Chapter 22

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Brooklyn sat in his cell, holding his legs close to his chest as the door opened, revealing Thailog again, but with the doctor this time.

His eyes were full of fear at his tormentors, as Thailog brought in more food and water.

"The doctor has a special test coming for you, Plaything, so I suggest you eat while you can beforehand. If you're a good plaything, I'd be willing to let you off again, and spend a little time with you."

Brooklyn didn't speak, hugging himself tightly, looking away, scared of being a part of anybody's experiments. Growling at getting no answer, Thailog grabbed his face with his talons harshly again, eyes brimming an evil red.

"You hear me, Plaything?!" he hissed threateningly. Brooklyn cried painfully from the assault, before nodding. "Y-yes," he choked pitifully, as Thailog let go of him, nodding in approval. "Good. Now eat. They'll collect you for your biting test in another couple hours or so." Thailog growled, standing up, and leaving with the doctor, who eyed his test subject eagerly, looking forward to it.

Brooklyn shakily took his usual sandwich, taking only small bites, stomach not feeling so hungry, and drinking his undrugged water.

Wh-why can't they all just go away and leave me be? They're killing me with this! Brooklyn thought, tears coming down again, as the hours dragged by, building up his anxiety.


The end of the hour came, the door opened, and the guards returned with the doctor. Brooklyn looked up with red eyes, shivering, as the guards stalked over.

"The fun begins, Creature," the doctor announced, smirking, while Brooklyn was hauled up by his arms, dragged out as he writhed, flinching from his shackle quite a bit.

The test room consisted of a chair with straps, as well as a biting tool in front of it too. Brooklyn protested with what he had, the guards forcing him to sit, while Thailog watched from a corner with an evil grin.

"N-no!" Brooklyn cried weakly, feeling himself pushed into the chair, the straps automatically keeping him there. He stared back up at the doc in terror and trauma, who moved closer.

"This is what the Master requires of you to do for him, and to refuse his wishes is to endure his wrath. Now I wish for you to bite on this here, to calculate how strong your jaws are." The doctor pointed the bar on the side of the chair.

But Brooklyn shook his head, he didn't want this. He didn't deserve all of this trauma. These brutal tests and punishments were worse than Demona trying to plant mistrust to humans in his head those years ago.

This angered the doctor, who suddenly pulled out a metal bar to keep his mouth open. Brooklyn leaned back in his chair to get away, but it too late as the bar was pushed in between and strapped around his jaws, holding it open painfully. It came with a lever to control his jaw movements.

My whole clan would be embarrassed to see me now being used as a scientist's toy, Brooklyn thought sadly, as the biting test began. He gave a little cry as the doctor pushed a remote, causing his jaws to close unwillingly on the tool, sending painful waves through his jaws from the pressure.

He struggled but couldn't get away, as two more of them occurred, more painful than the first time around. Thailog walked to his suffering prisoner after the test was over, and the doctor took the metal bar away. Brooklyn's jaw felt horrible, as he sniffled from it all, glad it was over.

"I get so much pleasure playing with you," he sneered, making Brooklyn tremble, looking away. The doctor approached, as the guards held Brooklyn up.

"The jaw structure in him is quite impressive. But if it's fine with you, I wish for further samples from Brooklyn, to study his DNA further." Brooklyn wriggled in the guards' arms from this.

Thailog nodded once. "Very well. This could be another discipline for him anyway." he purred, stroking Brooklyn's cheek. Brooklyn gave a small terrified sound, pulling himself away from Thailog.

After that, the guards placed a weak Brooklyn down on another gurney. Thailog took off his shackle, promising Brooklyn he'll get it back on later, as the doctor rolled him to a different spot in the room.

Brooklyn cried as the guards tied him harshly to the gurney, so he couldn't get away. The ropes rubbed against his incision, that were still there and pressed hard on his casted arm. He struggled the best he could, but the ropes were too tight as the doctor put on his special gloves, and began to move them over Brooklyn's belly.

Brooklyn moaned in protest, bringing back flashbacks of his first stomach torture. The doctor pushed harshly, until his subject let out a small howl.

"Oh, yes, I found what I need," sneered the doctor, beginning to press harder.

"Don't! Please!" Brooklyn sobbed, as harder presses hurt him, overwhelming his head.

Thailog suddenly grabbed his mouth, stroking his chest as well to 'settle him down.'

"Ssshhh, don't yell, Plaything," purred Thailog maliciously, and Brooklyn shut his eyes from seeing the doctor picking up a needle and going through the sensitive part of his stomach, stealing stuff from it, though he didn't cut it open this time. Brooklyn gave muffled cries that were silenced by Thailog's hand, feeling his humiliation arise to a deeper level more than ever.

The doctor kept moving his surgical gloves on Brooklyn's stomach, the gloves scanning and taking details of the anatomy.

Brooklyn felt like he was losing more of his dignity, his innocence, just from this operation. He gave small cries of hurt and trauma. He kept thinking how embarrassed his clan would be to see him.

The doctor also looked over Brooklyn's old stitches and removed those too, leaving Brooklyn lying there so utterly weak and sad after it all.

After they were done with him, Thailog carried his plaything back to his cell, for he was pretty weak from his operation. His stomach ached tremendously.

"You've been a good plaything so far for the doctor and me, even when you cried," Thailog said smoothly, sitting down with Brooklyn still in his arms, unmoving. He just didn't have that much left now, but a small flame of resistance continued to flicker.

"And like I promised, I shall stay with you for a while until you're ready to sleep for your next test." Thailog stated, setting Brooklyn against the wall, starting to stroke his stomach after putting his shackle back on. Brooklyn tried getting away.

"G-Goliath..." he mumbled in a disoriented voice, staring at Thailog, who chuckled softly. "Goliath won't save you, Plaything. You will be with me, Thailog, for a long time."

Brooklyn wiggled under Thailog's hand touches on his belly, wanting him to stop. Thailog still seemed to enjoy beating Brooklyn's spirit to lead down this way. He kept going until he was done.

He stifled a small yawn. What Thailog did made him tired instantly. Thailog let loose a soft, calm and pleased growl, taking Brooklyn's hand, who shuddered from his touch.

"Until your next test. So rest while you have that luxury," he taunted, standing and heading out.

Brooklyn shook as he felt himself fall asleep, exhausted from the test and discipline, wondering what else Thailog could do to wear him down with until he had nothing left in his soul anymore.

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