🎀 Chapter-22🎀

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Anderson helped Hoseok to get used to his new phone. They were in Hoseok's room right now, waiting for the others as it was almost time.

After 5 minutes or something, they heard the main door opening. Hoseok immediately jumped from his bed and ran downstairs. Anderson also followed him chuckling a little at his behaviour.

There he saw Jimin, Rosé, Jungkook, Yoongi, Namjoon and Taehyung. He went and immediately hugged Jimin.

Jimin also hugged him back. They both were hugging each other like they didn't met for years.

They broke the hug and Hoseok gave a small smile to others before looking back at Jimin.

Hoseok- How are you Chim?

Jimin- I am good Hyung. Actually very good.
How are you? Is Jin Hyung taking good care of you?

Hoseok- He is. You know he even bought a phone for me.

Jimin- I know Hyung. He bought one for me too.

Hoseok- Ya, I know. Hyung told me.

He said. They all came and sat on the couch while Anderson stood beside Hoseok.

Namjoon- Where is Jin Hyung?

Anderson- Boss, is out for some work.

Namjoon- Oh.

Hoseok- Jimin you know........ He actually went to have some talk with Boss.....

Hoseok said Jimin widened his eyes a little.

Jimin- What? Why?? What if Boss hurt him?

Namjoon- Don't worry. You forgot he is Mafia King. And also Choi Byun-ho isn't your Boss. Stop calling him Boss.

Namjoon said and Jimin and Hoseok nodded their heads. After this they talked with each other for 1 hour. Well, it was mostly Jimin and Hoseok talking with each other and rest with each other.

Just then Taehyung called Hoseok.

Taehyung- By the way Hoseok Hyung, we bought something for you.

He said. Hoseok looked at him with a hint of confusion.

Hoseok- For me? What is it?

Taehyung didn't said anything and took out a bag from behind. He gave it to Hoseok.

Hoseok opened the bag and looked inside. There was a frame inside. He took it out and looked at it.

Hoseok- A Photo frame?

Namjoon- Yup Hoseok Hyung. The photos are of your 7th birthday. Do you remember them?

Hoseok looked at the photo. The only person whom he can recognise was himself. He couldn't clearly tell who are The other three boys who were standing beside him.
He looked up at Taehyung and said

Hoseok- Who are these three boys beside me?

Namjoon stood up and came near him and pointed his finger at one boy and said

Namjoon- It's Jin Hyung...... It's me.... And the youngest and smallest is Tae.

He said pointing at photo. Hoseok made a 'O' and nodded his head. Jimin peeked at the photo and then said

Jimin- Wait..... Who is this woman in the photo?

He asked. Before Namjoon could reply, Hoseok said

Hoseok- He is my Mumma Chim...

Hoseok said. Namjoon looked at Hoseok shocked. Taehyung had the same reaction.

Namjoon- H-how do you know?

Hoseok- What do you mean? I know my Mumma--

Hoseok stopped when he realised what he was saying. He looked at Namjoon and Taehyung and saw their shocked expression. Hoseok looked a little scared looking at their expression. Yoongi looked at them and sighed as he said

Yoongi- Asih guys. Don't scare him. Hoseok, it's a good thing that you remember your mother..... It's a sign that he will remember everything soon.

Namjoon- I guess you are right..... It's good. Jin Hyung will be happy.

~ Why will I be happy?

Namjoon turned behind hearing the voice and saw Jin standing there. He came in and again repeated

Jin- Joon, why will I be happy?

Jungkook- Hyungie, Tae Hyung gave Hobi Hyung a photo frame and he recognised Aunt in the photo and he even called her Mumma.

Jin widened his eyes as he heard Jungkook.

Jin- That's good. Hoba.... Do you remember anything else?

He asked with hope in his eyes. Hoseok shooked his head slightly. Jin's smile fell a little but soon he again smiled.

Jin- It's Ok. Atleast you remembered her. I am sure you will remember me soon.

He said and Hoseok nodded his head not knowing what to say or do.

Rosé- Well, you all talk. I have to go to work. I will meet you at evening. And Jungkook, take care of Jimin Oppa.

She said and stood up. She already told Jimin about her work. Jimin also wanted to help her but she refused.

After saying a Bye, Rosé left Kim Mansion.

Taehyung- Jin Hyung, you spend your time with Hoseok Hyung. We all will take our leave.

Hoseok- Huh? Why this early?

Jungkook- Hoseok Hyung, don't worry. We all are coming back for dinner. We also have some universities work to finish. So, we will meet you during dinner.

Yoongi- Yup. And You should spend some time with your brother till then.

Hoseok noded his head and after saying Bye to them and giving a hug to Jimin, they all also left.

Hoseok turned to Jin who gave him a small smile.

Jin- Did you had your breakfast?

Hoseok shooked his head. Jin nodded. He went into the kitchen and Hoseok also followed him not knowing what else to do. While Anderson went out, giving the brothers time to themselves.

He saw Jin wearing an Apron and then taking some ingredients out from the fridge.

Hoseok- You know how to cook?

Jin nodded his head at Hoseok's question. Hoseok sat on the chair and placed his hands on the dinning table looking interestingly at Jin who was busy cooking.

Hoseok- When were you born Jin Hyung?

Jin- 4th December. And you were born on 18th February.

He replied cutting the onions. Hoseok liked the way Jin replied both of their birthdays.

Hoseok-What is you favourite colour?

Jin- Pink and yours are Green and Brown.

Hoseok again smiled when replied for both of them.

>>> I can get to know him by this and also get to know how much he know about me.

Hoseok thought to himself. He again asked

Hoseok- What do you love the most?

Jin- Video games, Acting and singing. And you love Dance the most.

Hoseok- Dance? I used to dance before?

He asked in a little shock. Jin turned back and nodded his head.

Jin- You were crazy for dance. You have won so many awards in dancing.

Hoseok- Wow.... I don't think I know dance know.

Jin- I bet you do. If you want, I can enroll you in a dance academy. You can start dancing again. Maybe this will also help you remember something from your past.

Jin said. Hoseok thought for some time. Whatever Jin said was right. And he don't even have anything better to do rather than going to University and staying at home.

Hoseok- Ok.... But won't it be expensive?

Jin chuckled at Hoseok's words and shooked his head.

Jin- Don't think about that Hoba. That's my work. And for you I can do anything. Just tell me whether you want and you will get it.

Hoseok- T-thank you.

Jin- Aish... leave it. Ask next question.

Jin said as he again get back to his cooking. Hoseok thought for some time and then said

Hoseok- Um..... Do you love modelling?

Jin- I guess I do.

Jin replied. Like this Hoseok continued asking many questions to Jin, which he replied . Hoseok got to know so many thing about Jin and himself too.

He stopped the questions when Jin was done with his cooking. He served the food into two bowl and came and kept them on the table and then after washing their hands both of them sat on the table facing each other.

Hoseok- Are we having lunch too?

Jin- No. You can call it brunch. We will be going out today so we may be late for lunch. That's why I made more so that we won't get hungry fast.

Hoseok- Oh.... But why this vegetable soup?

Jin- Seeing your expression, I can tell that you still don't like. Don't you?

Hoseok- Hehe..... I used to hate it before too?

Hoseok asked Jin nodded his head. Hoseok chuckled awkwardly and said

Hoseok- I guess I still hate it then ...... Can I not eat--

Jin- You have to eat it. And no tantrums.

Jin said in a little stern tone. Hoseok pouted a little. Jin mentally laughed at his cute he looked.

Jin- Ok... if you finish it, I will make you hot chocolate. Okay?

Hoseok's pout immediately turned into a smile and he nodded his head. He took his chopsticks and started eating.
He looked at Jin as he took a bite

Hoseok- It's amazing Jin Hyung. You are a very good cook.

Jin- I know thank you.

He said. They both continued eating their food. Hoseok again tried not to have the soup, but he wanted his hot chocolate so he gave up and ate it.

Jin was the first to Finish eating. He stood up and kept his dishes in the sink and looked at Hoseok who was making faces whole drinking the soup. He laughed lowly and then started to prepare hot chocolate for him as he promised.

After he was done, he served it in the cup and decorated it a little and then placed it near Hoseok who was still making a face after drinking the soup. But as Hoseok saw the hot chocolate, he smiled and held the cup.

Hoseok- Thank you

Hoseok said and then gave his full focus to his Hot Chocolate. While Jin just watched his brother with a smile. Seeing his brother happy makes him happy.


(Since the chapter didn't had any. I again out them at last)

Hey Moonlights

How was it?

There will be a lot of scenes of them bonding with each other in the story now.

And I will continue teasing you all by all this photos. Be ready 😁😁

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It was pretty long chapter today.

Love you all so much

Words Count- 1700

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