Chapter 24

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The doctor was still intrigued with this purebred gargoyle that not even a sound or a glove scanning was enough; he wished to see even further. He had an x-ray machine that could do the job, but Brooklyn would need to drink a special liquid called Barium to allow the machine to see inside him. But then he couldn't eat for the next four hours until the operation was ready.

And so, they didn't give Brooklyn any of his meals, leaving him famished pretty badly, hugging his knees, wondering why they weren't feeding him today. The long hours droned by, stomach pains hitting him hard, still slowly recovering from his hearing test earlier.

The men came after four hours, but didn't speak a word, taking Brooklyn's arms, dragging him roughly out to the examination room. Brooklyn could see a metal table with a huge scanner above it. He swallowed in fear, noting how the doctor intended to look at him further, as he began to try escaping, grunting painfully from his casted arm. Thailog grabbed his throat.

"Be a good plaything, and get on the table for your scanning," hissed Thailog demandingly, forcing Brooklyn to obey, as he nodded while choking.

Thailog let him go. Brooklyn took in much needed air, but was still afraid of what was coming, as the guards thrusted him unwillingly onto the metal table that felt uncomfortable on his back. He kept struggling, crying out.

The doctor set up the machine, and pulled out a bottle of water, sneaking barium in it, handing it to Brooklyn. Brooklyn took it, his throat parched, confused at why the doctor gave him water now instead of earlier, but took a grateful drink, one of the guards letting go of his good arm for it.

What he didn't expect was a terrible sweet, but not sweet flavor in his water. His eyes rounded, making him cough and spit it out. Thailog growled, narrowing his eyes.

"Drink it, Plaything," he snarled dangerously.

Brooklyn shook his head, glaring back defiantly. "No. Whatever you put in it, I won't!" he shouted back, struggling against his captors.

Thailog took his casted arm threateningly. "You wish for your arm to be broken again?" he purred darkly and threateningly, getting close to Brooklyn, who pulled back in fear, before wincing and forcing himself to down the rest, choking from the awful flavor, but succeeding.

After drinking the barium, Thailog took a needle when the doctor ordered the red one to stay still for the third time, who started struggling again in fear of that needle after the last one he used. Thailog stuck it into Brooklyn's stomach, which still had the shackle on.

Brooklyn winced and recognized the same numbing medicine from before, that began numbing his muscles again.

"This should make you cooperative again," he said darkly. Brooklyn frowned as the guards also tied him harshly down for equal restriction of movement, while Thailog stroked his stomach again.

Brooklyn stared back up at Thailog pleadingly. "P-please, this is wrong; hurting, scaring, and violating me like this! Why can't you see that?" he whimpered, trying again to make Thailog see sense, but all he did was press hard suddenly into his stomach, making Brooklyn wince from the pressure.

The doctor informed they had to remove Brooklyn's belt too since the buckle would also get in the way. Smirking, Thailog did the honors, Brooklyn weakly shifting his head, unable to move his muscles at all, as Thailog undid it, and took it away. But he had taken the whole loincloth away instead. He also took his shackle off too.

Brooklyn felt himself flushed and embarrassed at being shown his private area, Thailog's goons laughing cruelly at his humiliation. Thailog leaned near his face, smirking.

"So humiliating, don't you agree?" he sneered softly. Brooklyn just looked away, not wanting to reply, a small tear leaking down his cheek.

"The scanner is ready," the doctor announced, and Thailog moved back, allowing him to move the x-ray over Brooklyn, who shook silently, eyes wide, as the light turned on, moving along his body.

Brooklyn tried struggling again, but couldn't no thanks to the drug in his system, stomach clenched and sweating as the light moved back towards his face, then went down one more time.

The doctor kept the computer to himself, looking at the image, smiling in interest from this purebred one's organs. This was definitely different from Thailog's, but the same as well. And to make it even more interesting, it looked almost like a human's digestive system.

Brooklyn had by now closed his eyes, hoping for this examination to end, the sound of the x-ray ringing in his ears.

Finally, it was done. The doctor turned it off, saving the images for later study. Brooklyn sighed in sadness in feeling the shackle returning along with his loincloth, the ropes coming off, his stomach feeling nauseous after drinking whatever was in his water. Thailog brought his plaything back to his room, as well as requesting the doctor to bring something for him after.

Brooklyn mumbled disorientedly, as Thailog placed him down against the wall, stroking his hair.

"Yes, Plaything, I shall reward you again for following my commands. The doctor will bring you clean water, since the other was tainted with barium, which allowed the doctor to see inside you in the first place," he purred. Brooklyn began sniffling, feeling hatred at himself for allowing this monster to still mess with him, feeling weak and helpless.

Thailog chuckled softly at his plaything's helplessness, as the door opened, the doctor bringing in the promised water and a small sandwich. He informed Thailog the drug wouldn't last long, at least thirty minutes or more, so Brooklyn would be able to eat and drink.

He nodded in approval, smirking once at Brooklyn before leaving him alone.

Brooklyn could later feel the numbing wearing off, gasping shakily again, reaching for the water, a little hesitant at Thailog's words, stomach still queasy from that barium, sniffing, but it seemed fine, and took a long drink, moaning as the clean liquid began to soothe his stomach. He looked at the sandwich but didn't feel hungry, pushing it away, and curling up to sleep.

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