Chapter Six

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"Oh hello again my dear..." he began before I pulled out my pistol and shot at him, I rushed out the doors completely forgetting Micah because it was his fault we were here in the first place. Lenny already had our horses ready when I leapt onto Quicksilvers back, Lenny took off and I urged my anxious stallion forwards in a burst of speed. We ran for our lives as gunshots rained after us, my heart was pounding and my head was spinning when I felt a large force hit my shoulder and I fell forwards off of Quicksilvers back.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE LENNY AND GO GET HELP!" I roared, after a moment of hesitation the dark skinned boy raced off making sure not to head directly for camp. Standing up I help my pistol in my good arm that wasn't heavily damaged from a bullet and began to shoot at anyone who got close, eventually I ran out of ammo so I stood there trying to stop the bleeding. The tall pale skinned man leapt off his bay mare and walked towards me, a snarl was plastered on my face at this point.

"You are a silly woman Grace Fisher, you could have just handed Dutch in and we would have let you go, anyways I know what you're like and that won't happen, come with me peacefully or I will shoot you, Oh and that man you came in with, the one we caught, he will look just fine hanging from the gallows," the man chuckled as he shoved me forwards, with a grunt I refused to move as I swung at him.

"Go to hell Milton," I growled, he heaved a sigh before I felt the back of a gun hit me across the head and everything went black.


I awoke to find myself in a jail cell, thankfully I was in my own cell and wasn't in the one with Micah and what looked to be one of Colm's boys. Sitting up I hissed in pain as I held my shoulder, it looked treated which told me they wanted me to look just fine before they let me swing. Looking over to the hungover Micah and the anxious O'Driscol I muttered under my breath as I sat there, Dutch wouldn't be too happy with Micah after this. A door opening signalled a sherif was coming down, the sight of the golden badged assholes made me growl.

"Alrighty everyone here is what's going to happen, you are all going to make yourselves look healthy as if you haven't been shot or bashed to pieces, women will be hanged after men but that won't happen for a few days, now, eat your food so graciously provided to you by the general store and please do eat, we can't hang corpses now can we," the sherif muttered the last part, looking down at the food that had been place in my cell I snarled and pushed it away as I sank to the back of the freezing cold concrete walls.


I awoke to the sound of clanging, pulling my hat further over my eyes I snuggled into my coat trying to stay warm. I had been in this damned cell for two days now and no one had sent help, suddenly the sound of stone crumbling made me jump up as I noticed Micah race from the now broken walls.

"HEY!! IN HERE!!" I called with hope flaring in my chest, there was arguing and gunfire before a familiar bulky shape hid beside the broken wall.

"Come on Arthur lets get the hell out of here!" Micah roared above the noise, I began to pull on the bars in hopes of loosening them but to no avail.

"Micah we ain't leavin' until we get Grace!" Arthur snarled back, when an opening came Arthur rushed in and towards my cell. He examined the door when a gunshot narrowly missed his head causing him to flinch backwards, I looked over to see the sherif with the Pinkerton leader and I felt my heart sink. I looked at Arthur a final time to see the worry in his eyes, I nodded as I shoved him backwards as he rushed out of the broken wall and took off with Micah by his side. I turned to glare at the Sherif who had prevented my escape yet again, both men seemed pleased to still have a member of the Van Der Linde gang in their clutches.

"Shoot me now why don't ya," I mumbled as I headed for the back of my cell yet again, Mr.Milton walked towards the cell door and I simply pulled my hat over my eyes.

"Such a shame they left you behind, goes to show how much they care about you Miss Fisher," Milton chuckled, I felt all hope of escape leaving me at this point but I had to hold on for Dutch and the others. Come to think of it, it wouldn't be long before Dutch had almost the whole gang trying to free me the moment Arthur returned without me. The moment the sherif and Milton left I broke down into soft sobs, tomorrow they would hang me I just knew it. My life with the gang was a good run, I just wished I could have done so much more for those who believed in me. Taking shaky breaths I tried to calm my shattered nerves, I purely hoped the gang wouldn't have to watch me swing. Closing my eyes I made sure to hide my tear stained cheeks from view, I would face my death with honour for I had protected and helped those who truly needed me most.

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