Chapter 12

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Brooklyn felt a sharp stomach pang from the hole in his upper belly a few days later, following with a bad stomach growl. He still didn't think that he could hold down anymore food, especially right after being lifted up by that terrible chain that he hoped they wouldn't do to him again.

The cell doors opened, and his eyes rounded in fear as Carlos showed up with those thugs

"It is time for your next feeding, Creature!" He informed Brooklyn, who did his best to shield himself.

"No... I- I can't do it anymore... please!" He wept, feeling quite traumatized from everything these men had been doing. But Carlos still wouldn't take no for an answer, using the shackle on his prisoner, who cried aloud from it.

"I'm afraid your pleas won't allow me to give you mercy," he growled. Brooklyn didn't have that much in him from sorrow to resist, feeling the guards drag him up by his arms and take him out.


In the room, Watson smiled at the sight of his toy back again for his next feeding. He always enjoyed overfeeding his prisoner to where it hurt him badly. And he had an idea to hurt him where he would least expect.

Watson saved a can of expired food and was able to hide it in with the rest of it, eager to see how his victim would react later. Brooklyn had tears down his face as Watson approached him.

"Now... time to give you what you want again, Devil!" He said, a hand under Brooklyn's chin.

Brooklyn struggled feebly again, but was outmatched and forced onto the table, the tube placed into the hole in his belly. It caused a small whimper from the red gargoyle, wanting this all to end; for either to be rescued or to just die.

"Stop... stop..." he whined in a small voice, those five cans beginning to be poured down the tube in his stomach, gasping as the cold food hit his sore, empty belly hard. His head spun from the fever he still had, and voices started up in his brain.

"I don't know how I feel about you being out next leader now. You were stupid enough to be caught again!" That was Angela, and it made Brooklyn cry quietly, shaking his head, struggling to ignore those terrible false voices.



Brook gave out a shuddering sob as the fourth can of food was added, his legs kicking despite being cuffed down. He wanted them to stop, for this would ruin his regular way to eat!

Watson smiled sinisterly, holding the can of food mixed with the bad food. "Now just one more..." he said in a scarily, happy voice, sending small shivers up the young Second's spine, pulling on his wrists.

"No... no more!" he croaked, but too late as Watson poured the last one, relishing in his weak toy's cries for release, the last of the food poured into his stomach. Brook continued to cry, feeling humiliated at doing it in front of these men, who laughed ruthlessly at his pain, not aware of the bad food that had been given to him.

Watson put a hand on Brooklyn's stomach, who tensed up sharply from it, and he pressed a little, but not too much to make him puke. Brook gritted his teeth sharply, talons digging into his palms.

"You should be grateful we are feeding you, unless you want to starve, or I can do this again!" He threatened cruelly, drawing that horrid scalpel that created the hole in his stomach. Brook quivered, looking away from the weapon as he whimpered, shaking his head. He didn't want to be cut anymore. Watson nodded, putting it away.

"Good, Plaything. You are learning your manners again. And in just a little while, there will be more fun to be had with you. The food was to give you the energy you'll need for it." Watson sneered.

Brooklyn could only look sadly up at him, but he asked, "What... are you going... to do?"

"You'll find out." The man said. "Take him back to his room until he's ready."

The guards released Brooklyn from his bonds and took him back to his room.

"This will be something that we've all been looking forward to," Carlos said.

Brooklyn knew that whatever 'fun' they were planning with him would not be fun for him. Right now, he didn't even know what fun was anymore. It had taken him long enough to learn what it was again the last time he was rescued. He wanted his family to find him, desperately.

He was tied up with his shackle chain again and left to wait for whatever game they were going to be playing with him was.

Brooklyn felt his stomach was extremely full again. It wasn't a comfortable kind of full; more like bloated. He had been only force fed by the men since he had been here, and despite being fed beyond more than what his poor stomach could handle, he had managed to digest it all properly, though he would always be to the breaking point of wanting to puke it all back out again.

Why had they cut the hole into his stomach? It hurt him to move. But the more he waited for his captors to come and get him again, Brooklyn started to feel some strong pain in his belly. It wasn't associated with his shackle either. He began to moan softly.

Brooklyn sat back against the wall. He pulled his legs up closer to his body to try to help ease the nausea circulating in his stomach. He also used a hand to rub it gently; what he could rub despite even the shackle being in the way. But he had to put his legs down when all that did was put more pressure into his painful belly.

Then Brook had a realization! The morons have poisoned me, again! Oh, when will this stop?! Brooklyn shouted in his mind. It got him squirming to try to get the shackle off once again. But all that got him was more shock and burns on his arms and the squeezing of his shackle. It still made him try harder to get the shackle off his aching belly. He began struggling with all his might to get it off. The tightening was not helping his nausea.

He began grunting and panting hard to get it to loosen. The shackle tightened to the point where he almost couldn't breathe altogether. Brook had to slow his breathing down. His hands still held his poor belly. He was now laying on his side, his legs bent at the knees. His teeth bared and eyes closed. His chest heaved for breath.

Then, he heard the door opening again.

"Having fun, Freak?" Charlie smirked.

Brooklyn didn't want to talk to him or his thugs, but he choked out, "Can't... breathe..." The shackle was holding his stomach pressed down like a constrictor. It hurt! "Please... make it... stop..." he pleaded. "Hurts..."

"You deserve every bit of it." Charlie growled at him. "How about a little more."

Brooklyn looked up with sad eyes. "Nooo..." he begged weakly. Then he saw the remote pressed on again. He instantly winced as he felt it tighten more. It was so tight now that his skin was burning with pain, and his internal organs seemed to be screaming too, to get whatever it was to lighten up.

It finally got to the point of being unbearable and it happened: Brooklyn brought up what he had eaten right onto the floor. Some of his food had bypassed the tube. His stomach heaved desperately.

Charlie finally allowed the shackle to loosen on the gargoyle's stomach. "I've been wanting to do that for some time." he exclaimed evilly.

Brooklyn's eyes were glowing from the pain. He was now panting heavily, holding his stomach, using the other to hold himself up. "You... you're sick..."

"I'd watch what I say, you wretched devil!" Charlie sneered. He pressed another button.

Brooklyn then screamed as the spikes came out and it squeezed again. "STOP... SQUEEZING... ME!" Both his hands clutched his midsection now. Blood began to come from under the shackle. The spikes were being driven in rather deeply this time.

It went on for several minutes. Charlie was getting some much needed revenge. When it was over, it was time for the real fun.

"Take him." The two guards picked up the winded and wounded gargoyle up off the floor, unchaining him. He panted as they pulled him to the gym again.

Oh! Not this place again! Brooklyn cried in his mind. He tried to get loose. His arms were already bound behind him, and couldn't get loose.

Watson and Carlos, along with other men came into the gym. What was happening now?

"I see you had some fun with him, Charles." Watson stated.

"Yes, Sir."

Watson came closer to the scared gargoyle. He had a glance at his heaving belly. There was some blood under it and running down his legs. "Lost your lunch, I presume?" he sneered.

"Yes, he did." A guard replied.

"Well, since you couldn't keep it inside you, there won't be anymore given for quite some time." Watson decreed.

"Just let me go." Brooklyn panted.

"Actually, we will let you go, but on one condition..." Watson declared.

Brooklyn's ears perked up at that. Watson was going to let him go? There had to be a catch. He stayed still as he still felt his belly aching tremendously.

"Please... take the shackle... off..."

"Oh, no, no, no, no. That stays on no matter what now. It's officially a part of you. They all stay on you. Bind his wings too!" Watson ordered.

"NOOO!" Brooklyn yelled. He didn't want his most precious wings bound or broken again. They were his only ticket to freedom if he ever got outside, wherever he was.

The guards held him down and forced him to his knees. Brooklyn then used his tail to swat one of them away from him and he tried to pull away. His belly still hurt, but he had to get away.

Watson wasn't going to let that happen. He pressed the button.

Brooklyn was almost to the door when the shackle tightened so tight once again that it made him scream and collapse.

"Bring him back to me." Watson ordered. The guards gladly went over and got him up again and dragged him back over.

"There's going to be a price paid for that, Devil."

"His tail!" Carlos exclaimed.

Brooklyn's eyes widened. NO! He instantly tried to save his tail. He went on a defensive, pained belly and all. He had found some strength to fight, but only briefly. He felt a blow on his back. It made him cry out and fall. He fell to his knees. His tail was out behind him and then, there was a hard blow to his tailbone.

Brooklyn screamed so loud. He felt a sharp spike go up his spine in pain. His tail was an extension of his spine. He could also use it as an added hand and weapon. Now it was disabled. It was broken.

"That should teach you a valuable lesson." Carlos sneered at him.

Brook felt his tail hurting badly. "Bind his wings." Watson ordered. Brooklyn could do nothing now as both his wing hands were tied together again behind him, as well as the lower parts of his wings folded and tied as well.

"Take him out of here."

The men exited the building and Brooklyn's shackles on his arms were released. "There you go. You get to leave on this condition." Watson said. "Get going before we change our minds."

Brooklyn was winded and pained, but he had to get up and go on. His stomach still hurt, but his tail hurt really bad from the breaking. Having his wings bound didn't help anything either.

"Let him think he's getting out of here." Watson said out of Brooklyn's hearing. "Then we hunt him down. We find out what he's capable of really out here in the woods."

The men were more than ready to hunt their quarry. They went to grab their weapons to go bring down their prey.


Brooklyn ran into the forest as fast as he could on all fours. He just wanted to get away from those horrible, evil humans. He was mainly running on adrenaline right now. His energy was so low otherwise. He was much thinner now ever since his kidnapping over two weeks ago. He really hoped his clan was still looking for him.

He didn't recognize this forest from the ground. Ever since coming to Manhattan, the clan had rarely ever ventured out of the city. Where was he? How would he get home? Brooklyn had to get his wings untied.

Brooklyn tried to go as fast as he could go before he finally had to stop, the pain in his belly getting to him once again. He reverted to walking on two legs again. He had to sit down and rest. His tail was also in tremendous pain. He had to take a look at it. The bone was likely shattered.

He found a big rock and sat down beside it. He groaned as he sat down. Brooklyn tried to move his tail to his left hand. It hurt to move it. He had to reach for it. He got it and pulled it over to himself to look at. It hurt to touch it. Brook winced at the pain.

A part of his tail was definitely awkward looking and was turning purple. He knew he needed to get the bone set properly or he might never use it right again.

Brooklyn held his tail in one hand and took the other end in the other. He knew this would hurt. Carefully, he clenched his jaw hard, and, as hard as he could, closing his eyes, he jerked on his tail, HARD! The bone went back into place, but it hurt SO BAD! It would still need looking at later. His eyes glowed and he couldn't help the scream that he let loose.

He collapsed for several minutes after that, catching his breath. Then knew he had to move on.

Brooklyn went to go try to find the most precious resource out in any set of woods: water. He was thirsty, but he thought that putting his sore tail in some water might help ease the pain a bit.

He wandered the woods for a while, not knowing where he was going. Soon though, he heard something. His ears perked up. He sniffed the air. It was a trickling sound. Water!

Brook picked up his pace and followed the sound.

He soon was at the edge of a creek bed. There was streaming water going through it! Brook went down to the water's edge and took a handful of water and put it to his beak. The water looked clean, and he was too thirsty to care at the moment.

When Brooklyn finished drinking, he then turned and sat down, putting his sore tail into the water. The cool water seemed to hurt at first, but it helped ease the pain a little more too. If he could make it to sunrise, he would turn to stone and his injuries would be healed. His wings were only bound in ropes. The stone sleep would shatter the rope. He had to last that long out here. He also began to use the water to clean the blood off his stomach and legs too.


Watson wanted the gargoyle to think he had escaped at first, but now that he was far enough ahead, he got out his tracker device. There had been a tracker implanted on Brooklyn before he got away.

"Let the hunt begin, Gentlemen." he ordered.

"How far has he gotten?" Carlos asked.

"The creek."

"That's over a mile and a half away." Charles said.

"He ran on all fours quite a way." Watson replied. "Now he's thirsty and looking for relief for that injured tail we gave him."

The men all gathered their supplies and began the hunt.


Brooklyn was just going to stay near the water for a while. He had to get some rest after what he had been through for such a long time, but he had to move along further.

But it wasn't long before he began to hear voices in the woods. No! The humans were obviously still after him! No time to rest now! He had to keep going.

Brook got up out of the water. If only he had one of his water bottles and he could have gotten and carried some water with him. He had to lose these freaking humans!

He crossed the creek and ran deeper into the woods. He tried to use strength in his wings to pry them apart, but they wouldn't come undone.

As he moved, his belly still hurt, but he wasn't going to let it stop him. Stone sleep could possibly heal that too. "Oh, I've got to... make it... to sunrise." Brooklyn told himself.

But if he turned to stone and the humans found him, they could also shatter him in his sleep too! He had to get away! Far away! The sky was still plenty dark out. It had to have been around midnight or something like that.


"I knew we should have hurt one of his legs!" Charlie complained. "We have to get that monster back!"

"We will find him. He's not getting too far, Charles." Watson declared with a smile. "We're closing in on him."

"Good!" Carlos said.


The voices and crackling of the branches and bushes kept getting closer.

"They must be tracking me." Brooklyn guesses. "Well, perhaps it's time I got some payback on them for what they've done to me." He thought to himself out loud, but quietly.

Brooklyn used his taloned fingers and toes to climb a thick tree and waited. They would no doubt come this way soon.


The tracker stopped moving.

"What's this? It's not moving." Watson questioned.

"I'm sure he's around, Sir." A man said.

"Did he find the tracker?" Another inquired.

"I don't know. Find the tracker!" Watson ordered.

The men followed the tracker and when they were in the area that their prey was last seen, they saw nothing. Using their flashlights, they saw some of Brooklyn's footprints in the dirt for a time, but then, they disappeared.

"Did he get the ropes off of his wings?" Carlos asked.

"I doubt it. That devil has got to be around here somewhere." Watson declared.

Suddenly, there was a snap in the trees above and a huge tree limb came falling down from above. It hit one of the guards to the ground, knocking him unconscious.

Charles pointed his light up into the tree. There was Brooklyn, up in the tree, eyes glowing and growling like a feral beast. The men got startled for a moment.

Brooklyn may not have had his wings to help him, but he roared one of his feral roars and he jumped out of the tree, aiming for Watson, since he was the leader of this whole thing.

Watson wasn't accustomed to see the gargoyle like this and was in shock that Brooklyn landed right on him and got a hold of him. Watson dropped his weapon and devices.

"You held me captive. For WHAT?! Now it's time you pay for hurting me all this time!" Brooklyn growled in his face. "Now, LET... ME... GO!" Brook ordered in a scary voice.

Watson was scared for the moment and said nothing. Brooklyn was holding one of his hands toward his face. "NONE OF YOU MOVE, OR HE DIES!" he yelled to the other men, warning them, as they wanted to shoot him.

Some weapons were lowered. But one of them still had a remote. Charles pressed the remote.

Brooklyn suddenly felt the shackle tighten. He ignored it at the moment. He wanted revenge for all his pain. But then, a sharper pain came onto his wrists. He tried to hold on, but then, a shot rang out and it hit the red gargoyle in one of his wings. It made him cry out and dropped the doctor to the ground.

Brooklyn found himself on the ground, hissing and groveling in serious pain once again. And here he had hoped he had been released. These maniacs would never let him go until he was dead. They had to be stopped, once and for all.

His adrenaline was wearing off. The pain roared inside his stomach as the shackle squeezed it so hard once again. He grunted and groaned, trying to stop it.

While he was down, the two big guards soon got a hold of him and rolled him onto his stomach, pulling his arms behind him and cuffing the cuffs together. Brook was pulled to his feet and he was forced to go trudging back with his captors to the building that would imprison him once again.

Once inside, the man who Brooklyn had used his tail on earlier came up and he had an evil gleam in his face. "You hurt me, and now you will pay!" he yelled.

The man slammed a big metal bat down into Brooklyn's right ankle, making him fall to the floor after a big cry out. He was once again, pulled to his feet and there was deep pain on his ankle bone now. He was forced to limp back to his room. His shackle was once again attached to the chain on the wall. His arms were uncuffed for the time being.

"Let that be a lesson to you, Devil, that you will never escape us." Carlos sneered as he pulled the tracker off of Brooklyn's belt.

Brooklyn should have known how they had tracked him down. Not just from following his prints in the dirt, but by a technological tracker.

The men now left him alone. The mess he had made earlier from having been forced to vomit earlier was still in the room. It was enough to make him sick to his stomach again. The shackle hadn't helped any at all.

Brooklyn wondered how much longer before his clan would get here to get him? He wanted them more than anything, but especially Hudson once again. He needed a grandfather or fatherly touch right now. Just when he thought he had been home free, his hopes had been shattered once again.

His ankle was turning to black and blue now. Brooklyn didn't think it was broken, just a bad bruise and possibly a sprain. This would make it even harder for him to walk on it without it being treated. He also had a still painful tail. He wouldn't be able to use it to fight until after some stone sleep.

Brooklyn leaned back against the wall of his cell, letting tears fall as his only chance at freedom had been taken away once again.

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