🎀 Chapter-27🎀

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Next Day

Hoseok was sitting on his chair in the dinning room waiting for the food. He was a little confused today cause of Jin's behaviour.

He felt like Jin is not paying much attention to him. He tried to remember if he did something wrong but he couldn't remember.

He was spacing out when Jin came with food. He kept the food infront of him along with the vegetable soup and then sat infront of Hoseok.

Jin- After eating, I will make you the hot chocolate.

He said and started eating. Hoseok nodded his head and ate his own food. He was looking at Jin again and again but everytime Jin was avoiding his gaze.

Hoseok- H-hyung..... Are you mad at me?

Jin looked up and shooked his head while eating his food.

Hoseok- Oh Okay....

>>> Sorry Hoba. I know you may be feeling sad....... But I think if I ignore you, you may remember me soon.

Jin thought and sighed. He looked up at Hoseok who was now focused on eating.

After Breakfast

After the brothers were done with the breakfast, they both came to the living room and sat on the couch waiting for the others as they decided to go together. In 5-10 minutes the rest were there. 

Jin- Well, Kook, can you and Jimin come to the house after university ends I have to go to company for a photoshoot. 

Jungkook and Jimin nodded their heads and without any ,ore delay they left for the university.

When they reached their, Jin left for his classes with Yoongi as they have to go in a different building. Jungkook and Rose left for their class and Jimin also left with Taehyung. Hoseok was now left alone with Namjoon. 

Namjoon- Ready to go Hoseokie hyung?

Hoseok- Yes

Hoseok said. Namjoon smiled and they both walked towards their class. On reaching, they saw the teacher was still not there. So they just went and sat on their seats.  

Namjoon- Hoseokie Hyung.... Are you fine? You seem a little off today....

Hoseok looked at Namjoon and nodded his head not in the mood to talk with anyone right now.

Namjoon understood it and decided to give Hoseok some space. He took out his book and started reading it.

Soon the teacher came inside the class. They all wished her.

Teacher- Well...... Good Morning To you all too. Now, there is something I want to tell you all.

She said and pissed a bit and looked at Hoseok. Hoseok felt her eyes on him, so he looked at her.

Teacher- So, class you all may know The boy sitting beside Namjoon as Choi Sung-Jin. Right?

She said and the whole class turned to Namjoon and Hoseok. Hoseok felt weird when he became the centre of attention.

Teacher- So, his real name is not Choi Sung-Jin.

She said and now everyone turned to her.

Girl 1- What do you mean Miss?

Teacher- It's true. Please come and introduce yourself again this time. The real you.

She said looking at Hoseok who looked at Namjoon. Namjoon nodded his head so Hoseok stood up and said

Hoseok- Can I do it from here?

Teacher- Sure....

Hoseok- *deep breath* Hi everyone. I am Kim Hoseok not Choi Sung-Jin. Hoseok is my real name.

He said and immediately sat back not wanting to get much attention. He focused on teacher ignoring the students who were talking about him.


It was recess time right now. Everyone was there and they were now waiting for Jin as he is the only one left.

Jimin- Hobi Hyung..... Did you teacher told you to re introduce yourself with your real name?

Hoseok- Yup. Did yours did too??

Jimin- Yes..... I was shocked when she called me Park Jimin infront of everyone.

Hoseok- I gue--

~ Look here are they!!

A voice interupted. All of them turned towards the voice and saw three boys standing. The middle was having a smirk on his face

Namjoon and the others rolled their eyes seeing them and Namjoon said

Namjoon- Hobi Hyung, Jiminie ignore him. He is just a pain in ass.

He said. Hoseok and Jimin shrugged and again turned towards each other. That's when the middle boy, came and grabbed Jimin's wrist.

Jimin stood up trying to get out from his grip.

Jimin-  What are you doing? Let go of my hand!!

He said but the grip tightened. Jimin hissed in pain a little.

Rosé- Hyun, leave my Oppa's hand!!!

Rosé said to the boy, Hyun while standing up. But he just rolled his eyes and turned towards Jimin and Hoseok and said

Hyun- Well, Well, Well..... I didn't knew, servants were also allowed in our university.

He said yanking Jimin's hand. Jimin held him wrist with other and massaged his hands while both he and Hoseok looked at him with shocked eyes.

Hyun- What? Why are you staring at me? I said the truth..... Anyways, I don't have time for you idiots. So, I will leave..... For now. Meet you soon...... Servants.

He said and left from there laughing with his friends. Jimin and Hoseok sat on their seats and Rosé also came and sat beside Jimin.

Rosé- Oppa, are you Okay?

Jimin- I am.... Don't worry.

Hoseok- Um....who was he?

He asked to Namjoon.

Namjoon- Son Hyun. The biggest brat and Bully of our campus. He likes to mess with new comers. Don't focus much on him. And I'd be do anything just tell Jin Hyung. He is very afraid of Hyung.

Jimin- Why?

Jimin asked curiously while peeking behind from Hoseok.

Namjoon- He bullied a kid and Hyung saw it. So, Hyung beated him so much and warned him. So, now he never bullies anyone infront of him and warn his victims not to tell Jin Hyung or he will beat them.

Jimin- Oh....so, should we tell Jin Hyung?

Yoongi- I guess we shoul--

Hoseok- No!! Let it be!! He didn't did much. If he again came, we will tell. Okay?

He said. Yoongi and Jimin nodded their heads and they all again started to make wait for Jin. Soon, enough Jin came and they all ate their lunch behaving like nothing happened.


ey Moonlights

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Words Count- 1100

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