Broken arm

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Poppy's POV

"Ow gosh darn it. Stop! Are you almost done!?! Ow! You're making it worse! What are you trying to do,rip my bones out or what?!" Branch yelled as I wrapped his broken wrist in a web since all our supplies were gone.
"I'm almost done,calm down. Be thankful we found this web." I answered.
"Thankful?! For what?! You don't know how many spiders could've peed on this!" He gritted his teeth.
"Oh please Branch. No spiders peed on the web." I answered shaking my head
"You don't know that! What if the lead spider invited some other spiders to have a peeing ceremony?! Hunh?! What about that?!" He huffed.
"Wow Branch. I don't see you as the type of person who'd say that. Stop fussing." I breathed.
"Hey Poppy?" He said my name.
"You're mean."
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"Am not!"
Are- you know what? This is immature. Stop it. And you didn't even say sorry." He glared at me.
"What?! Yes I did!" I was shocked.

Flashback from earlier:

"Branch! I'm so sorry!! I'm really sorry! Please forgive me!! I'm really sorry!! Branch are you ok? Please be ok! I'm really really sorry! I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine. It just hurts a lot ."

"No please..let me help you..I'm sorry! I'm like super sorry! I don't know how to say it! I'm sorry! Sorry sorry sorry sorry!!!"

"Don't worry about it." He winced as he touched his bruised wrist.

"Are you ok? I'm still really sorry! Sorry Branch! How will I make this up to you! I'm super sorry!! Sorry!" I repeated over and over again.

"I said I'm fine Poppy! Just please be quiet!" He growled.


" Gah!"

"Oh right..sorr- oh yea." I blushed.
______________________________end of flashback..

"Yea..sure you did." He rolled his eyes.
"So what are we going to do now?" I asked him hoping he'd have a plan.
"I don't know.." He answered.
"Yeah,and with your arm and everything you won't be able to do much now..." I sighed.
"My arm doesn't hurt. It's my wrist. And my wrist is fine. I can do lots of things. I'll prove it to ya." He huffed.
"I don't think that would be a good idea-
"Sh. Let me show you." He said as he was about to dive off the tree.
"Branch don't! How are you going to land??" I panicked.
"With my feet?" He looked at me like duh.
And with that he jumped off like there was no tomorrow.
" Branch!" I yelled. "Branch-

" Poppy! Stop yelling my name and wake up for the last time!!" I heard a mad voice scream in my ear. I jerked my head up and saw Branch right under me. I blushed.
"Finally! What was going on? You were fixing my wrist and you fell asleep..on me.." He stuttered.
I quickly got off him and dusted my dress.
"What,I'm not clean enough?" He asked.
"What? No..that's not what I meant-
" I'm just joking. Yeesh. Don't take it personally." He sighed.
"Oh hehe. Yea. Anyways..I was just dreaming." I said.
"Is that so?" He smirked.
"Oh come on Branch. That's not nice." I giggled.

Branch's POV:
I know I heard you screaming my name Poppy...I'm not mad..I know what I heard and I heard it right...

A/N so what do u think? Comment and tell me anything<3

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