🎀 Chapter-11🎀

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~Jimin Oppa!!!

The girl suddenly shouted making both Hoseok and Jimin's eyes to go wide. They both looked at each other in pure shock.

On the other hand, the girl came running towards them. Everyone in the cafeteria was looking at her wondering who was her "Jimin Oppa"

Taehyung, Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi and Jungkook were shocked when she came and hugged Jimin.

~ Finally I found you Oppa....

She said before crying sound started to come. Jimin looked at her and again at Hoseok.

Jin- Do you know him Rosé?

Jin asked the girl, Rosé who was hugging Jimin. She broke the hug and looked at Jin and said

Rosé- Jin Oppa.... He is Jimin Oppa.

She said shocking each and everyone standing there. Jungkook came near Rosé

Jungkook- What are you saying Rosé? He is not Jimin. He is Sung-min. Choi Sung-min.

Rosé- No Kookie, he is Jimin Oppa. My Oppa.

Taehyung- You mean to say he is Jimin? The one whom you were finding??

Rosé- Yes Tae Oppa.

She said. Taehyung looked at Jimin and Hoseok who were still standing there in shock.

Taehyung- It can't be possible Rosé.

Rosé- Tae Oppa, I am 100% sure. Wait....

She said. She opened her phone and searched for something before turning her phone so that everyone can see

(Cutie Pie 😍😍)

Rosé- This is the last phone I have of him. Look carefully. He look exactly same as in the photo.

They all Looked at the photo then at Jimin and then again at the photo.

Jungkook- The hell. Sung-min hyung looks exactly like Jimin Hyung.

Jungkook said and the others nodded in agreement. They all looked towards Hoseok and Jimin who were looking at each other.

Taehyung was about to say something, but before he could Jimin turned to Hoseok talking his hands in his own.

Hoseok looked at him and saw him taking deep breathes.

Hoseok- Chim... What happened?

Jimin- H-Hyung... My head is hurtin--

Before Jimin could complete his sentence, his body fell on the ground. (He fainted)
Hoseok looked at him with wide eyes.

Hoseok- Jimin!!!

He bent down and took Jimin in his laps trying to wake him up while the others looked at Hoseok with a very shocked expression.  But Hoseok was too busy waking up Jimin that he forgot about the others.

Hoseok- Jimin!! Jimin wake up!! Chim please!! Wake Up!!

Hoseok said trying his best to wake up Jimin but nothing happened. Hoseok took out his phone from his pocket with shaky hands and dailed a number.

While he was waiting for The person to pick the phone, Rosé also bent near Jimin trying to wake him up.

Hoseok- Hello??......… Please come to the cafeteria......... I don't have time for this......... Fuck Boss!! Jimin fainted. Come here fast!!!!

He yelled on the phone before cutting the call.

Within a second, he saw Hana's guards coming towards them. They came near them and saw Jimin on the ground.

Guard 1- What happened??

Hoseok- I don't know. Please wake him up.

The guards nodded.  One of them bent down near Jimin and checked his pulse before Looking to Hoseok and saying

Guard 2- Hobi, don't worry. Jimin will be fine.

He said but in a low tone that only Hoseok and Rosé were able to hear him. Hoseok nodded his head and stood up.

Hoseok- Are you taking him to hospital?

The guard shooked his head and said in a very low tone

Guard 1- We can't. If Boss find out--

The guard's words were but off by Hoseok

Hoseok- I said Fuck Boss!! Take him to Hospital. If Boss ask take my name. What will be do? Beat me? I am ready but I am not gonna risk Jimin's health!!

The guards looked at each other. None of them have seen Hoseok this angry ever before. They nodded their head.

One of the them picked up Jimin and stood up.

Guard 1- We will take him. But You will not come. We don't want Boss to find out. Remain here or go back to apartment. We are with Jimin.

He said and left from there with the other guard not giving Hoseok a chance to even speak

But Hoseok knew they were right, so he didn't went behind them.

He turned back and was met with the shock face of his friends.

>>> Fuck.... What did I did?

This was all Hoseok could think of. He mentally facepalmed himself.

Jin- His real name is Jimin?

Jin asked in a deep voice. Hoseok gulped and nodded his head as he know their is no use of lying now.

Rosé- That means he is my Oppa.

She said. Hoseok immediately turned to her

Hoseok- Oppa? How are you related to him? And how did you even have that photo?

Rosé- I am Park Chaeyoung. Also known as Rosé.

Hoseok- Wait.... Park.... Jimin's full name is Park Jimin-- Are you his family?

He asked when realisation hit him. Rosé nodded her head with smile and some tears. Hoseok took a deep breath before saying

Hoseok- Really??

He asked and she again nodded her head.

Rosé- I am his younger sister.

A big smile came on Hoseok's face as he heard this

Hoseok- Rosé..... Are you 100% sure he is your brother?

Rosé- Yes I am. I was finding my brother from the past 7 years and finally I saw him today.

>>> 7 Years...... Jimin came to the Mansion..... 7 years ago. He looked exactly as the boy in the photo she showed right now.....
That means she really is his sister...... Jimin have a family.... And he can escape now.....

Hoseok thought as he closed his eyes. His smile was getting bigger thinking about that his dongsaeng will be saved from the ruthless mafia.

Namjoon- Sung-Jin, Why are you crying?

Hoseok opened his eyes and realised he was having tears. He wiped them and said

Hoseok- I am not. They are happy tears. My Chim.... Finally.

Yoongi- Wait.... His real name is Jimin. Not Sung-min. Right?

Hoseok nodded his head and Yoongi again asked

Yoongi- That means your real name is also not Sung-Jin. What's your real name?

Hey Moonlights

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Words Count- 1070

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