🎀 Chapter-20🎀

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Next Day

Hoseok and Jin were drinking their morning coffee with complete silence between them. It wasn't awkward silence like yesterday but Also wasn't comfortable one.

After every sip or so, Hoseok would look up at Jin and if Jin looks at him would again look down pretending that "he wasn't staring at him"
Jin who caught him starring at himself, found it amusing and chuckled very slowly.

He looked up and saw Hoseok who immediately looked down again.

Jin- Hobi..  

Hoseok slowly looked up while he took one sip and kept his cup on the table

Jin- You and Jimin can go to resume your college from tomorrow. Have some rest today. Ok?

Hoseok- Ok Jin sh-- Hyung.

Jin- Hm..... And also. I have some work. So, I will not be at home

He said and Hoseok looked a little scared. Jin immediately said

Jin- Don't worry. See, it's 8:00 AM right now, Jimin and the others will be here by 10:00 AM. So you won't be alone.

Hoseok- Ok...... When will you leave?

Jin- After finishing this coffee. But my guards are out there. No body can even come in. So no need to worry. Hmm?

Hoseok hesitantly nodded his head repeating in his mind that it's only for 2 hours that he is alone.

They both again continued eating in silence and after he was done with his coffee, Jin went to his room saying he is going to change.

Soon, Hoseok saw Jin coming downstairs. Jin came and stood infront of him and said

Jin- Don't be scared. My guards are here for you. And also ANDERSON!!

Jin called out one of his guard who immediately came to them and stood infront of Hoseok.

Jin- Hobi, he is Anderson. He is your personal bodyguard. So, if you need anything. Just let him know. Ok?

Jin said. Hoseok looked at Anderson who bowed a little. Hoseok too bowed and nodded his head.

Jin- Hm... Vince, did you got what I told you to?

He asked to Vince, another guard who was coming inside with a bag in his hands. He nodded his head and said

Vince- Yes Boss. Here is it.

He said and have the bag to Jin. Jin nodded and dismissed him and soon he left. Jin gave the bag to Hoseok and said

Jin- Take it. It's for you. Hyungie will try to come back soon. Ok?

Hoseok- Ok and Take care

Jin nodded his head while he patted the head of the younger and said

Jin- Sure. You too. Hyung loves you.

He said and gave kiss to Hoseok on his forehead before leaving.

Now, Hoseok was left in the mansion with Anderson.

Anderson- Young Master, you should open the bag, Boss gave you.

It was very weird for Hoseok to hear someone calling him with respect. Before this Hana's guards called him and Jimin that, but he knew that was all an act. But now, he have his own personal bodyguard.

Hoseok nodded his head and came near the couch and sat on the couch. He saw Anderson standing and he turned to him

Hoseok- Please don't stand. You can sit too.

Anderson- Ah. It's Ok. I am habitual and it's my job.

Hoseok- I know but I also know how it feels. Please sit down for me.

Anderson sighed and sat on the couch beside Hoseok giving him a small smile.

A smile came on the guard's face who were standing there observing everything.

Guard 1- He is really like Boss. Both are kind.

Guard 2- True. Both brighter are kind, humble and handsome as hell.

Guard 3- He is handsome too but you know Boss is

Guard 1,2,3- World Wide Handsome

They all said and giggled a little and then again focused on the duo sitting infront.

Hoseok opened the bag and saw a box in it wrapped it in gift wrap.

Hoseok- A gift?

Anderson- I guess. Open it and see what's inside.

Hoseok nodded his head and with the help of Anderson, he opened the gift wrapping.

As he saw what was inside, he widened his eyes.

Anderson- Did you liked it?

Hoseok starred at the phone for some time and then looked at Anderson and nodded his head.

Hoseok- I loved it. It's the best gift.

Anderson- That's great that you liked it. Boss, got to know from Jimin that you and Him didn't had any personal phone of yours so he ordered this one for you. One is sent to Jimin too.

He said making Hoseok surprised a little.

Hoseok- Really? Jin sh-- Jin Hyung is very nice.

Anderson- He is. Seeing him no one can say he is Mafia King.

Hoseok- So true.... uhh....Can you help me use it? I don't know how to....

Anderson- Sure Young Master.

Hoseok- Uhh... How should I call you?

Anderson- By my name.

Hoseok- But you are older than me. I'll call you Hyung. Is it ok?

He said. Anderson smiled and nodded his head and said

Anderson- Ofcourse.

Hoseok- Great.... Just one more question. Then I won't disturb you.

Anderson- Asih, Just ask it. There is no need to hesitate.

Hoseok- Where did Jin Hyung went in the early morning?

Anderson- He went to meet Choi Byun-ho.

Hoseok widened his eyes as Anderson mentioned the name.

Hoseok- W-what? Why??

Anderson- Young master, don't worry. He will be fine. He just went to have a little talk.

He said mentally smirking while showing a smile to Hoseok who nodded his head.

Anderson- Well, Boss's friends will be here after 1 hour so what do you wanna do till then?

He asked. Hoseok thought for some time and then turned to Anderson.

Hoseok- How about you teach me how to use this phone?

Anderson- Good idea.

He came and sat beside Hoseok still maintaining a comfortable distance between them. And started to teach Hoseok about the phone.


(They "💀💀💀" didn't came in last part too and in this too so I just putted them at the end)

Hey Moonlights

How was it?

I am going to try something which I never did in the next chapter. Stay tuned to know what I am trying  

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Love you all so much

Words Count- 1048

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