The Dark Lord Ascending

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A dark shadow flew above the trees, landing near a tall intimidating gate leading to a magnificent looking manor. As the shadow landed, it revealed Severus Snape, walking towards the manor, striding through the gate quite confidently. Someone else landed, too. This one had wings, red hair and glowing red eyes. She stood, meeting him across the pathway to the manor.

"News?" She asked in a sinister voice. Severus nodded. "The best." Another Death Eater with them named Yaxley frowned. "It better be good," he growled.

When Demona had heard of Goliath and the others joining Brooklyn at Hogwarts, she had been quite furious, she had hoped they wouldn't find Brooklyn so he wouldn't have his family for back up, and have only the London Clan and those humans that she can easily take care of. She now needed a plan B of how to get Brooklyn defenseless, separated from Potter and at her mercy once more.

The unusual couple then proceeded inside the manor, meeting another man with flowing white hair and holding a cane with a snake's head, gesturing them inside.

"He is waiting for you," the man told them. Demona narrowed her eyes, as she and Severus walked through, until entering a room with a long table, seating several people, with one at the head, a sinister figure with evil red eyes and slits for nostrils, folding his hands together. Demona cast her eyes about, spotting Nagini curled on the floor near the fire, and a human woman floating above the table, nearly unconscious. They had captured her from Hogwarts a while ago.

Voldemort smiled at them. "Severus, Demona. We feared you two had lost your way. Come, we've saved you two seats next to me."

A woman with messy black hair glared spitefully at the gargess who sat next to Voldemort, while Severus sat next to her. Bellatrix had continued to be quite jealous that Voldemort still preferred Demona over herself, even having her kill that Bones woman before she could have the pleasure.

Demona spotted the Malfoy child sitting with his parents, face whiter than usual. He didn't look happy to be there at all. Something tugged at her again, wondering why she was still getting this emotion towards this pathetic human child. He was just another human after all. And she still desired death to all of them. Voldemort then spoke again.

"You bring news I trust, Severus?"

Severus nodded. "Yes, it will happen Saturday next at nightfall." But then Yaxley interrupted.

"I heard differently, my Lord. Dawlish the Auror had let slip that the Potter boy won't be moved from the 30th of this month the day before he turns 17." Severus narrowed his eyes.

"This is a false trail. The Auror office no longer plays any part in the protection of Harry Potter. Those closest to him believe we have infiltrated the Ministry."

Demona turned as another Death Eater spoke. "Well, they got that one right, didn' they?" He chuckled darkly, causing the others to laugh.

Voldemort gazed over to a man dressed smartly in a suit, eyes half way closed, and he had a small beard. "What say you, Pius?"

Demona remembered the day they got Pius Thickness under Voldemort's control, for she was there in a human disguise, watching Yaxley thrust Crucio and Imperio mercilessly onto a frozen Pius, until at last he gave in. She frowned slightly as she remembered how vicious Yaxley looked as he kept thrusting his wand at Pius.

That is why you want humans gone, for doing violent things like this, said the voice in her head.

"One hears many things, My Lord, whether the truth among them is not clear," he said in a monotone voice. Demona couldn't help but smirk at his helplessness. It pleasured her to see humans suffer after what their ancestors did to her kind.

Voldemort gave a smile. "Spoken like a true politician, you will prove most useful Pius. Where will he be taken, the boy?"

"Most likely to a home of someone in the Order, and he is to be accompanied by his protector, Brooklyn. Once there, it would be impractical to attack him." Snape informed, causing Demona to hiss softly at the mere mention of her rival's name.

Then Bellatrix spoke. "My Lord, I want to volunteer myself for this task. I want to kill the boy, and that no good freak for stopping me from getting rid of my cousin," she spat viciously. Demona stood sharply. No one was to kill Brooklyn but her!

"You'd stay away from my victim!" She snarled dangerously at the crazy human woman, who also stood.

"Silence!" Voldemort snapped at them. "As much as I admire your blood lust, Bellatrix, I must be the one to kill Harry Potter, and I promised Demona she can have that red gargoyle for herself." At that moment a man's weak voice screamed pitifully.

"Wormtail! Have I not spoken to you about keeping our guest quiet?" He hissed sharply at the cowering pitiful man with the silver hand nearby. He got up shakily. "Y-yes, m-my Lord r-right away m-my Lord." He whimpered, getting up to detain their guest.

For they were holding Ollivander hostage here, and had him for nearly a whole two years now, Voldemort interrogating him tirelessly.

Voldemort had stood up. "Anyway, I face an unfortunate complication. That my wand and Potter's share the same core. They are in a way, twins. We can wound, but not fatally harm one another," he said. Demona narrowed her eyes at this. Now this was something her ally hadn't told her before. How could there be wands with the same core?

He strode among the Death Eaters after putting his wand down. "In order for me to kill him properly, I must do it with another's wand." Several of the Death Eaters looked rather nervous. "Come on now, surely one of you would like the honor? What about you, Lucius?"

Lucius flinched softly as Voldemort spoke his name, Demona watching from afar, face expressionless, wings around her shoulders. Draco was watching the gargess with timid eyes, still wondering why she had taken him with her that night when she hated humans.

Voldemort held out his hand. "I require your wand," he purred, and Lucius drew his wand hidden inside his cane, that had a silver snake's head attached. He handed it to Voldemort who studied it.

"Do I detect elm?"

Lucius gulped. "Y-yes."

Voldemort broke off the snake head, throwing it onto the table in disgust. "And the core?"

"D-dragon heartstring, m-my Lord," he stuttered. Voldemort made a sound in his mouth before he suddenly used it on their hostage, floating her toward him.

Demona studied the young woman whose face was bruised, bloodied, and semi conscious. "For those of you who don't know, we are joined tonight by Miss Charity Burbage who recently taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Her class was Muggle Studies." The Death Eaters all laughed at this.

Voldemort gave a leering grin. "It is Miss Burbage's belief that Muggles aren't so different from us. She would, given her way, have us mate with them," he hissed, the laughter continuing, while Demona glanced down now at the table, remembering how she pretended to fall in love with Macbeth. And it got her wondering if it could work between a gargoyle and a human. Instantly she shoved that thought out as though it were poison.

"To her, the mixture of magical and Muggle blood is not an abomination," huffed Voldemort, as Charity opened her eyes, looking to Severus. Demona watched the scene unfold.

"S-Severus. P-Please! W-we're friends!" Whimpered Charity, but Severus hardly acknowledged her as if she didn't exist. Voldemort raised his wand, growling.

"Avada Kedavra!" He yelled, the flash of green light striking Charity, her body crashing onto the table, making Draco flinch. Even Demona flinched, but not as much as Draco. She didn't fancy this killing spell too much, and preferred either guns or her own talons. The snake slithered onto the table, tongue flickering out, as Voldemort traced a hand along the reptile's scaly head.

"Nagini, dinner," he purred. Demona quietly made her leave to think, hearing the snake hiss, and the crunching sounds of her eating Charity's corpse. Voldemort was too busy watching this to notice Demona leave.

She stood out there in the hallway, constantly seeing Brooklyn in her head. Demona snarled. Soon, soon she will destroy Brooklyn. And this time, she wouldn't fail again after the first two times!

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