🎀 Chapter-21🎀

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Warning ⚠️- Torture Scenes Mentioned in the Chapter. If you are uncomfortable, please skip.

(AN- I was inspired by one story I read so the scene you are going to read may be a little similar. But it's my own imagination only)


After saying Bye to Hoseok, Jin came to his Mafia Base and directly went to the basement where is Red Room is present.

As he came near the door, the guards bowed to him and opened the door. He went inside and the door was again closed.

Guard 1- Another one.

One guard said and the other nodded already excited to hear more screams after a long time.

Inside the room an unconscious men was tied up on a chair. Jin came in and switched on a bulb –which was the only source of light there– he sat on the chair right infront of the man.

Jin- Wake him up.

He said in a cold voice. The guards who were inside nodded and went somewhere. Soon he came back with a bucket of hot water.

He looked at Jin who nodded his head. He turned towards the men and threw the hot water on him make him wake up.

He woke up and gasped for air while his body started burning cause of hot water.
He opened his eyes and tried to look who was it but couldn't cause of the amount of darkness.

Jin- Morning Choi Byun-ho. Can't say Good cause it won't end Good.

Byun-ho heard the voice saying. He took deep breaths and tried to look who was it.

Byun-ho- W-who are you?! And what do you want from me!!

He asked trying not to stutter. Jin just smirked and leaned forward and said

Jin- You can call me your death Choi Byun-ho. And why are you here? Did you seriously forgot how you treated my brother?

Byun-ho- Brother? Who?

Jin- Kim Hoseok. Does this name ring a bell?

Byun-ho looked at him stunned hearing Hoseok's name. Before he could say Jin continued,

Jin- He is My baby brother. You made him your slave, you beated him, tortured him both physically and mentally and now you were about to sell him to Sec Club!! Don't you think you deserve punishment?

Byun-ho- Y-you can't do anything to me. You don't know how powerful I am.

Jin- Oh really?

Jin asked as he stood up and punched Byun-ho across his face.

Jin- Tsk.... You aren't strong. Especially not infront me. Well, it was great talking with you. Now, let's play.


Byun-ho looked bewildered not understanding what Jin meant. But his eyes widened when he saw Jin's men placing a table right beside them. He looked at the table and now he know what Jin meant by "Let's Play"

He looked at him and said

Byun-ho- See whoever you are. Don't try to think anything to me. I will destroy you. I have contact with so many Mafia groups they all will kill you!!

Jin locked up a knife from the table and looked at Byun-ho pointing the sharp end direct to his eyes.

Jin- You small Mafia's can't do anything to a Mafia King. And I already told you, talk time is over. It's play time.

He said and placed the knife back on its place whole Byun-ho was horrified listening that Jin is "Mafia King". He gulped and was about to say something but stopped when he saw Jin glaring at him.

Jin- That's good. Keep your filthy mouth shut! Now...... Where should I start with? Which one I use first?

He said and made a fake confused face looking at the table.

He looked up at his guard and said

Jin- Which one?

The guard stared at the knives collection and then picked on of them and kept it infront of Jin.

Jin smirked and said "Good Choice" as he took the knife. He turned towards Byun-ho and placed the knife (hunting knife actually) on his forehead.

Jin- Byun-ho, you know how big mistake did you made?

He said as he slided the knife down his forehead to his cheeks.

Byun-ho- I.. I didn't knew he wa-AAH!..

Byun-ho screamed when Jin suddenly stabbed his cheek where the knife was placed. The blood started dropping out from his cheeks.

Jin- I told you to Shut up. Didn't I??

Byun-ho- AHHHH

Jin said and stabbed his right thigh making Byun-ho scream in pain again.

Jin went behind Byun-ho while Jin's guard came near him and tore his shirt and have Jin a bottle of Acid.

Jin poured the whole bottle on his back making him scream in pain again.
Byun-ho felt something cold on his back and then got to knew it was Jin's knife. He heard Jin saying

Jin- I wanted to crave my name on your back but realised you aren't worth it. So, I will just crave your name here.

Byun-ho- N-no.... Aahhh.... Please stop it!! Aahh....

Byun-ho screamed while Jin just continued his work. He was craving Byun-ho's name on his back which was covered in blood and acid now while Byun-ho screamed and pleaded not on.

Oh how much Jin enjoyed it. Hearing the scream of the person who made his brother cry.

When he was done he started at his work with a satisfied look.
He came infront and saw Byun-ho breathing heavily while tears rolling down his cheeks due to pain.

Jin stabbed his left leg with the knife covered in acid and blood making Byun-ho again scream in pain.

Jin kept the knife on the table and held Byun-ho's by his chin tightly making him look up.

Jin- You know, I am enjoying seeing you this vulnerable. My guards told me how you behaved with my baby brother..... It's time for payback now.

He said and let his chin go but with force. He signalled the guard to bring something and the guard nodded and left from there.

He soon came back with two bowl in his hands. Byun-ho stared at the bowls not knowing what was inside.

Jin took one bowl in his hands and took the ingredients in his fingers and sprinkled it over Byun-ho's cheek where he stabbed.

Byun-ho felt a burning sensation inside him.

Byun-ho- AAAAHHHHH.....

Jin- Opps, I guess I sprinkled little Salt.

He said and then sprinkled some more on his thigh. And Byun-ho's scream was again heard in the room.

Jin kept the salt bowl and picked up another one that the guard bought.

Jin- Salt is done. Now, we need some spice. How about red Chilly?

Byun-ho looked frightened. He shooked his head while tears were still rolling down and he was hissing in pain.

Byun-ho- No No No..... Please no-AHHHH....

He screamed when Jin poured the whole chilly bowl on Byun-ho's back where his own name was craved.

Jin came to the front and took another acid bottle and opened it. He poured the acid on his cheek and thighs while he screamed in pain.

Byun-ho- J-just ki-ll me al-rea-dy!!!

Jin- Aye, I am not gonna kill you this soon. I will kill you but slowly.

Jin smirked as he said. He threw the acid bottle around the room.

Jin- Now, You enjoy here. I will meet you after some days.

He stated and left from there leaving Byun-ho cry ad scream in pain.


I know everyone must have read even after the warning. But if, by any 0.0000000000001% chance,  someone didn't, then in short, Jin tortured Byun-ho. Byun-ho was begging Jin to kill him but Jin didn't and told him that he will kill him slowly after making him suffer for doing all that to his baby brother.


AN- God!!!! didn't knew I could write something like this too. Usually I would skip torture scenee in writing and reading both, but I wanted to try it so I just gave it a try.

Well, I wrote all this while imagining a person as Byun-ho and myself as Jin.

Hope it was worth a try. Otherwise I would never write anything like this again.

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Words Count- 1450

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