🎀 Chapter-32🎀

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As Rosé said those words, Jungkook felt his heart getting broken into million pieces. He starred at her, boy she wasn't even looking at him.

Jungkook- R.. Rosé you-----

Rosé- Yes Jungkook. I don't love. I never loved you. I only see you as my brother. Nothing more, nothing less. I am really sorry

Jungkook shooked his head and said

Jungkook- Don't say like this Rosé. Please say all this is a lie.. I love you so much....I even bought this pendant for you wi-

Before he could say further, Rosé took the pendant in her hand and threw it across the room.

Jungkook starred at where she threw it and saw it was already broken into small pieces just like his heart.

He looked at Rosé and was about to say something, But Rosé took her handbag and stormed out from there and all Jungkook could do was stare at her diasppering figure.

As Rosé left from there, Jungkook stumbled on the chair while his tears started to come out from his eyes.

In all this, Jungkook didn't ven notice the others who were standing behind with a bouquet in Jin's hand.

They all saw what happened now and none of them expected this. All of them were shocked. But the most shocked was Jimin.

Jin kept the bouquet on a table and rushed towards Jungkook taking the crying bunny in his embrace. Jungkook didn't wasted any time to wrap his around Jin.

Jungkook- H...Hyung.... she left me...

Jungkook said crying. Jin rubbed his back trying to calm him down. But Jungkook kept crying.

The others also came there and were trying to calm him down.  After 10 minutes, Jungkook was finally calmed down. He wasn't crying just sobbing. They all were sitting around him.

Jungkook- H-Hyung......

Namjoon- It's Ok Kookie. No need to say anything.

Jungkook wiped his tears and nodded his head. He looked at Jimin and was about to say something but he stood up and starred behind Jimin.

The others also stood up and looked where he was looking. They all saw Rosé coming in their direction.

Taehyung- Are you here to hurt him more Rosé? He is already hurt. Atleast let him cry in peace

Rosé- I...I am not here for that....

Yoongi- Then?

Rosé didn't said anything and went near Jungkook and smacked his head. Jungkook let out a small whine while rubbing his head.

Rosé- Idiot!!

Jungkook- Ow....why?

Rosé- I always thought you were a stupid. Never knew you were a fool too

Jungkook- What do you mean?

Jungkook asked with confusion in his eyes. Rosé didn't said anything and took out a box. She opened it and showed it to Jungkook who was more confused now.

The box had the same pendant which he bought and Rosé broke.

Jungkook- Wha-

Rosé- That shopkeeper gave you the fake one. This is the real one!! You can say he robbed you, you idiot bunny!!

Jungkook looked at her with wide eyes and then behind where the broken pendant was. He again looked at her and said

Jungkook- B..but how did you know? And why did you bought a new one?

Rosé- I just know.....and I bought this otherwise How will I say yes.

Jungkook- What do you mean?

Rosé looked at the others with a so done face while she said

Rosé- He is really an idiot..... Pabo, weren't you the one who told me if it's a yes, I have to take this pendant?

Jungkook felt like his heart was getting healed as soon he heard those words. He looked at with a "really?" Look and she nodded her head and without wasting anymore time, the excited bunny hugged her.


After that, they all again sat surrounding not only Jungkook but Rosé too this time. Jungkook was holding her head like she will just run away if he left her.

Jimin- Rosé, why did you said all that before?

Rosé- um.... Oppa....one girl in our school love my boyfriend

Jungkook looked down blushing at the word boyfriend while Rosé just chuckled.

Rosé- She knew that I love Kookie from a long time and some days ago she warned me not to go near him. And she was my bully one time so, I didn't tried to test her patience.
Today's when we came here, I saw here outside hiding while hearing our talk. And that's why I denied at first and did that act.

She said and they all nod their head understanding.

Hoseok- Is she gone? That's why you came here again?

Rosé- Aniyo. She is just behind you still listening to our talk

Rosé said. They all looked behind and saw a girl hiding behind the curtains. When she saw all of them looking at her, she came out from there glaring at Rosé.

Rosé- I just figured she won't be able to do anything to me cause Jin Oppa knows how to fight. He is a Mafia King after all. Right Oppa?

She said and all of them snapped their heads towards her while she just shrugged. The girl was now looking afraid. She immediately ran away from there a s Rosé started laughing.

Jin- What was that? I am not a Mafia King anymore Rosé.

Rosé- I am sorry. I know that. I just said that so she won't come near me. Leave it. And you all leave from here too. Me gonna spend some alone time with my boyfriend. So, sho sho

She said telling all of them to go out. They all looked at her and left from their mumbling Something under their breaths while Jungkook was again blushing.

Hoseok- She is saying like she don't live in the same hous with Jungkook ever since Jimin was kidnapped. 

Hoseok said with a scoff and they all laughed at his words but Jin stopped laughing and looked at Hoseok with wide eyes.

Jin- H.. Hoba how did you know this? Till I remember none of us ever told you this....

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Words Count- 1040

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