Scared to Confess

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Note: Branch's blue in this one. And, they went back to the village.

Branch: Poppy, get back here!

Poppy's P.O.V

Now, you're probably wondering why I'm running away from him. Well, let me take you back earlier today.


It's been a month since we made peace with the Bergens. Everyone was happy, including Branch, my secret crush ever since I was five years old. Now every time I look at him, those words keep echoing in my head....

Just thinking about it makes my heart go crazy. I've never felt that way about anyone, including 'him'. The way he sold us out like that, I felt shattered inside. But, I'm alright now.  Because, I have Branch, my best friend. The problem is, I'm scared to tell him that I love him. I don't even know if he feels the same way.

?: Pops. Pops. POPS!

Poppy: Huh?! Oh, hey Alice.

Alice: Are you ok, sis? You've been zoned out for almost an hour.

Poppy: Have I? Huh, I haven't noticed.

Alice: Is it because you've been thinking about Branch?

Poppy: Whaaaat? Noooo.

Alice: 🤨 Sis.....

Poppy: Ok, fine. You got me.

Alice: You realize you've been avoiding him for almost two weeks.

Poppy: I know that. How can I talk to someone that I love the most? *covers my mouth*

Alice: I'm sorry, did you just say that right?

Poppy: N-no.

Alice: Sis, I love you. But, you're really bad at lying. And, I knew that.

Poppy: How?!

Alice: I've seen you blush a few times when he's not facing you.

Poppy: ......Alright. You win again.

Alice: You're really not gonna tell him?

Poppy: I just need the right moment, that's all.

Female troll: Alice, come on. We're going to the lake!

Alice: Coming!

Poppy: Don't stay there long.

Alice: I won't. Bye, sis. Love you.

Poppy: Love you too.

See? I can say "I love you" to my family, but not to Branch. Is there something wrong with me? Yes? No? Gah, I don't know! I decided to go out & get some air. The breeze helps me forget things for a while, but it doesn't help 100%. My heart and mind are all on Branch. I don't think I can do this.....If I tell him that I love him, it would just ruin our friendship & I don't want that. What do I do?

Third person's P.O.V

As Poppy was walking around the forest, not paying attention, she runs into somebody.

Poppy: Ah! Sorry......

She saw it was Branch.

Poppy: Branch! Sorry

Branch: It's fine. But, where have you been? I haven't seen you in almost two week.

Poppy couldn't help but look at how handsome he is now that he has his colors. But to her, he has always been handsome in her eyes. But, she's lost in a trance when she looks at his bright sapphire eyes.

Branch: Poppy?

Poppy: Huh? Sorry, I've just been busy being queen.

Branch: Right. But, I have a feeling that it's something else.

Poppy: !!! *thinks: Ah crap, he's on to me! What do I do?!*

And in a panic, Poppy took of running.

Branch: Poppy! *runs after her*

*Present; Poppy's P.O.V*

Branch: Poppy, get back here!

I can't believe he was catching up to me with no problem, but I can't stop. So, I made a left. He went left, too. What he didn't know, I went into the trees to hide from him. As soon as he was gone, I got out of my hiding spot & kept running until I stopped by a waterfall to catch my breath.

Poppy: *looks from behind panting* Did he follow me here? I hope not. Whew.

Before I could keep going, I felt something wrap around my body & pulled to the side. Next thing I knew, my back was against the tree. I opened my eyes seeing Branch in front of me & his arms blocking both sides of my head. I had a feeling that there was no way I can escape from this now. Not to mention, my body won't move & my face was heating up.

Branch: Poppy, what's going on with you?

Poppy: N-nothing. 

Branch: Why are you so bad at lying? I want the truth.

Poppy: I....I can't....

Branch: Why?

Poppy: I just can't

Branch: WHY?!


Branch: What......?

Poppy: I admit it! *looks away* Branch Justin Timberlake, I'm in love with you! Ever since I was five, I've had a huge crush on you! But ever since you sang to me back then, I couldn't tell if you were serious! I didn't want to tell you because I thought it would ruin our friendship & I don't want that to happen!

Everything was silent for a while. Until, I felt his hand on my cheek making me face him. What he did next really made my head spin.

He kissed me, making my heart beat so fast. His lips were so soft, I couldn't help but kiss him back. It was an incredible feeling, too. I didn't want it to end. After a while, he broke the kiss and looked straight into my eyes.

Branch: Of course I was serious.

Poppy: What.....?

Branch: Poppy Anna Kendrick, I've always been in love with you.

Poppy: But if that's true, why were you acting like a jerk back then?

Branch: Cause, I didn't want anyone, including you to know that I've liked you all these years. And, I was worried that I would lose you to death or to someone else. But deep down, I love you so much. So, will you be my girlfriend?

Poppy: Oh my god.......yes, thousand times yes!

I accepted the offer of being his girlfriend & we kissed again. It was the greatest moment in my whole life.

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