Year Seven Begins

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(I already posted my whole story on fanfiction, just copying and pasting the chapters here.


Brooklyn stood in the living room of number 4, watching Harry trying to explain the situation to his relatives, for they were to leave to a safe area far away from Voldemort with a pair of Ministry Officials because once his little brother turned 17, the protection over the house was gone.

Kingsley couldn't be there with the Dursley for he was protecting the Muggle Prime Minister and part of Harry's escort. Currently his Clan was at Hogwarts, protecting it in his place while they hunted Horcruxes to defeat their enemies for good. He gave a small sigh, it seemed only yesterday he was sitting on the Hogwarts express for the first time in this wizarding world, listening to Ron and Harry talking about exotic candy and such, and now here they were, the darkest hour about to come down upon them all.

After a while, Harry finally managed to get Vernon to agree into going with Diggle and Hestia, for Dudley had spoken, saying he wanted to go, that surprised the red gargoyle greatly. Harry glanced at the clock mantlepiece.

"They'll be here, soon. Brooklyn, I'm gonna pack, can you, uh, entertain them until they get here?" Brooklyn winced, not liking the idea of being alone with the Dursleys of all people, but nodded reluctantly, awkwardly flapping his wings as Harry left.

The Dursleys just stared at Brooklyn for a time, who cleared his throat, while looking about the room.

Dudley peeked out from behind his mother, timidly speaking up.

"Uh, B-Brooklyn?" He said in a small voice, startling him a little at hearing Dudley saying his name for the first time.

"Yeah?" He said. Dudley stepped out from behind his mother, cautiously moving forward.

Okay, this is weird right now. Did those Dementors kick out his rude behavior or something? Brooklyn wondered, raising his brow.

"H-how did you two become, well, brothers?" Dudley asked. Brooklyn noticed the curiosity in the boy's gaze, he didn't look hostile at all, despite Vernon glaring after him, while Petunia wrung her hands together.

Brooklyn sighed a bit before speaking.

"He found and helped me, Dudley. I wound up in a pretty tight spot with a trickster named Puck."

Dudley stared. "You mean from a Midsummer's Night's Dream? He's real?" He gaped. Sure, he preferred T.V., but any kind of story that had action and anything else like that, sometimes can spark his interest, mostly when his old teacher had assigned it to his class once, he couldn't help but take a peek at the book she had loaned out to the class for homework while trying to avoid it.

Brooklyn nodded. "Yeah, Puck, Oberon, Titania are as real as you and me are." Vernon made a disbelieving snort but Brooklyn ignored him.

"Puck cast a spell on me, taking away my ability to turn to stone, sending me here. When I felt lost and ridiculed of help, your cousin happened across me in my worst time, and somehow, our bond towards one another just, clicked, and we slowly became brothers. And since then, we've protected one another, once Harry saved me from being controlled by that Dark Wizard he told you about."

Petunia's eyes popped. "Y-you were—?" She whimpered, not liking the idea of a Dark Wizard brainwashing you to do his bidding. Even Vernon felt himself paling as the gargoyle nodded again, still feeling rather ashamed about it. "He nearly destroyed my soul, forcing me to Petrify innocent children with his serpent, but my brother defeated him in the end."

Petunia gave small panicked gasps, while Vernon for a time didn't know what to say, first killing Potter's parents to using his gargoyle friend as an unwilling puppet, it just sounded too crazy to be real.

Dudley was silent for a moment before murmuring, "You must really love him, then, more than we did, huh?"

Brooklyn smiled gently. "Yeah, I do. We're brothers, it's what brothers do." Dudley felt his heart warm a little at this creature's words. Just talking to him felt like talking to another human. And now, he felt rather ashamed of the way he treated his cousin, and wanted Harry to go with them, so they can start over.

At that moment, the doorbell rang, and two people came in as Harry came back down the stairs, it was Diggle and Hestia.

"Harry Potter and Brooklyn! An honor as ever!" Squeaked Diggle, bowing low. The brothers smiled at one another. Still the same Diggle.

"It's good of you to come, Daedalus, they're through here, my aunt, uncle, and cousin..." Harry said, gesturing them inside, where they introduced themselves to the Dursleys along with explaining that they are leaving before Harry and Brooklyn did. Brooklyn had a small laugh when Diggle asked Vernon if he knew how to drive.

Diggle turned to the brothers. "Now, you, Harry, are to remain here with your brother and wait for your guard. There has been a few rearrangements..."

Brooklyn stepped forward. "What do you mean? Weren't we going to do side along Apparation?" He asked. Harry nodded. But Hestia shook her head.

"Can't do it, Mad-Eye will explain everything." She said. Now the gargoyle felt confused. What had happened? He then jumped, a hand over his chest as a voice shouted "Hurry Up!" That had happened to be from Diggle's watch. He had grinned at Brooklyn's reaction while the red gargoyle glared, blushing, feeling rather embarrassed jumping in front of the Dursleys.

Diggle and Hestia then offered to wait in the hallway, but Vernon grabbed Harry's hand awkwardly, shaking it, while loudly saying goodbye. Brooklyn couldn't help but smirk at the vision. He guessed that Vernon was still too scared of him to not say at least one goodbye.

"Ready, Duddy?" Petunia asked, but the kid was just standing there, watching the two brothers. Vernon huffed. "Come on, then!"

Dudley glanced down. "I just don't understand."

Brooklyn furrowed his brow. What was up with the kid now? He thought, as Dudley pointed to the two of them.

"Aren't they coming with us?"

The brothers glanced at one another, Brooklyn clearing his throat awkwardly. He had barely known Dudley for a few minutes, and already he wanted a gargoyle to accompany them to wherever they're going? Vernon and Petunia were just as shocked.


"Why aren't they coming with us?" Dudley repeated.

"Well, uh, they don't want to." Vernon glowered at them, making Brooklyn frown a little, a hand on Harry's shoulder as if daring him.

"You don't want to, do you boy?" He growled, and immediatley, Harry shook his head. "Not in the slightest."

Dudley still didn't move. "But where is he going to go?"

Brooklyn stared slightly, still not sure whether to take this new Dudley seriously, while the conversation between the others went on.

"Don't these people realize what danger you've been through? What danger you're in? The unique position you hold in the hearts of the anti-Voldemort movement?"

Brooklyn saw his brother shrug. "Er—no, they don't. They think I'm a waste of space, but I'm—."

"I don't think you're a waste of space," Dudley suddenly said, and Brooklyn couldn't help but grin just a little. Perhaps he did have to thank the dementors for this change of attitude in Harry's cousin. The moment was ruined however as Petunia gave an over dramatic sob and hugged Dudley.

"S-so sweet, Dudders..." Petunia sobbed, making Brooklyn grimace, and apparently Dudley had the same look. "Lovely boy... saying thank you..."

Hestia was pretty angry looking. "But he didn't say thank you! He only said that Harry's not a waste of space!"

Brooklyn and Harry both shrugged. "Well, It's the best he can do at the moment," the gargoyle said. After that, Harry and Dudley awkwardly shook hands, then Dudley turned once more to Brooklyn.

"Protect my cousin, please?" He asked, holding out his own hand. Brooklyn smiled as he took it. "Been doing that already, and will keep doing it for as long as I live." Dudley gave a crooked smile back at him, and he then left with his parents, once Diggle and Hestia said their own farewells, leaving the brothers alone in the now empty Number 4 after Petunia said one more quick goodbye. Brooklyn and Harry both proceeded upstairs to watch the car leave Privet Drive possibly forever.

The next few minutes involved the brothers just hanging out, waiting for their escorts along with packing. Brooklyn's owl Wyvern was in his own cage with Hedwig. Harry even took the liberty of showing Brooklyn his old cupboard, which looked too small for him now.

Brooklyn had shaken his head in disapproval. "I still am pretty furious that they made you sleep in this thing," he huffed, glancing around the closet in disgust, spotting an occasional spider.

"Yeah, but they're gone, so no more sleeping in the closet!" Harry said enthusiastically, lightly punching Brooklyn on the arm, and they both laughed.

Then he heard sounds outside, and guessed it was their escort. Harry and Brooklyn opened the door, to be greeted by their friends, Hermione and Ron of course, along with Mad-Eye Moody, Bill and Fleur, the Twins, Kingsley, Hagrid, and even to Brooklyn's surprise, Mundungus Fletcher. Brooklyn gave a grin at the sight of their friends.

Brooklyn had now noticed Bill's scars, almost like his. "What happened to you, Bill?" He asked after greeting the eldest Weasley brother with enthusiasm. For he and Harry had been in a rush to get to Snape they never heard what had happened to Bill. Bill grinned. "Got into a tangle with Greyback. Brody had rescued me before he could really finish me off. So I hope to return the favor soon."

"I can help with that," said Brooklyn, folding his arms, mad at Greyback for hurting Bill. Fleur hugged her fiancé. "I still love him, a few scars won't change how I feel." Lupin stepped up. "Bill may have the occasional wolf like habits, like raw steak."

Then Tonks surprised Brooklyn and Harry with her diamond ring. "Y-you got married?" Brooklyn gaped in surprise, while Harry just stared. She smiled. "Yes, we had a small wedding. We wanted you two to be there, but—." Moody growled impatiently. "Alright, alright, enough of this cozy chit chat, we got to get the hell out of here!"

"So what's the deal? What change of plans have occured?" Brooklyn demanded, swishing his tail, as Moody explained.

"Potter still has the Trace on him, which means the Ministry is able to track him no matter what he does, Apparation and Floo Powder are being traced by the Ministry too, so we need to use transportation the Trace can't detect, Brooms, Thestrals, and Hagrid's motorcycle." Brooklyn nodded, recalling one time when Harry told him about how he always dreamed of a flying motorcycle sometimes.

"We will all be in pairs, and if there's anybody waitin' for us out there, I reckon there will be, they won't know which Harry Potter is the real one," Moody finished, pulling out the old flask. Brooklyn felt his stomach drop at this, now realizing what Moody was talking about, while Harry looked confused.

"The real one?" He questioned. Moody smiled, opening the flask. "I believe you're familiar with this particular brew?"

Harry had immediately shaken his head. "No, absolutely not!" While Brooklyn agreed with him, using Polyjuice to turn his friends into his brother was nuts!

Ron spoke. "We've done this kind of thing before, mate," Harry glared.

"This is different, taking the potion and becoming me? Hell no!" He snapped.

Fred smirked. "Yeah, none of us fancy it, either mate."

"Imagine if something went wrong and we end up as scrawny specked gits forever!" George exclaimed over dramatically.

Brooklyn frowned at Moody.

"Will I have to turn into Harry, too?" He asked. But Moody shook his head. "No, Brooklyn. I have a dissolution charm in mind for you, you will protect Harry while being invisible, so the Ministry or You-Know-Who won't know you're with us, since you're also on the most wanted list."

This felt somewhat better for the gargoyle, grateful that he didn't have to take Polyjuice Potion again, as Hermione suddenly ripped out some hairs from Harry's head, handing them to Moody, who gave the potion to the Twins, Fleur, Ron, Hermione and Mundungus, who didn't want any part at first.

"Look 'ere, I never volunteered for this madness—!" He was interrupted as Hagrid whacked him in the head, but not too hard, in case it knocked him out. "Shut it, slime," Moody snarled. "Like I said, any Death Eaters we run into would want to capture Potter, not kill him. Dumbledore said that You-Know-Who wanted Potter in person, just do what you have to do." And with that, grumbling under his breath, Mundungus reluctantly took the potion with the others.

Brooklyn and Harry both stared, wide eyed, as the transforming took place, Hermione and Mundungus shot upwards, Ron and the Twins were shrinking, and the girl's hair was shooting back up into their skulls. Until six Harry Potters stood before Brooklyn, counting the real one which made seven.

The Seven Harry Potters, never thought I'd live long enough to see this! Brooklyn thought numbly, unable to move from disbelief for a moment, as Fred and George looked at one another, grinning.

"Wow! We're identical!" They both said in unison. Moody rolled his eyes, throwing clothes to them. "Not yet, you're not, now all you lot change, you too, Harry." The six Potters stripped and changed into the spare clothes, while they checked themselves out. Brooklyn was particularly disturbed by Fleur and Ron's reactions.

Ron had looked downwards on his chest, frowning. "I knew Ginny was lying about that tattoo!" With Fleur saying, "Bill, look away, I'm 'ideous!" While seeing herself in the dishwasher reflection.

Hermione put on the glasses right away, and her comment made Brooklyn glad he didn't turn into his little brother. "Harry, no offense, but your eyesight really is awful!"

Moody beckoned Brooklyn forward, who felt just a tinge of nervousness, but also anticipation. "This will work, right?" He asked nervously. Moody nodded. "I've got this handled, sonny." Brooklyn gave a grunt of pain as Moody hit him on the head with his staff, rubbing it with his hand. "Could've been a bit more gentle!" He huffed, before suddenly feeling a cool trickling sensation down his body, reaching all the way to his toes as if somebody poured water on him.

Brooklyn then held up his hand, mouth agape, as it seemed to have blended into the background. Harry (the original) was staring in amazement too at his brother becoming a gargoyle chameleon.

"Right," growled Moody, turning to the others. "Each Potter will have a protector. Mundungus, stick with me so I can keep an eye on you. And as for Brooklyn and Harry—."

The six Potters looked up. "Yes?" They all asked at once, making Brooklyn chuckle slightly. Moody narrowed his eyes. "The real Harry? Where the devil are yeh?"

Harry came forward, and Moody told the brothers that they'll be with Hagrid, Brooklyn would fly alongside them and knock any Death Eater off their brooms when necessary. Brooklyn grinned a little from this, that sounded fair to him to be able to take out a few Death Eaters.

Everybody filed out in separate pairs, some on brooms, and some on Thestrals, while Harry sat on the motorcycle with Hagrid. They had let their owls fly off ahead of them. Brooklyn prayed for Wyvern and Hedwig to be safe together. There had been times where he noticed how close together the two owls were, and he smiled, thinking about a possible family happening for them, picturing little owlets and Wyvern being a father.

He positioned himself next to Hagrid, as Moody stood in front of everybody to give the signal.

"We rendezvous at the Burrow, everyone! On the count of three!" Moody yelled, slamming his staff on the ground. Hagrid started up the cycle. Sirius had told him about the Motorcycle in one of his many stories in Harry's third year that it was able to fly.

"One! Two! Three!"

The group took to the air, Brooklyn raising his wings, and soaring up into the night sky flying almost as fast as the Motorcycle, taking care to keep it in plain sight.

It was quiet for a few minutes in the clouds, until there was a cloud break, and Brooklyn felt his jaw drop.

"Jalapeña!" Brooklyn groaned in horror, at the sight of at least 30 or 40 Death Eaters on brooms, firing spells at their friends. He narrowly swerved out of the way of a green spell, suddenly grabbing onto the motorcycle cart, heart thumping wildly, grateful now for the disillusion charm. But that didn't make his entire body transparent, though!

Hagrid swerved past the Death Eaters, while occasionally, Brooklyn saw one about to fire but tackling him and throwing the Death Eater to the ground, who had no idea what hit him.

As they got closer to the Burrow, Hedwig and Wyvern at one point struck at another Death Eater. Brooklyn watched as the Death Eater shot a green light at Hedwig, but before it could hit her, Wyvern flew in the way, screeching as the spell hit him in the chest.

"Wyvern! No!" Brooklyn shouted, diving down and catching his owl's body, holding him close to his chest. Hedwig hooted fearfully, settling herself next to her owner in the side car, eyes round, for she had seen Wyvern taking the killing curse for her, and the snowy owl's heart broke, realizing how much now she loved that uptight reckless barn owl, even if It might not have shown much at first.

As soon as Brooklyn had shouted out loud, the Death Eater instantly knew, shooting something else at where the barn owl body was floating, spraying Brooklyn with a liquid that removes any kind of enchantment (except for his flight spell which was long lasting, even if the spellcaster dies). Brooklyn grunted, coughing as the disillusion charm wore off, landing on the side car and shaking his head, gently placing Wyvern's body in the side car, glaring hard at the one who killed him.

But the Death Eater didn't press the attack, instead he backed away, confusing the brothers, until Harry gave a scream of pain, his scar on fire, making Brooklyn's blood freeze with fear, knowing who is close, him.

The gargoyle saw Voldemort flying, without a broom or Thestral, his glowing red eyes seemed to stab right into Brooklyn's soul as he flinched, hands shaking slightly with fear, as Hagrid gave a shout of fright, trying to steer away. Harry's eyes were watering with pain, and Brooklyn noticed his wand moving, but not out of Harry's control. A beam of red light shot out, hitting Voldemort's green one, pushing it back.

What? How could his wand do that? Brooklyn thought in disbelief as Harry's spell destroyed the wand, and Hagrid was able to speed up the bike and get them out, Voldemort screaming in utter rage behind them.

Then the engine sputtered out, Voldemort disappeared, and the trio braced themselves as the cycle fell towards the earth, hitting the ground, Brooklyn gasping in utter pain as his arm hit against the motorcycle in the wrong way, feeling himself flying off of it, slamming into the muddy ground with Harry calling for him.

His head spun, dizziness spreading from the pain and fall, disoriented voices traveling through the air... his vision flickered, left arm on fire, seeing a figure walking toward him, catching Brooklyn as he slumped forward from exhaustion after trying to stand. The figure spoke to him comfortingly... but he could barely register, blacking out almost instantly.


"Brooklyn... Brooklyn!"

Brooklyn's forehead throbbed, struggling to regain consciousness while someone shook him desperately, but gently. As his vision returned, he saw Harry and Hagrid looked down at him with scared looks.

"G-guys?" He moaned, a hand on his head, as Harry sighed in relief, that Brooklyn wasn't dead. There was another man there, watching him anxiously along with a woman that looked like his wife. Brooklyn tried to sit up, but winced painfully, lying back down on the sofa.

The man smiled. "You're okay, I helped bring you and your friends inside, it was quite a nasty crash."

"Your left arm was dislocated too, Brook, but while you were out Hagrid managed to fix it. We're also at Tonk's parent's house, and they got a Portkey for us," Harry added in, as Brooklyn at last found his strength to sit up, rubbing his left shoulder. Then Hagrid asked the question.

"Brook... where's Wyvern? Hedwig's here, did he get lost?" Brooklyn clenched his eyes tightly shut, imagining his now dead owl companion. "He got hit saving Hedwig," he mumbled. Hagrid's eyes softened in sadness, since he was the one who gifted Brooklyn with Wyvern in the first place, while Harry took his hand comfortingly.

"I'm sorry, I know yeh liked him," he murmured. He nodded, but Brooklyn knew he had to grieve his owl later.

Mr. Tonks took up a black comb, the Portkey for them. "This will take you right to the Burrow, if you're able to stand, Brooklyn," he said. The red gargoyle nodded, grunting slightly as he got to his feet, but felt alright.

The Portkey began to glow blue, and the trio all touched it, Hedwig on Harry's shoulders, as they all flew in the swirl of color, at last landing in the yard of the Burrow, where Mrs. Weasley was waiting for them.

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