Chapter Five

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Warm air flowed across the valley as we headed down the mountain, I smiled as I sat back in my saddle upon Quicksilver's back. It had been so long since I had been able to enjoy the sun since we entered the mountains, with a sigh I chuckled when I heard the wagon behind me creak and fall. Turning Quicksilver I noticed the boys had lost a wheel and I simply shook my head knowing they had it covered I headed off after the other wagons, Quicksilver almost seemed to prance with pride after being restricted to short rides because of the blizzards. According to Hosea we were heading to Horseshoe Overlook which sounded like a lovely place, upon turning down a very overgrown trail we arrived in a beautiful clearing with an amazing view behind it. Hopping off of the tall dark stallions back I tethered him to a tree, I began to work on his saddle so the poor creature could get comfortable after so long with the horrible leather upon his back. After un tacking the poor beast I put his halter on and tethered him to the tree once more, I began to help everyone else unpack the wagons as Arthur and the remaining few who hadn't arrived yet entered camp. I was honestly half expecting the Irish red headed jokester to be with them but he had been separated back in black water so he was more than likely dead, with a sigh I pulled open a crate of my stuff and chuckled softly before setting things up around my tent. I was nearly done when someone cleared their throat behind me making me jump and spin around, I let out a sigh of annoyance seeing it was only Dutch.

"Sorry to scare you Grace, I just wanted to see how you were holding up," he chuckled, I rubbed the back of my neck and chuckled awkwardly.

"Yeah I was a little distracted, anyways I'm doin fine Dutch, you don't gotta worry 'bout me," I sighed smiling, after so long of bad luck I felt good for once.

"Alrighty then, tomorrow I want you, Lenny and Micah to go scout the area north of here, see if you can find anything useful," Dutch informed, I nodded and when he turned I shuddered. Whenever Micah was sent to do anything someone always ended up dead, with a sigh I sat back on my bed and listened to the wildlife and the sounds of camp around me. As the day wore on my eyes slowly drifted closed, not long after I fell into a nice and restful sleep.


The feeling of eyes burning into my skin made me jolt awake, the sun had only just risen and I noticed Micah watching me from just outside my tent. Knowing him he had sent Lenny to tack up the horses so he could be the creep he was, with a sigh I grabbed my hat and left the safety and shade of my tent. I headed over to where Quicksilver stood munching happily on hay despite the metal bit in his mouth, rubbing his neck I grabbed the reigns and mounted up onto his back.

"Got anywhere planned today oh fearless one," I grumbled knowing Micah would take charge anyways, I heard both him and Lenny chuckle at my remark.

"Oh just up to a fancy little town called Strawberry, why? Got a problem with me sweetheart?" He sneered slyly, growling I urged Quicksilver into a steady trot. I had been over this way before with Sean but it was mainly to find a suitable hiding spot incase something went wrong, the Irish asshole had the hide to run off and get himself lost. Knowing his luck he was being kicked the shit out of by Pinkerton's or even probably shot, shrugging it off I followed behind the two as we headed for the distant hills and forest. Thankfully both boys were silent as we rode on and on, we passed many a kind folk and none seemed to recognise us which was a good thing. Quicksilver after a while grew bored of trotting and began to pull on his reigns as if wanting to go faster, smirking I leaned forwards slightly and gripped the reigns tighter.

"Let's show the world what we are made of," I whispered into the stallions ear, at this his muscles began to tense beneath me and with a smirk I urged Quicksilver into a full on sprint which caught both boys by surprise. By the thunderous hoof beats behind me they were trying to keep up but failing, the more my heart raced with excitement the faster Quicksilver seemed to go. Luckily my hat fitted my head perfectly or it would have flown off by now, seeing a town in the distance I pulled on the reigns to slow the heaving stallion to a steady trot. Upon catching up Lenny looked amazed while Micah looked simply amused, lifting my head proudly I fell in step beside them.

"That's a mighty horse you got there Grace, never seen a horse go so damn fast!" Lenny cheered, I chuckled at his tone.

"I stole him from the big stables back in Blackwater, bastards thought I was there to collect him for his new owner but boy were they wrong!" I laughed out of breath from the adrenaline, Lenny and I began to talk about which horses were faster and which ones were bred for wars when I noticed Micah heading for the saloon. Tethering our horses we headed inside where I was given the usual perverted looks from drunk men, the place gave me shivers as I leant against the bench.

"I'll take a whiskey thanks," I said to the man working at the bar, he nodded as I place some money down and he handed me a medium sized bottle of whiskey. Grabbing it I looked over at Micah and saw the asshole was already stumbling around like a drunken fool, Lenny stood extremely close to me and I didn't blame the kid.

"Lenny you go get the horses ready, imma get Micah and meet you outside," I muttered to him, he nodded and rushed out as I drank the last of my whiskey. Walking over to Micah he turned with his perverted and drunken eyes looking me over, I growled mentally but when I was about to speak he forced his sloppy lips against mine causing me to shove him backwards.

"Aww what's wrong little girl *hic* come to papa and *hic* I won't hurt you," he slurred, growling I turned to leave when I felt hands grab my waist and I turned and when I was about to punch him he was already in a punch up with another guy. A familiar snarl from the doorway caused me to tense, I knew that dark and scary growl anywhere. Turning my head I felt myself freeze, standing in the doorway was none other than the Pinkerton boss himself.

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