Chapter 13

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Brooklyn wanted to get out of this evil prison so bad. He wanted to get away from these evil men. Seriously, he had never done anything to hurt them. He had only ever hurt those few because they had been under Thailog's orders previously. Why couldn't they just move on with their lives?

He leaned against the wall on his left side facing it. His arms were covering his belly and his knees were folded in front of him. His wings were still bound in ropes. Sunlight shone into the room. Brooklyn had wanted the sun to rise so badly to turn to stone, but now that he was back in his room in this spell-bound building, he couldn't, thus dashing his hopes of being healed of his injuries and fever.

He sobbed softly. Brook really felt like crap. His stomach hurt. His ankle hurt. His wings felt cramped from being bound like this. His tail hurt. He had burnt wrists, and a torn up belly under his shackle.

Suddenly, the door opened up, revealing Carlos. Brooklyn just cringed further against the wall. The man was pleased that this freak was afraid of him.

"After what you did last night, and when we caught your evil butt, you are going to be playing the role of our trophy tonight, Devil," Carlos explained evilly with a smirk.

"I'm not- a trophy-" Brooklyn choked out.

"Oh, but you are. Quite a prize to be torn apart!" Carlos left laughing maniacally.

What more do they want from me? I just want to go home. I just have a feeling they are going to kill me before that chance comes. Brooklyn thought dreadfully. His heart thumped fearfully in his chest. He held his arms as he felt so shaky and nervous. He didn't want to find out what they had planned anytime too soon.


Watson and his comrades were planning their revenge on their prize as it was nearing sunset. Even though the gargoyle wasn't able to turn to stone inside their building, Watson just felt it better to be nightfall so it would be more of the gargoyle's element. He knew his men definitely had big plans to take out on him to teach him their lessons.

All the tools were ready, and so was the gurney that would soon hold down the red gargoyle. Watson also wanted to know how strong Brook reacted to the stress of what was happening to him. He had a plan for that too.


Brooklyn had tried to get some sleep, but he was still deeply troubled about being treated as a trophy. He hated being called a trophy. He watched the door warily. He then looked up at the window. He stood up, trying to get some air from the crack in the window.

He tried taking a step toward the window. But his chain stopped him from getting too close. He also felt the pain in his ankle. He winced. Brook had no choice but to get the weight off his foot. He let it stretch out from him. It really needed to be bandaged and iced. His tail needed to be bandaged too, but at least he didn't have to walk on his tail.

After the sun went down, Brooklyn could feel a little breeze coming into the room, but he couldn't enjoy it for long.

Brooklyn was still sitting in the middle of the floor when the door opened up again.

"Time for your punishment, Demon!" Charlie snarled at him.

Brooklyn instantly recoiled. "No! Stay away from me!" He tried so hard to push away from the humans, but the two big guards came up and rushed him, quickly getting a hold of his arms.

Brook cried out as he was pulled to his feet, and a big jolt of pain shot through his ankle. He held it up for a moment while the shackle was unlocked from the chain. His arms were once again, forced behind his back. He just didn't have much strength left to resist them.

The two big guards pulled the injured gargoyle along with them. Brooklyn limped badly on his sprained ankle. He could also still feel discomfort in his belly. He hoped he wasn't going to be force fed again.

When they got to the torture room, as Brooklyn called it, he saw the dreaded gurney and saw the sharp tools on the tray. He gulped. He tried to struggle, but to no avail.

"Get him on the table." Charles ordered.

"No, please! Whatever you're planning, don't do it!" Brooklyn cried desperately.

His arms were uncuffed briefly so he could be pulled onto the table. He struggled and kicked about. He was forced onto his back. His wings had been untied for this, which was a relief, but not for much. Brooklyn knew that something bad was going to happen to him anytime now. He had to get away!

"Let me go!" He cried out again.

Suddenly, he felt someone grab his hurt ankle. He cried out in pain. "This ankle is injured, I see." the man said. It was the voice of Watson. Brooklyn sobbed. "From the look of it, looks sprained. Good!" he sneered.

"What... do you... want... from me?" Brooklyn looked at the men with sad eyes, letting tears flow.

"You are going to be our prize trophy after last night's hunt. And after what you did, you're going to pay an ultimate price!" Watson exclaimed.

"I did... nothing!" Brooklyn growled, eyes glowing.

"You almost killed me last night!" Watson glared back, angry. "Now, you will pay for that." He then went quiet and pressed the button on the remote. Brooklyn saw it.

But, instead of feeling the shackle tightening like it usually did, he felt it loosen and there was a crackle. The shackle unsnapped! Watson came up and removed the shackle.

Brooklyn let out a big sigh of relief. He could finally breathe like he was intended to, but his belly still hurt. He watched as Watson put the shackle down on a counter away from him, but he came back. This time, he had little pieces of something in his hand.

Brooklyn's eyes widened when he saw the little patches. He hoped those weren't what he thought they were. He flinched when the evil doctor started to suddenly put the patches onto his chest. This got him to start panicking.

"What... what are you going to do?" he asked in a shaky voice. He thought he was going to torture his heart now. His breathing picked up.

"This is just a heart monitor. To see how your heart reacts to what is going to happen to you next." Watson sneered. He continued to put them on till he was done.

Carlos turned on the monitor. The beeping started and it was stabilized.

Brooklyn had thought that it would shock him like the birth simulator had. He took a sigh of relief that it didn't shock his chest. He didn't want to die.

Then, Watson came up to him again. This time, he had a wash cloth in his hands. He was looking downward on his body. Brooklyn had a feeling he knew what he was looking at.

"Looks like you've had some deep wounds on that belly of yours." Watson mocked him. He walked up and put the cloth to the belly, getting a sharp gasp from Brooklyn, turning his head away.

The man scrubbed his belly roughly, making Brooklyn clench his stomach muscles. A chill went through his poor belly.

The cloth cleaned off the dried blood and then a new towel was added to dry it off. "Now it's all clean for the test." Watson declared. "He's all yours." He backed off, letting someone else take over.

Brook turned his head to see who stepped forward. He gulped as it turned out to be Charlie again.

"I have been waiting for this once again." Charlie growled. He had that horrible glove on again

Brooklyn struggled in his bonds. He knew what he was going to do with that. He didn't want to feel that again. "Don't, please." he pleaded.

Charlie grinned sinisterly, then, as fast as he could, he slammed his hard glove into Brooklyn's stomach once again. "OH!" Brooklyn cried out in pain. He had an instant reaction of trying to bring his limbs in to try to protect his already sore belly.

The wind was knocked out of his system once again, struggling to breathe. This was definitely a habit of theirs: wanting to make sure that he couldn't breathe properly, but more of just wanting to keep hurting his stomach to control him.

"You're next, Carlos." he heard Charlie say.

"It would be my pleasure," Carlos replied. He went over to the tray and picked up a sharp tool, a knife.

The monitor was showing that Brooklyn's heart rate was stressed. He opened his eyes as he saw Carlos entering his sight of vision.

Brooklyn gulped silently as the evil man stepped up to him. "Now it's my turn for payback after you gave me these scars!" Carlos snarled. Then, with the knife in his hand, he put the knife to Brooklyn's stomach.

It got an instant recoil from Brooklyn. "Agh! Don't, please. Can't we talk about this?" He tried to reason with the human.

"There is no reasoning for what you did to me, only payback, Monster!" Carlos snarled at him angrily, then he slashed the gargoyle across his upper stomach.

Brooklyn screamed in pain. There was a deep slash in his belly. It started to bleed. Brook clenched his teeth, eyes closed as he felt the stinging pain.

Then, there were more steps and suddenly, Charlie was back in his vision. "My turn again."

The gargoyle shook his head no. Please don't do it! He thought as tears were falling again.

Charlie seemed to know what he was thinking. He wouldn't listen though. He wanted revenge just like Carlos. He aimed his knife too and it came to land on Brooklyn's lower belly.

Brooklyn gasped again as the sharp knife made contact with his tender flesh. This time, Charlie pressed the knife into his belly. Brooklyn winced. The knife cut into his flesh.

Then, it was over as a deep slash was made across Brooklyn's stomach. "AAAAGH!!" he screamed some more. More blood emerged from the cut.

Watson also came up and did another slash across his belly too. "You are our hunting trophy, playing the part of being gutted!" the man sneered.

Blood ran from the wounds down Brook's sides. Tears ran from his eyes. Brooklyn's body was so wracked with pain, he just wanted it to stop. To not die, just make the pain stop.

The slashes in his flesh were all deep. They would all need stitches.

"If... you... intend... to kill... me... go ahead..." Brooklyn gasped weakly.

"Oh, there's still more to come for you." Watson replied. This got Brook's heart to beat rather fast, making him cry a bit more.

"Oh, no!" He gasped in his sobbing, not wanting to know what else these evil humans would do next. The monitor beeped even more, pleasing Watson for seeing the devil's stress at his all time high. There certainly was a big difference compared from how dangerous he was in the forest attacking him to how he looked now, chained and at their mercy.

Charlie then smiled dangerously, grabbing a hold of Brooklyn's hurt tail, pulling it harshly, making his victim let loose a hoarse cry of agony. Brooklyn's throat felt so sore from all the screaming he had been doing.

"Aaah! I've had enough... please!" Brook begged, ears falling down, chest heaving painfully. But Carlos next to him just shook his head.

"No, you haven't, not until you've earned Thailog's mark. It is coming very soon, and I'm really looking forward to hearing your cries when we brand you..."

Brooklyn's tear-filled eyes rounded, sniffling in pain and fear, tugging more. He wanted to get away before this happened! But he knew that wouldn't be possible from this position.

Watson took the knife from Charlie, poking it into Brooklyn's neck, but not to kill him, leering at him.

"Like we mentioned before, Plaything, you will never go back to your precious clan. You belong to us... continue to remember that."

The young Second choked a bit from both pain and fear, but this time didn't answer. Watson nodded in approval again, putting the knife away.

"You still fear us. Good. You are done for now. Stitch and bandage him before putting the shackle back on."

Brooklyn winced as they washed off the extra blood and pulled the monitor pads off his chest, following with an assistant doctor coming to do the stitching part. The needle hurt as it closed the worst wounds, then finishing off with the bandages and putting the shackle on.

He smiled at the result. "Lovely. Your heart must be so scared, hmm?" Watson mocked, moving his hand along the wrapped part of Brooklyn's wounds, making Brook recoil.

"Get... away..." he whimpered. Watson just cackled as Charlie came with the shackle. Brook's eyes rounded, that thing would hurt his current knife wounds more if he got it back on!

"Nooo!" The gargoyle began sobbing, trying to avoid it.

"This is going back on, for it is still a part of you, wretched monster!"

Brooklyn cried as the shackle returned; pressing tight onto his belly once again and rubbing against his wounds, leaving him heaving with pain and sorrow. He hated it as much as he hated his abusers. Watson smirked down at his little prize.

"Until the next time we need you, enjoy your pain!" he laughed ruthlessly. Charlie and Carlos came to get him.

"You're a wonderful trophy to play with," sneered Charlie, using the remote to squeeze Brooklyn, who gritted his teeth in sheer agony, talons breaking the skin in the palms of his hands.

"Tie his wings again before taking him back," Watson commanded, causing Brooklyn to gasp in fear, the thugs holding him after unstrapping him from the table, crying, while Carlos tying up both his wing hands and bottom ones.

The strong humans then cuffed Brook's wrists behind him and dragged the gargoyle, who felt so weak back to his room, chaining him, then shoving Brooklyn mercilessly to the ground, making him wince with pain, especially from his sprained ankle and tail.

Brooklyn was unable to get up at all for quite a long time, tears still feeling hot on his face, whimpering softly from the shackle pressing hard into his severely hurt belly that made it hurt even worse after from having just been sliced up, slowly drifting away into unconsciousness.


He was lost in an eternal darkness. There was no shackle on his belly, but the constricting pain was present.

Brooklyn sobbed, clutching his stomach and begging for his pain to end when Thailog appeared in his vision, smiling like the devil he is and laughing heartlessly. Even though when Brooklyn hallucinated about Thailog and Thailog couldn't touch him during those times, he could still hurt Brooklyn in his dreams.

"I always look forward to when you dream. It is so pleasurable watching you in pain, little plaything. I will never release you from my grasp..."

The red gargoyle looked at him pleadingly. "P-please..." he begged tearfully. But Thailog simply smiled darkly, taking Brooklyn's head in his hands and making him look into his eyes.

"I can do whatever I want to you to keep enduring your pain, for you're mine, Brooklyn, all mine." He cooed, stroking his hair, making his victim shake and struggle to look away, Thailog's eyes burning into his heart...


Brooklyn gasped a little from both waking from his vision and his pain, clutching his side, wheezing softly, the shackle still pressed hard into his stomach. The bandages thankfully covered his incisions this time, since they still needed Brooklyn alive for further torture. He still hated them for being used as their trophy.

He was so dizzy and miserable, not wanting to fall asleep again if he wanted to fall back into Thailog's talons in his dreams, staring up out of the window.

The breeze was coming but he barely felt it because of the pain, slowly losing another battle against himself to live, feeling overly homesick for his family.

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