The present

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Now this is the present time. Now in the present twig is 14, Iris is 11, Clover is 14 to, Poppy is 20, and branch is 25. And Fireza woke up.(a quick fact about Fireza even with colors he still emo like branch and Twig). Now poppy was reading the story of how the trolls escaped the Bergens to the children, Clover and Iris were there with her too. Now 20 years ago today King peppy made us safe and now all the trolls live in Perfect Harmony poppy read. And that's why we hug every hour a little girl troll said. Yep poppy replied. I wish it was every half hour a little boy troll said. We do too but that wouldn't leave so much time for singing and dancing would it Iris told them. Do the Bergens still want to eat us one of the kids asked. You bet Clover told them. But just because it's the only way they'll ever be happy poppy told them. Isn't there anything else to make them happy one of the trolls asked. What about happy birthday parties one of them said. Or slumber parties another said. Or staring at your parents while they sleep one of them said. But I don't want to be food one of them said. Don't worry no troll ever will be poppy told them. That's why we're celebrating with the biggest, loudest, craziest party ever Iris told them. Everybody's going to be there poppy told them. Everybody a little troll asked. Everybody Poppy told her. Poppy, Iris, and clover all began playing their cowbells and they sang with the snack pack. At the end of their wonderful number they began hearing slow clapping. They noticed it was branch and Twig clapping sarcastically. Unbelievable guys really really great good job we can hear you from a mile away Branch told them. Good I was worried we were projecting enough she told him. Poppy if we can hear you so can the Bergens Branch told them. Oh boy guy diamond and Sapphire said in Union. Here we go again Cooper said. Oh brother penny said. Oh branch biggie said. You always ruin everything satin and Chenille said in Union. Warning us about the Bergens button and velvet finished in Union. No we don't Twig said. But then twig realized all those times they both interrupted a birthday party, a wedding, and more importantly a funeral. But then poppy spoke up and they both snapped out of it. Come on we haven't seen a Bergen in 20 years they're not going to find us poppy said. No they're not going to find us too because we'll be in our heavily fortified heavily camouflaged Bergen proof survival bunker Branch told them. What he said twig said. So neither of you are coming to the party tonight Poppy asked. But it's going to be the biggest all the twins said in Union. The loudest both DJ said Union. Craziest party ever Penny said. Big loud crazy Twig questioned. You're just going to lead the Bergens right to us. What she said Branch said. Are you sure you want to invite these party poopers to poop on your party Penny asked Clover very quietly. Yes Clover said. I think everybody deserves to be happy poppy said. We don't do happy Branch said. Branch, Twig we know you both have happiness inside you. you just need our help to find it poppy told both of the gray siblings. Both her and clover presented two invitations 1 for Twig and one for branch. As its spat glitter into their faces they just stayed there with the same glare. What do you say guys poppy asked them. Both took each invitation threw it on the floor to the floor and stepped on them. The snack pack stood there in shock. We wouldn't be caught dead at your party but you will be caught and dead both of the gray siblings said in Union. Easy branch easy Creek said coming in. Take it easy twig Brook said. Thank You For providing our transportation namaste Brooke said thanking the little bugs for carrying her and her brother. Okay thanks for sharing again Creek said. Cooper and biggie just snickered. I beg your pardon what was that twig asked getting a little ticked off. Don't hurt me Creek begged. You're just lucky I'm merciful Twig said while Creek giving him one of the scariest glares. Now now no need to get ticked off Brooke told twig trying to calm her down. Why don't you try little positivity Creek told branch. Okay fine I'm positive you're all going to get eaten Branch said.
(Lemme Skip)
As both branch and Twig gazed on the cards they received from Clover, Poppy, and Iris over the years. They each smiled at one of them. All the sudden they heard a knock on the door and they hid all the cards back. As Iris knocked on Twig's door while poppy knocked on Branch's.(the bunker had two different entrances because twig and branch never really entered through the same entrance they also share halves of the bunker). When they drew their slots open they both said in Union we're not going to your party. The party's over we just got attacked by a Bergen poppy told both of them. We knew it twig said. Branch dragged poppy in while twig Dragged in both Iris and Clover. They locked all the doors and set up all the traps.
(Let me skip again)
While Poppy left every single troll in Branch's bunker. Poppy what are you doing Branch asked while every other trolled ran in his bunker. You said  you had enough Provisions to last 10 years right poppy asked. Yeah to last me 10 years me it'll last them 2 weeks Branch told her. Then I guess we better hurry poppy said while starting to walk away. Wait wait wait you three won't last a day out there Branch said gripping on her arm. And you two Won't Last a Day in here poppy said. Solid burn returned. Clover you stay here, Iris let's go poppy told her siblings. Right on sis they both said in Union. Hold on I'm coming to twig said with her backpack on. Great what made you want to come Iris asked. Chance to see my Brother suffer hug time twig told them. That's mean Iris said. Thanks twig replied. Young lady where you think you're going Branch exclaimed angrily. With these two they're obviously not going to survive on their own twig told her brother. You pull that lever and your- Branch started but was interrupted by the sound of a pulled lever. Twig pulled the lever on purpose. Whoops she said clearly Faking It. 3 2 1 poppy whispered under her breath. Then hug time finally arrived. While all three girls went up Branch stayed there screaming in horror. Now the three girls we're off on a journey to save the snack pack.

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