56~ Party

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Winter break was here, but instead of relaxing, I had homework to do. I wished we'd done our 'Snow Day' this week, but it was more expensive, so I had to take a couple days off school.

Thankfully, it wasn't too much, considering the first semester was practically over. I just needed to hand in my final project online and do my final test for two courses, which were due this week, so I wasn't behind. The only make-up work I had was listening to the lectures I missed— which my friend recorded for me— and writing down info that could be on the exams.

Afterwards, Kyle helped me study by asking me questions. I was confident about my Math and CPR courses, being pretty easy for me. My Human Development course was a bit more difficult, but interesting. My Nutrition course was the hardest. It was hard for me to memorize a lot of the facts and statistics.

"Approximately how much sodium does the average American consume every day?" Kyle read from his computer, crunching a potato chip between his teeth.

I took a few moments to think. "2,000 milligrams."

Kyle opened the answer. "On average, 3,400 milligrams of sodium."

I groaned. "I was close."

"1,400 off? That ain't close."

"Shut up. Next question."

"What vitamin do pregnant women need to decrease the incidence of neurological disorders?"

"Folic acid," I answered instantly.

"Good job." He tossed me a potato chip, which I caught in my mouth, laughing.

"What, you giving me treats?" I said.

Kyle took another chip and held it above me. "Who's a good boy? Who got the question right? You want a chip? Huh?"

I smacked his hand. "Stop that. I'm not Lonnie." My phone buzzed. Out of habit, I checked it.

Imtotallysamueljackson (Sam Reynolds): yo jack

"Hey. Focus."

"Sorry." I put my phone away, feeling it vibrate in my pocket.

"AED pads can be used for children at what age?"

I paused. "Puberty."

"Correct." Kyle took another chip. "Good boy!"

"Shut up." I kicked him in the stomach— not too hard, but hard enough. He groaned as I snatched the chip from his fingers and ate it.

"Kyle! Could you come over here, please?" Mom called.

"Coming!" He stood. "Be right back."

When he left, I quickly took my phone out.

Imtotallysamueljackson: guess what

Sigma taus having a party

And we can bring gests

U wanna come?

Sigma Tau's mention made my heart flutter. It was like having a crush, except it was an entire group of frat guys. Sam had rushed this semester and gotten a bid, and now he lived in the house. I hoped I could get in next semester.

jackomattern: when is it

Imtotallysamueljackson: weds night @8pm

its a mixer w theta zeta tau

hoottt girls (multiple fire emojis)

jackomattern: bruh

Imtotallysamueljackson: what? girls r the best part

jackomattern: (rolling eyes emoji)

Imtotallysamueljackson: pruuude

so u coming? u can b my gest

jackomattern: yea sure

should I bring anything?

Imtotallysamueljackson: Nah

Make a good impreshon that way they like u when u rush nxt sem

jackomattern: great thx

can I bring anyone

like Amelia

Imtotallysamueljackson: sry only 1 gest per member

jackomattern: eh its fine

Imtotallysamueljackson: u want me to pick u up?

jackomattern: Yea

ur gonna have to play along tho, my parents wont like me going to a party

Imtotallysamueljackson: I thought ur dad was in a frat

jackomattern: Yea but he regrets it

Imtotallysamueljackson: bruhhh

what r u gonna tell them?

jackomattern: that im going to ur place easy

Imtotallysamueljackson: Oh yea

ok see u weds

jackomattern: yea see u

Excitement coiled in my stomach. I tried getting back to reviewing for my test, but I was too excited to fully focus. My first frat party.

I already knew a few guys in the frat, thanks to the events I attended. Asher and Howard were two, and Sam, of course. I met Oliver and Tyler, the latter being the recruitment chairman.

I wasn't dumb enough to focus on one, obviously, so I'd made lots of friends in other frats. Eddie joined Iota Theta Delta, for one, so he introduced me to a few of his brothers from his pledge class.

The reason I preferred STR so much was because their philanthropy donated to funds for cancer patients. After my experience with Amy, and knowing Monica, it was the most personal connection I had. The second choice was Sigma Eta Omega; they donated to mental health organizations.

Once recruitment started, I'd meet all 10 chapters of Greenfield and hopefully get a bid to one of them. I just had to be cool and not look like a desperate fanboy.

Tommy walked past my room, stopping and peeking in. "Hey."

"Hey, what's up?"

"I, uh..." Tommy came inside, seeming sheepish. "I wanted to talk to you."

"Sure, what about?" I turned away from my computer.

Tommy sat in Kyle's chair, kneading his hands together. After a few moments, he spoke. "I just wanted to say sorry."

"For what?"

"You were right... about Shirley."

"Oh... yeah, you broke up with her yesterday, right?"

He nodded. "It was hard."

"You okay?"

"I will be... I do feel a lot more... free. I just wanted to tell you that you were right and I'm sorry for getting mad, and denying something so obvious."

I reached over, placing a firm hand on his shoulder. "Don't sweat it, Tom. I get it. You're out now."

"I'm out," he sighed. "And I didn't just break up with Shirley." I frowned, confused. He answered with: "I quit football."

I blinked, my jaw dropping. "You what?"

"Yeah. I... while I was talking with Shirley, I realized how much of a jerk I became because of the team. You remember the stuff Lucas and everyone would do to the new guys, and we would play along?"

I nodded, guilt pinching my stomach. I still regretted it to this day.

"I realized... it wasn't worth it," Tommy continued. He took a chip from the bowl Kyle left behind. "I'm not going to college, and Harry's smart enough to make it without me, or the team."

"Did he quit, too?"

"Yeah. We emailed Coach."

"What did he say?"

"He hasn't answered." He took another chip.

I smiled at him. "I'm proud of you, Tom."

"It was a big step. I mean... it was getting awkward, going to practice with Lucas's friends there after we... you know."

"Beat the jerk out of him?"

We laughed.

"He got expelled, but... all the other guys are still there," he groaned. "I just don't want to be around them anymore."

"I get you." I stretched. "Really hope Flynn doesn't go to Greenfield."

"The guy has no mental capacity for college."

We laughed again. Kyle returned and approached Tommy. "Out of my seat, shrimp."

"You left, so I took it," Tommy retorted.

Kyle gave him the 'big brother' look, but we could tell he was joking, so neither of us were frightened. In the end, he sighed and grabbed Tommy's shirt, practically throwing him out of the chair.

"Rude," Tommy huffed.

"Me? You were in my seat."

"You know he quit football?" I told Kyle.

"Yeah, Harry told me. About time. Did they expel Flynn?"

"Yeah, but just him. The other guys that did the same things are still there."

"Why? They're just as bad as he is."

"The principal is a bit..." Tommy tapped two fingers against his head.


"Stupid. Harry taught me the sign." He headed to the door. "I'll see you."

"Back to work," Kyle said, turning to the computer. I briefly went on my phone to add the party to my calendar.

Wednesday, December 20- STR party 8:30

"Back to work, Jack. Off the phone." Kyle threw a potato chip at my head.

"Sorry." I put my phone away, hiding my excitement. I couldn't wait for Wednesday.

Thoughts? What do you think will happen at the party?

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