21 | at the movies

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Jeongguk was happy that Taehyung was with him, walking in the theatre but also annoyed when he turned around to see Namjoon and Hoseok accompanying.

The read head invited the others as it would be fun if more people were there but also made it clear that he is only gonna pay for his food and ticket.

Jeongguk had to lend money from Yoongi and promised to return it by the next week. Well he shouldn't have bought that cheese popcorn in this broke situation but he did it anyways and now regretted.

"It's been so long, we watched a movie together." Taehyung said, looking over his shoulder as they settle on their seats. The sequence was something Jeongguk highly liked, it was just how he wanted.

Jeongguk in between Taehyung and Namjoon while Hoseok was beside the senior. The disappointment in Namjoon's face was clear, it was evident that he wanted to sit beside his best friend but that expression made him even more happier.

What's the reason? Why is Jeongguk loving being this petty?

He doesn't know either. He just didn't want Taehyung to get closer to the boy sitting beside him.

"Hyung, you are not mad at me, right? Jeongguk asked me first to go get ice cream with him but also I kinda said yes to you. So― thought, we watch a movie and then grab some ice cream." Taehyung looked at Namjoon, his eyes surpassing whatever was in between which was whole Jeon Jeongguk.

Jeongguk rolled his eyes and munched on some popcorn making a noise that caught both their attention but they said nothing and smiled at each other.

"Why would he be mad? It wasn't a date." Jeongguk answered before Namjoon could and he nodded, "Yeah the more, the merrier. I am happy that they decided to join."

"And about it being a date, I didn't mean anything like that, I just wanted to spend some time with you, that's it." Namjoon lied as he wasn't quite sure if Taehyung would've wanted the same. Even if Taehyung said that he wouldn't mind dating someone like him doesn't mean he wants to date him.

And in no way, Namjoon wants to make the other uncomfortable.

"Bro, you like him. Just say it." Hoseok commented that made Namjoon to shake his head no, "No, it's um forget it."

The movie started. John Wick : Chapter 3 was something they all adored and watching their ultimate daddy Keanu Reeves fighting― they won't mind watching it over and over again.

The movie started and they all were enjoying it as if they were watching it for the first time. Namjoon stole a glance at Taehyung and sighed when he saw Jeongguk feeding his best friend popcorns while they with mouth open stare the screen ahead.

Taehyung on the other hand smiled chewing on the cheese popcorns his bro was feeding him, "Hey Gguk, what's wrong with you?"

Jeongguk sighed softly, scooted closer and cupped his best friend's cheek with both his palms, "I love you Taetae and that's why I am feeding you, what's wrong with that."

Taehyung cooed internally at how cute the other was being these past few days and ignored the fact that the raven head just got his cheeks greasy.

Taehyung never would've taken that I love you seriously but the tone he used, he was so confused.

Did Jeongguk actually like Taehyung?

In that way.

But he was straight.

Taehyung guesses so.

"Hey―" Taehyung called slowly holding the other's hand who hummed stuffing some more popcorns in his mouth, "Hmm."

"Nothing." Taehyung shrugged his shoulders berating himself fot even thinking that but also Jeongguk's eyes, when he looked into them and when he smiled, he can't but think about it again, he remembered how Jeongguk didn't deny it when Hoseok suggested them to date, he thought about that kiss he gave him on his cheeks.

What if?

No, it can't be that.

The movie went by good and they all enjoyed it except the moments when Taehyung pondered over all those fragments. All those things didn't make any sense. Maybe Jeongguk did it like a friend. Friends do these, all of these but then again;;

Why didn't Jeongguk do all these before?

Why now?

Taehyung's mind is gonna explode if he keeps on thinking about all these and decided to just forget it.

It's just an absurd thought.

They were walking out of the theatre and making their way to the ice cream parlor. Hoseok was continuously kicking the air, punching it, totally inspired by the movie wanting to kick some asses.

While the others just laughed at him.

"We gonna grab ice cream now!" Taehyung excitedly said and Jeongguk nodded. He saw Namjoon smiling as if he saw heaven at Taehyung and as a consequence, the raven head scooted closer and grabbed Taehyung's right hand that startled him.

"What?" Taehyung asked.

"What?" Jeongguk asked back.

The red head nodded and looked ahead, all those questions arising for the second time. What's actually wrong with him?

Namjoon now walked closer to Hoseok and whispered, "Does Jeongguk like Taehyung?"

"Honestly, I don't know what goes on in that pea sized brain of him." Hoseok chuckled, his eyes scanning both Jeongguk and Taehyung walking ahead of them; hand in hand.

"Even if he does, he won't probably understand cause he is that dumb, so you still got a chance dude." Hoseok smiled patting the other's shoulder.

Jeongguk stole a glance at Namjoon who was talking to Hoseok and again focused forward, smiling at the fact that Namjoon ain't trying to again get close to his best friend.

"You acting strangely today." Taehyung suddenly blurted out, "I noticed. You're getting in between me and Namjoon hyung."

"You're right. I am getting in between." Jeongguk honestly said, blinking hard to which the other sighed.

"Why? After you know he is into me? Don't you want your bro to date someone worth it?"


i wanna write another
chapter so bad but idk
if i can manage time :(

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