Chapter 11

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Nobody came to check on Brooklyn ever since his water test, leaving the red gargoyle not feeling too well. He felt shivery and sick all over; plus feeling lightheaded.

Brooklyn moaned softly as he lay against the wall; wings wrapped about his body, though they too were still wet and didn't provide much warmth. Brooklyn shivered terribly along with sneezing a few times, and sniffling in sadness from these humans mistreating him. Brooklyn could claim this kidnapping was about the same or as worse than his time with Thailog.

Thailog's red eyes and evil laugh still haunted his waking moments after feverish sleeps, where he would laugh mockingly at the poor Second.

Brooklyn quivered as Dream Thailog towered above him. "It sends me such pleasure to see you this way again, Plaything. And don't worry, you will soon have my mark," Thailog assured/threatened him. Brooklyn hissed back weakly.

"Go... just- just go away!" He sobbed, cowering and looking away from the spirit of his abuser. He shut his eyes; wishing for Thailog to disappear. Thailog cackled, turning and fading away, leaving his victim alone in his misery.


Watson watched Brooklyn's reactions from his cold water experience in his cameras; clearly suffering from fever and starvation, looking quite miserable. He smiled. This was another good set up for a future stomach test on his prize. He turned to his men, who were laughing at their gargoyle's position.

"I have a new kind of test for our little toy. We are to test his stomach strength after we've starved him for a bit," he announced gleefully. Carlos grinned at this, he already liked the sound of it.


Brooklyn's soul felt sorrowful after the humans hadn't been to see him for three days. He was rather famished, stomach growling, and his shackle squeezed him each time it did. He grimaced from his stomach pangs, holding it, scared of what would become of him if he was trapped here any longer.

His cell opened. Brooklyn flinched from Carlos's presence, who held a bottle of water in his hands, setting it down in front of Brooklyn.

"Watson was willing to give you water just for today. You'll need it for what is next for you..." he said in a scary tone. Brook trembled fearfully, watching him leave. Gulping silently, he gingerly took the not so cold water bottle in his hands, opening it, and taking a small drink. He sighed a little from the liquid, glad to be given anything that didn't involve splashing him again.

What will they do with me next? I can't take anymore! Brooklyn thought, holding his legs close to himself in fright and to try and comfort himself too, after his stomach let loose a noisy rumble.


"How much longer, Boss?" grumbled a guard on the fourth day. Watson continued to watch his victim as Brooklyn winced from a loud stomach growl, now literally starving again. He turned to the guard, glaring.

"His test will start at some point tomorrow, we're just making sure my toy is ready for it!" he said darkly to the guard. Watson next glanced at Charlie.

"You think you can set it up?" he asked him. Charlie nodded. "It will be my pleasure," Charlie said, smirking.


Brooklyn was crying now. His stomach wouldn't quit demanding for food, sometimes making him squirm and occasionally tugging his shackle. The cuffs burned him each time he tried, which had led him into sobbing openly.

Help... please... somebody! Brook prayed each night, after groaning from another stomach growl. He glanced at the door.

"I-if you want to; just kill me already!" he pleaded, not caring that he was crying like a hatchling. He wondered if anybody here would be merciful enough to end his pain. His door opened after he spoke.

"Oh... kill you? I never would want to eliminate a beautiful little toy like yourself, yet. Among the rest of those beasts you are the most attractive of your kind! That was why I still desired you, not just for revenge." Watson leered, coming in, hearing the gargoyle's loud stomach growl.

"I HATE YOU!" Brook sobbed in anger despite feeling sick and the shackle pressing painfully on his stomach, eyes lit up with hatred at Watson. Watson looked furious at that insult.

"Your next test should probably knock respect into your devil head." he said threateningly. Brook pushed back, the guards getting closer.

"Get away from me!" he gasped, trying to kick one, but missed. The guards grabbed Brooklyn roughly after unchaining him and placing his arms behind his back. Watson came closer, pressing the shackle remote into Brook's sensitive belly, tracing it along his upper part, making the young gargoyle shiver from the feeling.

"If you don't shut up, you'll get an even worse punishment, red one!" Watson growled. Brook panted erratically, shaking nonstop as they dragged him away.

A few minutes later found Brooklyn in a different room; a gym of some sorts. He gulped, looking around the room for what would cause him pain this time as the guards dragged him to the middle of it where a chain hung from the ceiling. They forced him to sit on his knees. He gasped from a stomach pain and his fever. They laughed mercilessly at his stomach letting loose a huge rumble. He growled silently, looking away. They left his arms behind him like before in his last starvation test.

Watson came at that moment with a stethoscope around his neck. Brooklyn didn't speak, glaring at him as Watson knelt down.

"I'm sure you must be rather hungry again, aren't we?" he asked leeringly.

"No!" Brooklyn growled back, but his stomach spoke otherwise, making him grimace. Watson chuckled, taking out the stethoscope.

"Let's see about that, shall we?" he then put the cold stethoscope on Brooklyn's belly, moving it around. Brook squirmed in desperation.

"Stop it..." he gasped. Watson grinned in glee when he heard the growl of the stomach in the stethoscope. After a few minutes, he took it off.

Without speaking, he sent a signal to Charlie, stepping back, leaving Brook in utter confusion and nervousness and what was going on now, hoping they wouldn't leave him in this gym alone. Charlie chuckled evilly when he came in behind Brooklyn, hooking a chain to his shackle.

What are they doing to me now? Brooklyn thought in bafflement, as Charlie stepped away after that. It was only for a few minutes when Watson sent another signal, and Charlie pressed a new button.

Before he could grasp what was happening, Brooklyn gave a small cry as he felt himself being lifted into the air; for at least 12 feet. He squirmed, wondering. What was happening? With his wings he couldn't help but spread out to let the air fill them, even though he wasn't going anywhere.

Pain shot through his stomach muscles from it, and he gave a choked gasp, kicking with his legs. He couldn't use his hands to take his shackle off, for they were kept behind his back.

"W-what are you doing?" he croaked in a raspy voice, feeling tears falling down his face from his pain. His stomach growled in desperation from all the torture it was getting, making him whimper and choke more.

The men were laughing at his position above them.

Brooklyn could feel the shackle putting immense pressure into his stomach. He winced but tried to get loose by squirming some more. When his weight shifted, the shackle ended up pressing even into his upper belly. "Ooh!" he let out a pained groan. He was trying to concentrate on his breathing as the strong pain continued to press into his belly.

"Ooh, let me- go, please..." Brooklyn begged to be released of this punishment, desperately.

"I don't think so. This is too much entertainment!" Charlie grinned.

Brooklyn felt he could barely breathe. He shifted himself again and the shackle ended up back in his lower stomach again, making his stomach hurt worse than before. He tried getting loose by kicking his legs and flapping his wings to see if he could loosen the shackle and ease the pain some more, but it did nothing.

The gargoyle was also starting to feel pain in his chest too as he struggled to breathe. He began to try to use his belly's muscles to try to keep the pressure off his organs, but he could only hold his breath for so long. He tried shifting his weight in any direction, and he would move to that direction, but the shackle wasn't letting him go anywhere in the air.

Brooklyn had to breathe loudly through his mouth just to keep air in his lungs. His lungs were now working overtime to keep on giving him oxygen. The pain was hurting him in various parts of his body.

Watson decided to add in something else too: he pressed the button.

Brook winced even more when he felt the shackle tighten. He winced. "Oh! Stop!" he rasped out. It made him bend his legs at the knees, bringing them up to his chest. He was trying to relieve some of the discomfort, but it did little to stop the pain.

As more time went on, Brooklyn felt his stomach muscles getting beyond sore just trying to keep the pressure off his organs, but he could only hold his breath for so long as he had to breathe harshly.

After fifteen minutes of this struggling, Brooklyn let his feet dangle in the air. His wings dangled too. He still tried to get loose at times. But the pressure from the shackle was pressing deeply into his stomach.

His vision was getting so dark and cloudy from the shackle pressing hard into him some more. Then he felt something sharp. Those spikes and this shackle were just toys the men were using to severely harm him.

"Aagh!" Brooklyn gave out a new cry of pain. It got him squirming again and more kicking the air, but weakly. But he didn't know how much more of this he could handle. He looked down at the men.

"Do you think he's had enough yet, Boss?" A guard asked.

"Oh, I don't think he has." Watson responded. He was enjoying seeing this.

Brooklyn was still struggling to breathe. He was almost to the point of unconsciousness at this point. His shackle squeezed him some more, hard, and he was spiked some more, driving some blood down to the floor.

When Brooklyn started to feel his vision getting black, he knew he was about to black out if he didn't get proper air into his lungs soon.

Suddenly, he felt the chain begin to move again. His senses were dulled at the moment, but he could make out that he was being lowered to the floor again. But the men weren't making that easy either, they would also make big bumps in the shackle, making his squirm once more by bringing his legs up. Brook was so winded and pained that he couldn't bring himself to talk.

Finally, his feet touched the floor again, and he was grateful for that, but he couldn't even stand on his feet long enough. He took in the biggest gulps of air that he could. The shackle had loosened again, but now, his stomach muscles were so terrifyingly sore that it made it worse. He ended up slumping to the floor in exhaustion. He blacked out too.

The men laughed at him. Watson went over to the fallen gargoyle. He felt under Brooklyn's jaw in his neck, and he found his pulse still beating away, if very high from the stress he had been under.

"He's fine. Just unconscious. Leave him there. I still have more planned for him when he wakes up." Watson ordered. The men understood.


When he started to come too, Brooklyn felt he had a horrible stomach ache and his belly muscles were very sore and weak too. It hurt to breathe too, with the shackle still on him. He wanted to rub it so bad, but he could feel his arms were still cuffed behind him.

He looked around himself and didn't see anyone. He saw he was still in the gym and he hoped this hadn't become his new room.

It wasn't long though before a door opened up and Watson came up to him. "I see you're finally awake again."

"Why?" Brooklyn gasped out.

"Testing the strength of your stomach muscles, of course." Watson kneeled down and put a hand under Brook's chin, looking into his sad eyes and gasping mouth.

Brooklyn could only glare at him angrily. His breaths were fast. He didn't know how much more he could take from this. His hunger seemed to have stopped too.

Watson gave another signal and Carlos came over and he unhooked the chain from the shackle. It was clear that the test was over.

The guards came over and started to force the drained Brooklyn to his feet.

"I know something to bring back your energy." Watson sneered.

"What?" Brooklyn gasped out.

"Take him to the room." Watson ordered. The men nodded.

"No, please..." Brooklyn pleaded. He didn't want anymore stomach torture.

Brooklyn was easily able to be forced onto the table because he was still so winded. What were they going to do to him now?

The answer came when the tube and some cans of food appeared in his vision. Brooklyn made out five cans, like last time.

"I'm... I'm not hungry." Brooklyn moaned.

"Oh, but you sure were thirty minutes ago. Now to give it what it wants." Watson sneered.

Brooklyn refused to open his mouth willingly for them, continuing to fight.

"Open your mouth, you devil!" Charlie growled. Brooklyn still refused. He even threatened to bite the man. Charles wanted to hurt him more. "Wait, I got an idea, one to really get this going."

The men were all ears. Brooklyn listened too and he didn't like what he was hearing. It got him squirming again, very violently.

"To spare us the problem of dealing with his mouth, we shall cut into his belly itself." Charles smiled evilly at Brooklyn.

"NO!" Brooklyn screamed.

Watson was more than proud of his associate's choice of how to handle this situation.

Tools were gathered once again, and Brooklyn tried to squirm some more, but he wasn't going anywhere.

Watson remembered from scans of Brook's digestive system the last time and he went about trying to cut a hole in the top of Brooklyn's belly.

"No, don't!" Brooklyn pleaded desperately. Watson smiled as he pressed down hard. Brook cried out in pain.

Watson felt for the stomach itself. He found it, and feeling for just the right spot, he took a scalpel and put it to Brooklyn's soft flesh. Then he began.

Brooklyn screamed when the tool pierced his flesh. The pain got deeper and deeper and his eyes flashed white as he was cut into.

Before long, Watson had made an incision in the flesh and that was when he stuck the tube into the upper part of the esophagus. "There, that wasn't so hard, was it?" he declared.

With the tube in this stomach, but more in the esophagus part, the men began to get the cans of food ready to be put down into Brooklyn's stomach.

Brooklyn felt so painful that he couldn't eat when he felt like this, but his belly was fast healing. His belly hurt once again so much. He had been given five cans once again. He was beyond full.

"You now have a hole in your stomach to allow for food to go in, and if you so much as touch it back in your other cell, your wrists will pay a good price too." Watson warned him.

Brook hated to hear this. He just wanted out of here.

He was finally allowed up and he was taken back to his room. Once there, his shackle was chained to the wall again, and his hands were finally set loose again. Brooklyn gladly rubbed his arms and then his stomach. He looked down at the new hole in his belly.

Brooklyn knew if he ever got home again, that would have to be sewed up and he would eat the normal way again. Despite the food given, he was still very weak from what they had done to him.

This time, the men didn't come in to sneer in his face. He had had enough of that.

He studied the hole in his stomach, tears continuing to come down. Brook felt so vulnerable allowing them to do this to cause him pain. He didn't deserve it.

Goliath... Hudson... Brooklyn cried inwardly, his soul and heart hurting from what he was being forced to endure, as he struggled to get sleep in with his hurt stomach.

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