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"Branch! Branch! C'mon please!"Poppy begged.Tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Poppy! What is it?!"He yelled in a panic.

"Th-they're after me."Poppy shivered.

"No one's gonna lay a finger on you. Not on my watch."Branch responded.He put a hand on her shoulder telling her not to worry.

"Poppy,I'll bring you somewhere safe! Let's go!"He shouted.

Branch turned around and gasped.Poppy was no where to be seen. Not a single footprint or trace of her.She was,gone.

"POPPY!"Branch yelled out. He was in the middle of the woods.

"POPPY!WHERE ARE YOU?!"He called out once again.But there was no reply.

"Looking for something mate?"

"Who's there?!"Branch picked up a sharp stick and held it out infront of him.

"Well,well,well. Isn't it Mr. Safety man. And are you look for the queen? Who knows if she even likes you back."The figure chuckled.

The troll came out from the trees and the moon light shined down onto his purple face. Creep.(or creek.Or satan.)

"WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU CREEP?!"Branch shouted at him.

"Oh this isnt about what I want.Its about what you want."He smiled.

"W-what do you mean"he stammered.

Creek reached out from behind an oak wood tree and threw Poppy onto the ground.Poppy had her hands tied infront of her and her legs were tied too. Her mouth was covered with a cloth and she let out muffled screams.

"NO! DONT TOUCH HER!"He yelled at the troll who almost killed the entirety of Pop Trolls and who should definitely thrown off a cliff multiple time cuz he is Satan.

"Oh,so it's HER that you want."Creep chuckled evilly.

"Creek,I swear to the trolly heavens,LET HER GO!"Branch screamed at him.Tears were forming in his eyes.

"Fine. I'll let her go. As long as you... tell me where all the other tribes are."

"What?!"Branch replied.

"I will rule the troll kingdoms.And no one will suffer."

"THEY WILL SUFFER! You have no rights to be king or rule this world. YOU'RE NOT WORTHY!LET HER GO!"

"I'll change the deal. Your life,or her life."

Branch stared at him.Tears forming in his eyes. He struggled to find words.He felt his heart shatter.Poppy looked at him shaking her head "no".

"FINE!Take me instead!Dont hurt the one I care about most in this world!DONT KILL THE ONE TROLL I LOVE THAT IS STILL ALIVE!"He screamed as his eyes stinged in tears and tears rolling down his cheeks into his hands.

"Well,you're not as good as the kingdom,so I might as well RULE POP VILLAGE FIRST!"

Branch screamed.Tears streaming down his cheeks with no end.
Seconds before Poppy was chocked and let out her last breath...

"NO!"Branch screamed.He sat up,sweating. He was breathing fast and tears will falling onto his blanket.

"Poppy."He spoke in a whisper.

He ran to the elevator of his bunker and pulled it immediately. He didn't even bother to stop and grab his vest. He went up and sprinted to Poppy's Pod.

Poppy was at her desk.It was 4:00am. Poppy was writing a story in her notebook.

Branch opened his eyes to see Poppy smiling up at him.Her voice was still hoarse and he could tell since she just started unexpectedly singing but she didn't care cause she loved Branch.

She wrote.

"Ugh. Thats too cheesy."She erased it.

Knock knock

Poppy got up from her desk and headed for her door. Who is up at 4:00am? Well me since I'm busy writing my on fantasies day-dreaming all day long and creating stories that will never come true.She thought.

"BrAnCh?"She shouted Branch fell to the ground once she opened the pod door.

Poppy knelt down helping him up."Branch what's wrong?"She asked.

Branch looked up and tackled Poppy into a hug crying onto her shoulder.

"You're alive."He whispered.

Poppy hugged him back."Of course I am. I'm not leaving."She hugged back.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?"She asked.

Branch nodded his head and wiped the tears from his eyes."It was a normal day until you came running to me saying someone was chasing you. Then I turned around and you were gone.Creek was there and he had you tied up. Then he told me to tell him were the rest lf the troll tribes were or else you died.I told him just to take me instead. He said he would but he killed you anyways."He buried his face into his hands.

"Oh Branch."Poppy wrapped her arms around him.

Poppy then lifted his chin up and said "It was just a bad dream. I'm still alive and I will be thanks to you. Because of you the whole village feels safer. You will always be number one in my heart."She blushed when she spoke the last sentence.

Branch was shocked.Poppy loving a grey troll like him?That seemed impossible to him."You're the only ine I love that is still alive. Everyone I love dies in my hands."He spoke softly.

"But it isnt your fault. I love you Branch,and I'm not gonna leave your side,no matter what."Poppy placed her hands on his shoulders and kissed him.

Branch kissed back.He was beyond ShOoKeTh.

After 15 seconds they parted.

"I love you Poppy."

"I love you too Branch."

The end.


"Woohoo!YES!It finally happened!"

Poppy and Branch turned around to see The Snack Pack and most of Pop Village looking at them.Poppy's pod door was still opened and that all happened infront of her doorstep.Barb and Trollex were there too.

"Oh for the love of-"Branch face palmed.

"Also we ship it."The Snack Pack said.

"What the f-"Branch asked in a shocked way.

"Well,we knew this would've happened."Trollex said aloud.

"Ok I'm done.Goodnight Poppy."Branch said walking away.

"Wait!Can you stay the night?"Poppy asked innocently.

"Ooooooohhh!"The crowd exclaimed.

Branch groaned."Ugh fine."

Poppy dragged him inside.

The Snack Pack was on Poppy's roof spying on the couple yet again.

The end.

Ok,IM SLEEP DEPRIVED.Wtf was that.I cant type.Anyways,I will see you guys tomorrow.Bai


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