The Argument

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Hey you too how did the flying go rosiepuff asked. It went great grandma I did it twig said. That's wonderful sweetie grandma rosiepuff said. She did absolutely wonderful Branch told his grandma. He then planted a small kiss on Twig's cheek.she smiled at him he smiled back. It's good to see my grand babies are getting along so great grandma rosiepuff told her grandchildren. Grandma they both groaned in Union. I hope you two are always like this promise me you'll always love each other no matter what. that you'll always be together grandma rosiepuff told them. We promised grandma both of her grandchildren told her. I'm happy to hear that Rosiepuff replied.(the next day) Twig and branch we're singing the song they both love so much. The song is called you get me.


Crazy people, we can make really good friends
That's why we let each other in
With you beside me, I never have to pretend to be stronger
I finally belong here and
I don't feel alone anymore
You get me
And I get you
there's really nothing we can't do
I've got your back
And I've got yours too
Yeah you get me and
I'm pretty sure that I get you

Du do du du du
Du do du du
Du do du du
A-ha, a-ha
On the inside I dreamed I was part of a crowd
But on the outside I wasn't allowed
All I wanted is just to be where we are now
Yeah it's better
And I know I'll never ever feel alone anymore
You get me (get me)
And I get you
Together there's really nothing we can't do
I've got your back
And I've got yours too
Yeah you get me and I'm pretty sure that I get you
I finally have someone to lean on (someone to lean on)
And you have someone to lean on to (lean on to)
To lean on to
You get me (get me)
And I get you
Together there's really nothing we can't do
I've got your back
And I've got yours too
Yeah you get me and I'm pretty sure that I get you
You get me (you get me)
And I get you (yeah)
Together there's really nothing we can't do
I've got your back
And I've got yours too
Yeah you get me and I'm pretty sure that I get you

Wow that was great duet grandma rosiepuff said. Thanks grandma branch said. You two should enter the singing competition grandma rosiepuff said. Or twig should do a song by herself she would be great branch said. I don't know twig said. C'mon sis like I said you would be great branch said. Twig thought for a moment but made up her mind. Ok I'll do it Twig said. Great your gonna win for sure branch said while giving his sister a big hug. Thanks big bro twig said hugging back. Go see with poppy she is the one hosting it after all rosiepuff told them. Ok let's go twig said. The 2 siblings walked to where the singing competition was being set up. They saw poppy helping with the decorations. Hey poppy branch said. Hi branch poppy said. What are you guys doing here the young princess asked. We wanted to see if twig could be in the singing competition branch told her. Of course she can. I would love to hear her sing poppy told them. Thank you twig said. Your welcome. Be there at 8:00 poppy told them. Ok we will. As the siblings were getting ready ( well twig was getting ready branch was waiting for her ) sis c'mon we're gonna be late branch said. Almost done twig said while fixing her hair. Twig was wearing a green dress with butterfly jewelry and the flower Branch had given her earlier today. She put the flower in her side bang.(it's on the right side of her head).

When Twig stepped out of her room revealing her new look. branch shed a tear. His little sister was growing up so fast. Wow sweetie you look beautiful grandma rosiepuff said. Thanks grandma Twig said. And branch don't you look handsome grandma rosiepuff said. Thanks grandma branch said. Branch was wearing green tux.

You ready to go sis branch asked. Yeah I am Twig said with determination. That's the spirit branch told her. As the siblings headed to the competition Twig saw the other contestants and got really nervous. She saw the snack pack siblings. They were rehearsing to. As other performances went on twig got nervous watching each one but the snack pack was always there to comfort her. When twig was called on stage she went up with no hesitation she was very determined to do this. I can do this she told herself. Clover and other snack  pack siblings were cheering her on except for Brooke. Brooke got jealous that Clover was cheering for twig but not for her. Twig was on that stage ready for anything. Twig performed Girl on Fire.

Right when twig was about to finish she slipped on a bunch of marbles that were on the stage platform. There was no doubt about it she was sabotaged. Went she got up she ran off and went backstage. Branch and the others went to comfort her. There's no doubt she was sabotaged branch said angrily. Who could have done this poppy said. I feel really bad for you Penny said. Surely whoever did this is going to pay Brooke said. Brooke is right we have to find whoever did this and make them pay Clover told them. Thanks guys I appreciate it but right now I just want to go home Twig told them. Okay sis let's go home branch said. As they began to walk home Branch wanted to try to make conversation to make twig feel better. Right when he was about to say something she immediately interrupted him. I never want to perform again Twig said in sadness. Branch felt so bad for his sister. It doesn't mean you're going to stop singing will it he asked her. No I will sing just not in front of a bunch of people. A few is okay just not a whole crowd twig said. Okay sis I'll respect your decision branch said planting a small kiss on her forehead.( Back home ) hey you too so how'd it go grandma rosiepuff asked. Twig didn't answer she just looked down. Somebody sabotaged her grandma Branch told her. How awful grandma rosiepuff said giving Twig a hug. Now you just get in your pajamas and get to bed. Okay Grandma Twig said. Hey branch twig said. Yeah Branch answered. Can you sing for me before I go to bed Twig asked. I don't know Branch told her. Please she begged while giving puppy eyes. This was one of Branch's weaknesses ( a big brother weakness) she knew he would give in so easily. He looked at his sister's puppy eyes trying not to give in but failed. Okay I'll sing for you Branch told her. Yay thanks so much you're the best big brother in the world Twig told him. He just smiled at her while she went to her room to change he went to go change to. As they finished changing in their pajamas Branch went to Twig's room to sing for her. She was in her bed sitting up waiting for him. He sat next to her bed. He sang Hey Brother for her. When he finished singing she was asleep. He smiled then he kissed her forehead and left her room.( The next day) grandma rosiepuff was doing laundry. Hey can you two sing for me while I do the laundry grandma rosiepuff asked her grandchildren. Sure we can grandma twig told her. The two siblings began to sing total eclipse of heart together. But twig was the only one realizing the Bergen coming closer and closer to them. Branch move twig yelled as she tried to push him out of the way but was too weak. Grandma rosiepuff turned around to see why her granddaughter was screaming. Branch twig watch out she yelled and she ran to them. By the time Branch realized it was too late. Grandma rosiepuff push both her grandchildren out of the way and got herself caught. As Branch fell he caught twig. Then both siblings looked up to see their Grandma taken away. Grandma they both yelled. Branch began to cry. Just when twig was about to comfort him he smacked her hands away and turned to her angry. This is all your fault branch told her. How can you say that twig said holding back her tears. Because it is Branch said. Well I tried to warn you but you didn't listen to me twig started to yell back. The argument went on until they both sat down. their colors began to fade. As they were both fully Gray they just glared at each other until Branch broke the silence. Well we got to find shelter now branch said. And you're coming with me whether you like it or not he told her. Fine not like I care Twig said in Moody way. And few rules from now on no singing, dancing, or hugging Branch said. Fine whatever not like I like those things anymore anyways Twig said. Good Branch said. As Poppy and Clover we're walking they noticed two grey figures walking with bunch of sticks in their hands. Um excuse us but where are you taking those poppy asked. Wait a minute she realized when the two figures turned around. Branch, twig she questioned. Yeah it's us so what branch told Poppy. Poppy was shocked of how rude Branch was being now. What happened to you too why are you like this Clover asked. That's none of your business twig told him. What she said branch said. Unfortunately I have to keep her with me since she's the only thing I have left. If she wasn't the only thing I had left I would have just let her get eaten too Branch said referring to twig. Poppy gasped. Yeah well likewise twig told him. Poppy and Clover were so shocked that twig and branch look like they hated each other. Two gray siblings left to their new bunker. What do we do now sis Clover asked Poppy. I don't know but somehow we're going to make them happy again poppy told him. Next week was back in the bunker in her room she made fingerless gloves out of the leaves she found. She sewed them then put them on. She took the Flower Branch gave her off her hair. She look down at it and one of her tears landed on it. She began to cry she was so upset the one she loves the most now hates her. Under the arguments and the hurtful stuff they now say to each other she wished she and her brother loved each other again. I wish everything was back to the way it was she told herself. She put the flower in a vase on her nightstand.(the flower wasn't the only gift Branch had given her. There was a necklace with a special stone that was meant for mythical trolls. A stone that provides Magic for the mythical troll. If the mythical troll is happy their magic is unlimited and they are Immortal. But if the mythical troll was Gray their magic is limited and when the magic Runs Out their hair turns white and they die. Twig doesn't believe in all that stuff which is what will put her in danger.)With their new lifestyle twig does all the cleaning and the cooking. Now it will just be sarcasm and hatred between Twig and Branch for now.

Twigs side bang on her hair looks like this.

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