🎀 Chapter-38🎀

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Hoseok- Y..you?

He said in a shaking voice when he saw who was holding the hand of Jin.

Hoseok, Moonlights and all the others were shocked seeing him.

(I will refer this Jin as Seokjin to avoid confusion)

Seokjin yanked the hand of Jin and looked at Hoseok. He touched Hoseok's cheeks and asked

 Seokjin- Hobi, are you okay?

He asked. Hoseok immediately melted in his touch.

Hoseok- H..Hyung?

Seokjin  nodded his head. Hoseok immediately hugged him. And he also hugged back.

After some time they broke the hug. Hoseok was about to say something but stopped and looked at Jin.

Hoseok- Who are you? And how do you look like my Hyung?

Jin didn't answered and looked at Yoongi who said

Yoongi- Hoseok, what are you saying? This is your brother. And the person whom you were hugging in an intruder. Get away from him.

Yoongi said and Jin nodded his head. That's when they all heard another voice saying

~ You are the one from whom our Hobi have to get away!

They all turned behind to get another shock of their lives.

( I will refer this Yoongi as Suga to avoid confusion)

Taehyung immediately ran and hugged Namjoon when he saw him. 

Suga- You really thought, you will fool everyone and we won't do anything?

Yoongi and Jin exchanged glance and then Jin turned to Hoseok and said

Jin- Hoba, I am your brother Jin. I have been living with you from so long. Right?  

Seokjin- No, Hobi. I am your real brother. He is my lookalike. 

Namjoon- Hobi hyung, this is our Jin hyung. I promise. The one infront of you, is really his lookalike. He came here to take revenge of Byun-ho's death since Byun-ho was his Boss

Namjoon said. Suga and Seokjin nodded their heads. Hoseok was stuck between two people who looked exactly the same, both claiming to be his brother. Everyone was tense, waiting to see what he would do.

Hoseok couldn't wrap his head around the situation. He looked at Jin, who he believed was his brother, and then at the stranger who said the same thing.

Hoseok- I'm confused. How can there be two of you?

Jin- Hobi, trust me. He's not your real brother. I've been with you all these months.

Seokjin- He's lying, Hobi. I'm here to protect you. I'm your brother, with whom you spent 8 years of your childhood before our so called father sold you. 

Hoseok looked at both of them trying to see who his real brother was. 

>>> The Jin hyung, with whom I was living from months was behaving strange from past weeks and today he shouted at me too........on the other hand, this Jin hyung who came, just his touch made me feel comfortable. He is my Jin hyung. I am sure. 

Hoseok thought while looking at both of them. He saw Jin and Yoongi looking at each other and talking with eyes. Before any one could say something, they both ran outside. 

All of them looked at them running but none of went to stop or catch them. They have more important things right now. Hoseok looked at Seokjin and again hugged him. Taehyung hugged Namjoon while Jimin hugged his savage cat who didn't whined this time. 

Hey Moonlights

How was it?

Sorry for late and short update.

And one more thing, this story will end in the next two chapters. Thank you so much for showing love to this story as well.

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Love you all so much

Words Count- 700

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