🎀 Chapter-33🎀

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Jin- H.. Hoba how did you know this? Till I remember none of us ever told you this....

Jin asked. Hoseok looked at Jimin who was already looking at him. Jimin nodded his head and so did Hoseok.

He turned to Jin and said

Hoseok- I.... two days....I remembered everything.

He said making Jin shocked to core. He couldn't believe what he just heard.

Jin- R..really?

Hoseok- Yes Hyungie..... I remember the first time I met you all after I can to the university,  the way you saved me from Byun-ho,  everything.

He said. Jin had small tears in his eyes by now. He went near Hoseok and took him in his embrace

Jin- I am so happy.... really very happy Hoba.......

Hoseok wrapped his arms around Jin and said

Hoseok- I am super Happy too.....and you know

He said breaking the hug. Jin and the others looked at him curiously as he continued

Hoseok- Jimin, also got back his memory some days ago.

He said and now all of them turned towards Jimin who nodded his head.

Yoongi- H..how?

Jimin- From the past 6 months, Rosé was telling me everything related to my past and I started to remember small things..... some days ago.... I remembered everything. From my childhood till now.

He said. Jin went near Jimin and hugged him too. Hoseok also joined the hug. It didn't took long for the others to join in too.

Jin- I am so happy Hobi....so happy. 



week later

Jin was sleeping on the bed while Hoseok was in the kitchen.............wait......sorry 


Ok..... Action!!!

Hoseok was sleeping on the bed while Jin was in the kitchen cooking food for both of them. He was very happy today too. Yoongi, who was also helping Jin in the breakfast looked at his Hyung and saw how Jin's face still had that smile.

Yoongi- You are really happy hyung, aren't you?

Jin nodded his head with a smile on his face and said

Jin- Why won't I be? My brother finally got his full memory back.

Yoongi- You are right. But it's already been a week. Well, what are your plans now? Will you tell him the truth?

He asked. Jin looked at him and shooked his head.

Jin- Am I a fool to tell him that?

He said and chuckled a little. Yoongi laughed too and said

Yoongi- It was easy. Wasn't it?

Jin- Very easy. I never saw someone like him.


oongi- I have to admit, your acting improved a lot Hyung.

Jin- Well, I am all rounder for a reason you fool. Anyways, let me go and wake him up and  remember to....

Yoongi- I know I know. You don't have to explain me the same thing again and again. I am just a fool like them. Now just go.

Yoongi said annoyed. Jin rolled his eyes and left from there.

He came to his room and saw Hoseok still sleeping. A smirk came on his lips

Jin- Just wait Kim Hoseok.....

He couldn't complete his sentence as he saw Hoseok waking up. Shaking his head, he went near him with a smile.

Jin- How was your sleep Hoba?

He asked. Hoseok looked at him and gave him a smile before answering

Hoseok- It was good Hyung. But I am so hungry now

Jin- Well, me and Yoongi are done with the food. Come down and have it with us.

Hoseok- Yoongi Hyung is here too? In early morning?

Jin hummed and nodded his head. He then told Hoseok

Jin- Why don't you go and have a bath. Me and Yoongi will get the table ready.

Hoseok- Ok Hyungie.

Hoseok said. He stood up and left to his own room. Jin rolled his eyes and mumbled

Jin- I just hate that word..... control yourself......

He took some deep breaths and then went downstairs. He saw Yoongi sitting with his phone in his hands.

Jin- Any news?

He asked sitting infront of Yoongi. Yoongi whiik r his head and said

Yoongi- No..... I was just checking some information.

He said and Jin nodded his head Understanding what Yoongi was trying to say. They talked with each for some time before Hoseok came and wished them.

He sat on his place and they all started eating their breakfast.

Hoseok- Hyungie.....

Jin- Hmm

Hoseok- Can I not go to university today?

He said. Jin turned to him and asked

Jin- Why Hoba? I know you are hiding something from me. Tell Hyung what you are hiding.

Jin asked in a serious voice. Hoseok gulped and shooked his head turning back to his food.

Yoongi kicked Jin's legs under the table. Jin looked at him and was about to say something, but stopped when he saw how Yoongi was giving me an angry glare. He motioned Jin to talk with Hoseok.

Jin rolled his eyes and sighed before turning towards Hoseok.

Jin- Hoba.... please tell Hyungie what happened? I am your brother. Right? Won't you tell me?

Hoseok looked at Jin and shooked his head and said

Hoseok- I..it's nothing Hyung. Promise.

Jin- Hoba......I know it's not nothing. Now tell me what's bothering you?

Hoseok- ...............

Hey Moonlights

How was it?

What's bothering Hoseok that he don't want to go to university??

What is the thing Yoongi and Jin are hiding from Hoseok?

Why are they behaving strange?

Stay tuned to know the answers

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Words Count- 1000

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