🎀 Chapter-12🎀

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Yoongi- Wait.... His real name is Jimin. Not Sung-min. Right?

Hoseok nodded his head nervously already knowing what Yoongi is gonna ask next.

Yoongi- Then, your real name is also not Sung-Jin. Right?

Hoseok knew Yoongi Was about to ask this. He nodded his head.

Hoseok- Please don't ask me any questions. I am afraid I can't answer any of your question related to me or Jimin.

It was great meeting all of you guys. Even if it was two days, you guys gave me a feeling of what friends are. Thanks for that.

This maybe the last time you all see me and I see you all. I can't tell you why. I am sorry.

I am also sorry for lying to you. I am sorry on behalf of Jimin too.

And Rosé don't worry. As soon as Jimin wake up, I will try my best to send him to you. Till my last breath.

Once again Thank You and Sorry

Hoseok said and bowed. Before anyone of them could ask him anything, he turned back and ran away from there.

Namjoon- Sung-Jin!! Wait--

Namjoon tried to call him but it was too late. Hoseok already left from there.

Taehyung- What does he meant by Never see us again?

Jungkook- Don't know Hyung.

They were busy thinking all this when Jin's phone rang. He looked at the I'd and saw it was his hacker whom he told to find the information of Jimin and Hoseok.

He picked up the call


Boss the work is done. 

Thank You
Please come at the mansion right now.

Ok Boss.

Jin hanged up the call. He looked at others who were still standing confused.

Jin- Guys.... Let's go to my house. Right now.

He said. They all looked at him and nodded their heads. They left from there to Jin's house.


As they reached Jin's house, they all went and sat in the living room.

Yoongi- So, what do you wanna show us Hyung?

Namjoon- Is it something related to Sung-min I mean Jimin and his elder brother?

Jin nodded his head.

Jin- I was having some doubt on this boys so I told my hacker to hack all their information. And he did it. He is coming right now.

He said and within some seconds Jin hacker came in. He bowed to them before sitting right I didn't of them. He opened his laptop and the firs thing he did was to connect it with Jin's TV.

As the TV screen switched on they all could see one photo.

Rosé- Jimin Oppa.....

Hacker- Correct. His real Name is Park Jimin. He is 19 years old. Son of Mr. And Mrs. Park He Was kidnapped by Choi Byun-ho seven years ago when his parents abandoned him and his younger sister.  Currently Working as a servant in Byun-ho's mansion from past 7 years. Recently started going to college with a name Choi Sung-min He Lost his memory seven years ago.

He said and they all looked at him nodding their heads. On the other hand Jungkook hugged Rosé who was again crying this time out of happiness.

Rosé- How come he didn't recognise me?

Hacker- As I said. He lost his memory. His full memory of childhood.

Rosé- Do you know how? Was it some accident?

Hacker- Yes, I know. And No it wasn't an accident. Choi Byun-ho was giving them a drug in their food which made them lose their memories. Seems like he gave it to them for a very long time, as they don't remember anything even after 7 years.

Taehyung- What do you mean?

Hacker- The drug he gave them, can make anyone lose their memories but only for some time period like 2 or maximum 4 years.
But even after they don't remember anything, then they have been given the drug in high dose for a very long time.

He explained. They all again nodded their heads.

Hacker- Well, this is what Park Jimin looked like before he was kidnapped.

Rosé- He is really Jimin Oppa. The first photo was taken my me only.

Rosé said looking at him with a big smile and teary eyes.

Rosé- Oppa... Will you sa---

Jin- Rosé don't worry. Your Jimin will be with you. Now that we know, where is he, we will go and bring him back.

Rosé scold up from the couch and went near Jin. He hugged him and said

Rosé- Thank you so much Oppa.

Jin- It's Ok Rosé. Like your brother, my brother is also not with me. I know how it feels. But now, we found your brother and I will do anything to bring him back.

Jin said as he and Rosé broke the hug. She again went and sat beside Jungkook.

Jungkook- Hyung, what about Sung-Jin Hyung-- wait no. That's not his real name. Anyways, what about him?

Hacker- I have his information with me too.

He said as he looked into his laptop. He searched something and soon a photo was again shown in the TV.

Hacker- His real name is Ki--

Before he could complete, Jin's phone rang suddenly. He looked at the I'd and saw it was his father.
Rolling his eyes Jin cutted the call.

The hacker was about to say when again Jin's phone rang. He again cutted the call. This happened again and this time Jin picked up the call as he was annoyed.

What the Fuck do you want?

Mr. Kim:
Jin, son I was thinking if we both could meet up. I want everything between us to go back to normal. Please son--

Shut the fuck up!!
I am not your son!!! The day you sold my brother to someone, that day you lost each and every right on me.
And Nothing can go back to normal. Now, don't you dare to call me again otherwise, I will come to meet you but I will not talk. My gun will!!!

He said and hanged up the call. He looked at the hacker. He took a deep breath before saying

Jin- Continue.

Hacker- Hmm..... So, Boss his real name is
Kim Hoseok.

Hey Moonlights

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Words Count- 1070

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