

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Brooklyn loved being back at the Burrow again, especially after the disastrous previous year. Being possessed by one particular Lord Voldemort can really take it out of you.

He lounged on the grass near the magnificent overgrown garden, spotting a few of those interesting creatures, gnomes that were causing mischief, as usual. Brooklyn felt as though he deserved this break with this wonderful human family after all that had happened.

A few things happened while he was there; he and Ron tried to call his brother, Harry Potter, who still unfortunately was required by Dumbledore to continue living there. Brooklyn still hated this situation, wishing Harry could come and stay with him at the Weasley's, but the best he could do was to get his little brother here as soon as possible each summer.

Brooklyn tried his best to teach Ron how to use a telephone correctly, but forgot to tell him not to yell, as Ron began to scream into the receiver.

Brooklyn had winced, as Ron continued to yell as though he were standing in a football field.

Maybe this was a bad idea, he thought, as Mr. Dursley's voice bellowed through the phone back at them.


The two of them then heard the phone being hung up as they both stared at each other, Brooklyn with a deadpan expression, while Ron looked sheepish.

"Probably shouldn't have shouted?"

"Ya think?"


Brooklyn chuckled to himself at that memory, but he hoped that Harry was doing okay. His device he got from Dumbledore in the first year hadn't been blinking very much, only once or twice, but didn't last very long, making him sigh a little in relief.

He continued to lie there, enjoying the sun, until suddenly, a sudden scream jerked him from his relaxation, making Brooklyn jump up in surprise.

"Arthur! Arthur! We won!"

What the heck have I missed? The red gargoyle thought to himself as he looked in the window, seeing Mrs. Weasley giving her husband a big hug. He couldn't help but smile at the sight, but they will have to explain later.

Mrs. Weasley called a family meeting, including Brooklyn, who sat next to Ginny. He then learned that Mr. Weasley had won a galleon prize draw at the Ministry. The gargoyle knew well that this family wasn't exactly rich with income, and he was happy for them for winning all that money. They deserved it in his opinion.

He also was invited on a trip with them to visit the eldest brother, Bill Weasley in Egypt, which he was excited about, for Egypt was where Goliath, Elisa, Angela, and Bronx had traveled on their Avalon World Tour, and was looking forward to seeing all those pyramids.

Brooklyn had written to Harry about what was going down and wrote he would tell Harry all about the trip and would come to get him as soon as he got back, since they were leaving in two days.

He had received his reply from Harry almost instantly:

Hello, Brook!

I'm glad you get to go to Egypt with the Weasleys. Don't worry about me not being able to come. I'll be fine and I can handle myself around my cousin well enough. This is your chance to spend time with the Weasleys and to kick back on your own vacation after your ordeal with Tom last year.

Have a great time!

Your brother, Harry Potter

Brooklyn smiled, happy that Harry was willing to let him have his own vacation, as he folded his letter and placed it in his saddlebag before falling asleep, ready to go to Egypt.

They woke up early on Friday, taking a Portkey right there, fortunately making it to Egypt on time where Bill and Charlie waited for them.

Brooklyn's eyes widened in amazement at the city they'd been sent to, seeing all sorts of stands selling interesting items, to a pyramid way out in the distance.

Now he considered himself the luckiest gargoyle again to be able to go on an expensive world trip to Egypt with a big family of humans and stay in a nice hotel!

That's when Ron tugged on his arm, for he was too busy staring at the many interesting things in the display carts, especially at a gold and emerald bracelet.

"Hey, we're all waiting for you," he called. Brooklyn chuckled embarrassedly, but he was too excited about being in Egypt for it to last very long as he spotted two other redheads near the hotel entrance.

"Hi, Mum!" called the oldest one with long hair. Mrs. Weasley gave him a big hug in greeting.

"Oh Bill, I didn't know that Charlie would be here, too!" She cried, giving the other a hug. Brooklyn stood back a little, still not so sure how these two would react to his appearance.

"I couldn't help but follow you here after hearing about my family winning!" Charlie grinned. Suddenly, he spotted Brooklyn, and his mouth fell open.

Oh boy, here it comes, he thought, as Charlie walked over.

"You're that gargoyle my brother Ron told me about? He was right! You really do look like a dragon!"

Brooklyn ended up blushing at his comment. Even though he denied it a lot, he guessed that because of his wings, beaked face, and horns, it really did give him a dragon-like appearance. Perhaps that wasn't so bad now that he thought about it!

"So you're Brooklyn, right?" He nodded as the two shook hands. "I have to ask, Charlie, how's that baby dragon Hagrid hatched, Norbert?" Brooklyn suddenly questioned at random.

Charlie started to laugh. "Well, we call him Norberta now, for he turned out to be a girl dragon!"

"Wow, really? Hagrid's gonna flip when I tell him later!" Brooklyn exclaimed, surprised at this revelation.

"He would, because females are usually the most aggressive ones."

Then he shook hands with Bill, whom to Brooklyn saw was a lot different from Charlie, long hair, and a not so burned face, but didn't seem so judgmental looking and greeted him openly.

I think I like them, Brooklyn decided, as he and Charlie and Bill began to talk to each other some more as the family began to check into their hotel.

They stayed in Egypt through the first half of the month of July, Brooklyn making the most of it by exploring the many novelty shops and trying to find the perfect present to give to Harry for his birthday, which as usual is on the 31st, but Brooklyn didn't want to wait until the last minute to send his, since Egypt is quite far from Privet Drive, and Wyvern would have a lot of flying to do, not that he didn't mind, of course! For Wyvern liked Harry, and always looked forward to sending letters to him.

He eventually picked out a fancy set of potion scales to give him and had Wyvern deliver it. His brother was turning 13 years old, and Brooklyn already missed that little ten-year-old kid he met when he first arrived.

Ron had already sent his gift a while ago with Errol before they left, a sneakoscope that kept lighting up whenever someone untrustworthy was around. Brooklyn himself only seemed to notice it light up around Scabbers, especially at one night when he had dinner with the Weasleys, and it suddenly lit up, startling everybody. He felt though there had always been something off about that rat, especially his odd human scent that wasn't coming from any of the Weasleys.

One time while touring most of the local pyramids, they encountered one that had all kinds of skeletons in there, and Brooklyn caught Fred and George, who tried to lock Percy inside, and Mrs. Weasley yelled herself hoarse at them for quite a while.

Brooklyn then remembered one particular sphinx pyramid that Goliath told him about where he had encountered the Pack and a man who tried to make a deal with Anubis to get his son back from the dead. And he wanted to explore this Sphinx pyramid for himself, since by now Goliath hadn't gone on his World Tour yet.

He mentioned this to Bill, who was extremely interested.

"If it involves possibly seeing a real Egyptian god, I'm in!" He proclaimed in an adventurous voice. Brooklyn grinned.

"Well, shall we check if there's any of those to be found?"

Bill grinned back at him. "We shall!"

Eventually, Brooklyn and Bill were able to find the Sphinx. Bill used a spell to get them in, where he and Brooklyn explored, venturing through the dark hallway to the main room.

Brooklyn stared around in amazement. He could hardly believe that Goliath fought the Pack and Anubis when he possessed Jackal. But since that hadn't happened yet in this time, that meant Anubis's spirit still lived here, guarding the Pyramids. In a way, he hoped that him and Anubis wouldn't cross paths.

Brooklyn was wrong about his theory when he got too curious and touched an ancient idol statue near the altar, where there was a sudden flash of light, and the duo backed away, eyes widening as the swirling magic took the form of a large humanoid black jackal, with glowing white eyes as it stared down at them.

"You are trespassing this tomb, human and gargoyle," the spirit growled in a deep voice, though its mouth didn't move. Brooklyn's nerves jolted as he and Bill backed away, though Bill was more excited than he was.

"Oh... my... gosh! This is... Wicked!" exclaimed Bill, a huge grin on his face at the sight of the Jackal spirit. Brooklyn just stared at him in astonishment.

"Are you kidding?" He yelped, before turning back to Anubis, a nervous grin on his face.

"Uh, heh heh, sorry about that, we were only exploring," Brooklyn apologized in a nervous voice. Anubis's expression didn't change.

"All trespassers and grave robbers in these Pyramids will either leave or face my wrath!" Anubis bellowed, eyes beginning to glow even more. Brooklyn immediately began ushering Bill toward the exit.

"We totally respect you, uh, jackal god. We were just about to leave right now!" He proclaimed, mostly to Bill as well.

But Anubis's patience was wearing thin. "I now make you leave!" And then he shot out magic, which began to bring to life a bunch of jackal dog statues, which ran on all fours towards Bill and Brooklyn.

"Like the famous Snagglepuss once said, Exit, stage left!" Brooklyn cried out, dragging Bill with him as the jackal statues went after them, barking viciously.

The duo ran as fast as they could, with occasional moments where Brooklyn had to fight off a few of those mangy mutts, before sighing in relief at the sight of the exit.

"Close the door!" Brooklyn yelled to Bill, who drew his wand, shouted a spell, and the door shut for good, and they could hear the jackal statues breaking as they slammed into the door.

The two panted heavily, grateful to be back out in the Egyptian sun once again. They looked at each other before starting to laugh.

"Never thought you'd see a real Egyptian god, eh?" Brooklyn asked humorously. Bill shook his head.

But that's when a strange light began to fly toward them. Brooklyn growled, as it transformed into a weasel. Bill's eyes widened. "That's Dad's Patronus!" he exclaimed.

Brooklyn was confused. "What's a Patronus?"

Then the silver weasel spoke in Mr. Weasley's voice:

"YOU HAVE TO COME BACK TO THE HOTEL, NOW!" Bill immediately looked worried, and he glanced at Brooklyn.

"Is there trouble?" Brooklyn asked as the silver weasel disappeared.

"There must be, if Dad sent his Patronus all the way out here, but we have no time to glide back. Just grab hold..." Brooklyn took Bill's arm, and all of a sudden, the gargoyle felt like he was being pulled through a suction pipe, darkness squeezing his lungs, making him feel nauseous.

And, in seconds, they reappeared back near their hotel. Brooklyn staggered a little. "What the heck was that?" he gasped.

"Apparition, it lets you disappear and reappear wherever you want, but it is a tricky process," Bill explained in a quick voice as they hurried into the hotel to their room, where they came across Mr. Weasley pacing and holding both a newspaper and a glass of beer, his face looking worried.

Brooklyn moved over to Ginny. "What's going on?" Ginny shrugged.

"Not sure, but Dad does look worried."

Ron suddenly showed up, panic on his features.

"Guys! It's Sirius Black!"

The gargoyle raised his brow. "Uh, yeah? Who's he? And what about him?" He asked, still in the dark here.

"H-he escaped Azkaban. I managed to read most of the headline over Dad's shoulders before he caught me."

"But how? Wasn't he in a high security prison?" Ginny asked. Brooklyn narrowed his eyes.

"Can somebody please tell me who he is?" He demanded, folding his arms.

"Couldn't get the entire story, but he's a murderer. He killed 13 people with one curse and was put in Azkaban with no trial next to Bellatrix Lestrange. His old friend, Peter Pettigrew had been caught in the crossfire, and was destroyed, too. But now he is out, and nobody knows where he is, so Dad's trying to get us a Portkey home as soon as he can!"

Brooklyn's eyes glowed. If this guy murdered thirteen humans and even the best security couldn't keep him in prison, this was definitely trouble for him and Harry!

Mr. Weasley then came in with a bag, which could be the Portkey.

"It was great to see you all again, and I really enjoyed our adventure, Brooklyn!" Bill said, shaking his hand. Brooklyn nodded, grinning. So far, he enjoyed Bill's good nature, even if he is a little over adventurous. Charlie also wished them all goodbye since he was going back to Romania.

"Stay safe, you all!" Bill waved, as Brooklyn and the Weasleys gathered around the Portkey.

They all grabbed it, and once again, Brooklyn found himself flying through the air, and then they landed once more at the Burrow. Brooklyn sighed a little at being back again.

Don't get him wrong, Egypt was amazing, but he was glad to be back here, especially if a mass murderer was on the loose! Brooklyn felt like he could take on a human who probably starved in prison, but sometimes you just can't risk certain things.

They stayed put there for a week, since they planned a trip to Diagon Alley after that and Brooklyn was hanging out in Ron's room that evening when he noticed how sick Scabbers was. In fact, ever since they learned about Sirius and their trip to Egypt, Scabbers was losing weight, and his fur looked quite terrible and he seemed even more scared of Brooklyn, too.

"Hey, Ron, your rat still looks pretty sick," Brooklyn observed, watching the pathetic creature shivering, eyes popping. Ron nodded.

"I know, I'm going to get his rat tonic when we head out to Diagon Alley this coming week."

But then, something happened, Brooklyn's device began to blink rapidly, nonstop. The gargoyle growled at this, eyes flashing.

"What's up?" Ron asked curiously.

"It's Harry, he's in trouble. I have to get to him!" Brooklyn exclaimed, feeling anxiety in his voice, his device still not settling down.

"I'll get Mum!" Ron said, his eyes wide as he quickly ran out, while Brooklyn paced back and forth, wondering what was taking so long.

She came up a while later with a familiar old boot, her eyes filled with concern for Harry.

"Ron told me what was going on, and I think you need to go to him, Brooklyn," she said, holding out the boot and Brooklyn guessed right away that it was a Portkey.

"But should I accompany you just in case he—." Brooklyn asked, but Mrs. Weasley shook her head.

"Harry needs you more than we do, Brooklyn. But I really hope you can come back again next summer for the Quidditch World Cup for next year. It has been wonderful having you with us in Egypt," she assured, smiling at him.

Brooklyn was suddenly quite interested at the idea of the Quidditch World Cup. A sporting event not held at Hogwarts in the magical world sounded quite thrilling to him.

"No way I will miss it, Mrs. Weasley," Brooklyn answered, taking the Portkey.

"This will take you right to Privet Drive. Please keep each other safe!" She hugged him, and Brooklyn hugged her back.

"It's a gargoyle's honor," he assured. She smiled proudly as he felt himself leaving the Burrow and flying in the familiar swirl of wind and color...

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