the wedding pt. 2

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Twig smiled to seeing how happy her big brother was. When Poppy finally made it to Branch, he and peppy shaked hands. Then peppy hugged his daughter while handing her over to Branch. Poppy gave her bouquet of flowers to her sister. And finally branch and Poppy stood in front of Fireza with their arms linked. Fireza was in a white robe holding a Bible.
Fireza: dear friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness the union of poppy and branch. Poppy, do you take branch to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health till death do you part.
Poppy: I do
Fireza: branch, do you take poppy to be your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health till death do you part.
Branch: I do
Fireza: then by the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

Poppy and Branch kissed passionately while everyone cheered for them. Twig, Iris, and Clover had the biggest smiles on their faces. Now everyone was dancing the night away. First poppy and branch were dancing together so were Clover and Twig along with Iris and lumber. Then Poppy stole a dance with Clover while Branch stole a dance with Twig. Then everyone else got their chance. It wasn't long before the party was over and Poppy and Branch had to say goodbye to their siblings because they were leaving for their honeymoon.
Iris: do you really have to leave sis ?
Twig: Iris they deserve to have some time to their selves now that their married.
Poppy: besides i won't be gone forever. It's only for 2 months.
Branch: we'll be back before you know it.
Clover: You'll wright to us won't you.
Poppy: of course we will. And Clover, Iris stay with Dad till I get back ok.
Both: we will.
Branch: and Twig take care okay.
Twig: ( nodding while hiding a few tears )
Branch: hey I'll be back ok. ( Hugs her )
Twig: ( hugs back ) i should probably get going.
Branch: why.
Twig: I gotta start moving out.
Branch: ( smiles ) sis you don't have to move out. You, Clover and Iris are going to stay with us forever.
Twig: really ?
Branch: yep.
Twig: thanks. Love you big bro. ( Hugs him )
Branch: ( hugs back ) I love you too little sis.
Poppy: and i love the both of you. Don't you ever forget that. ( Hugs Clover and Iris ).
Both: we won't ( hugs back )
Branch: alright guys we'll see you in 2 months.

So as poppy and branch were riding away in their carriage they were waving goodbye to their siblings. They of course waved back.

Branch: You think they'll be okay without us.
Poppy: of course they will.
Branch: I hope.
Poppy: your worried about Twig aren't you.
Branch: of course I am. How can I not worry. I'm her big brother. I just love her so much.
Poppy: I know you do. But she'll be fine. She's got her friends and family doesn't she.
Branch: right. she does.

They both share another passionate kiss.

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