Chapter 23

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Brooklyn opened weary eyes, as the cell once more opened, the guards taking him by his arms.

"The doctor is waiting," a guard said, as they dragged Brooklyn again to his next torture.

He was brought into a new exam room in front of Thailog, who came close to a terrified Brooklyn.

"I hope you're prepared for what awaits you, plaything," he purred sinisterly. For another fear factor that came was that he wouldn't tell Brooklyn what his tests were. Brooklyn shook, pulling his head away, wincing from them holding his casted arm.

"H-he can't do this!" He choked, before Brooklyn suddenly got backhanded by Thailog. "A good plaything does what they're told. And you're mine!" He spat right into Brooklyn's face, who flinched.

The guards dragged Brooklyn into a sound proof room, after blindfolding him so he couldn't see what was coming. Thailog grinned darkly at seeing Brooklyn struggle, being forced into the chair, and strapped down again

Brooklyn looked about wildly in fear, wondering what they were gonna do with him next, as the doctor spoke.

"Your new test begins in the next couple minutes. Be ready..."

The red gargoyle started to panic. "W-wait—!" He yelped, pulling at his bonds, when a hard bang made him cry out, ears shooting up at it. Other noises soon followed, and Brooklyn figured out that they were now testing him with his hearing, but keeping him blinded for it.

Bell sounds erupted next, ringing in his ear canal from behind. Brooklyn shook, his blind eyes glancing about in terror, as a new sound followed, the sound of a train, making Brooklyn cry out and think the train would hit him.

He gritted his teeth from further noises that affected his hearing from all angles, making his head go lightheaded and dizzy.

Thailog watched, smirking as he witnessed his plaything losing his calmness from all the noises.

"Uh, uh... stop!" Brooklyn grunted painfully, the sounds continuing on endlessly back and forth, from the sides, and behind, swirling around his ear canal. One loud pop noise from his right made his body go all rigid with agony from this. If Thailog wanted, he could make Brooklyn go deaf.

Brooklyn shut his blind eyes, crying, trying to block out those terrible noises that rang in his chest and stomach, the shackle squeezing his belly again. Combining it with a harsh screech of a hawk didn't help.

"You really believe your family's still looking? I seriously don't think so..." came Talon's voice. Brooklyn jerked harshly. That voice wasn't from the speakers.

"Th-they are trying to find me, and-and I haven't let Thailog seduce me yet," Brooklyn said in a small voice, as loud booms struck his sore head painfully. Hallucination Talon laughed mockingly.

"I remember when you had trouble leading. And I had such high hopes after you helped Maggie and me. Now you can't even stand up against Thailog. What makes you think that you get my confidence and trust now?" He taunted. Brooklyn cried, shaking his head defiantly.

"No! No! Just stop! Get out of my head!" He screamed over the noise of glass shattering loudly.

"Our voices are always with you, Brooklyn. Thailog would soon get to you, your will won't hold forever... weakling..." mocked Maggie's voice that came, making Brooklyn grip the arm rests of the chair tight in his talons, and from reacting to a loud whistle noise.

"N-not true, no...!" He moaned pitifully, eyes rolling to the back of his head, the noises slowly eating away at his brain, killing him inside.

The doctor continued to play noises, noting how Brooklyn was shaking and twitching, calling out every now and then. Thailog then decided his plaything was done with this test.

"He's had enough, shut the sounds off," he ordered. The doctor nodded, pushing the button, and the sounds immediately died, leaving Brooklyn wheezing in his chair, ears echoing with those noises, wanting to vomit.

Thailog came into the room but didn't untie Brooklyn or unmask him yet. Brooklyn could smell Thailog, his overridden fear clouding him again and breathing fast and raggedly, feeling Thailog's hands along his shoulders, flinching when he spoke.

"Aw, couldn't handle those terrible noises? Such a pity, my little plaything. My doctor will be calculating each of your tests, then scan your little insides for further DNA samples."

All Brooklyn did was tremble and cry softly, Thailog ripping his mask off, making him wince from the light.

"Return to your little bed, young plaything for more fun tomorrow..." Thailog purred in an evil voice, walking around Brooklyn, as the guards took him out.

He once more was locked in his room, staggering and leaning against the wall, shaking uncontrollably, hearing echoing sounds that wouldn't leave Brooklyn alone, not wanting to hear noises ever again if he escaped, which looked doubtful.

Brooklyn sat there, weeping wretchedly from his constant mistreatment, burying his face into his legs while hugging them and covering his body with his wings, hoping to block out any other sorts of noise and give him calm and quiet hours.

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