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Hoseok, Jin (real) and the rest were sitting on the couch after they had their metting session.

Hoseok- Hyung, where were you? And from how many days or weeks I was living with your look a like?

Jin- Hoba, from the day you told me you remembered everything. Remember that night me and Yoongi told you we have some work and we will come later?

Jin asked. Hoseok nodded his head as he remembered.

Jin- That night.....

💀 Flashback💀

Jin and Yoongi were in Jin's car going to the company for some work when suddenly a man came and fall infront of their car. Jin immediately brought the car to hault and both him and Yoongi rushed out to help that person.

They saw a man laying with blood coming out from his head. Jin and Yoongi looked at each other in shock.

Yoongi- A..are you alright?

Yoongi asked. They saw the man slowly  nodding his head while holding it with one hand. He looked up and they saw he was wearing a mask more like a cloth on his face. They ignored it for now. Jin turned to Yoongi and said

Jin- Yoongs, let's help to stand first and take him to our car. We can bring him to the hospital.

Yoongi nodded. They both stood up the man with support and brought him to the car. Yoongi opened the back door and laid the man on the seat. He and Jin went and sat in the front and Jin started driving.

The drive was peaceful. Jin and Yoongi saw the man asleep on the back seat. They sighed in relief.

Yoongi- Hyung, he didn't got hit by our car. Right?

Jin- Ofcourse not Yoongi. He fall before the car even touched him. So, don't worry.

Yoongi- Hm...

After this they focused on their driving not knowing the man behind, was now sitting on the seat with a evil smile on his face. Jin suddenly stopped the car. Yoongi looked at Jin but Jin was just looking infront.

Yoongi- What happened Hyung?

He asked. Jin looked at him and motioned him to look infront. As Yoongi looked, he saw another man laying in front of the car.

Yoongi- Huh? Why is everyone falling infront of our car only?

He groaned. Jin patted his shoulder trying to calm him down.

Jin- Let see who is it.

Yoongi nodded and both of them came out from the car. They both went towards the man but before anyone of them could say or do anything, they felt someone hit their heads.

Both of them turned back to see who it was and saw the man whom they helped. He removed the mask like cloth from his face and Jin and Yoongi were shocked seeing his face.

~ Both together? Good shot Hyung.

They heard a voice from behind. As they turned behind they again got shocked

Jin- H..Huh?

Jin's Look-alike - Save your energy Kim Seokjin.

He said and again hitted Jin's head with the metal rod he was holding in his hand. Jin touched the back of his head and felt the blood on his hands. He didn't cared and vave a tight punch to his Look-alike. What do you expect? He was a Mafia King for a reason.

Yoongi also started fighting. While they were busy fighting, a van came and some man came outside. They threw some balls which made the whole area covered in smoke.

Jin- Yoongi don't inhale this smoke or you may lose your consciousness!!

Jin shouted while covering his nose. But too late. He heard a thud sound near his leg. He bent down to see it was Yoongi, laying unconscious (he knew it was Yoongi cause of the dress)

Jin stood up and tried to find a way out of this smoke. He was looking here and there when a slash sound was heard while his back had a sting pain. Jin turned back to see his Look-alike holding a belt. Before Jin could process anything, the other Jin (his Look-alike) started to hit him with the belt. He wanted to fight but the injury, pain and the blood coming out from his head and the smoke was not helping at all.

It didn't took him more than 10 minutes to lose his consciousness. And now he too was laying unconscious beside Yoongi. The only difference was, Yoongi was unconscious with only some injuries while Jin, he was unconscious with blood coming out from mostly all parts of th body.

💀 Flashback Ends💀

Jin- We both gained our consciousness after 2-3 days I guess. And we woke up we found ourselves tied from ceiling with chains. We heard some guards talking about how both of our Look-alike came and started living with you pretending to be to get the revenge of Byun-ho's death.

Jin finished telling. He can see how shocked everyone was hearing all this. Hoseok stood up and hugged Jin and asked

Hoseok- Hyungie are you okay now?

Jin nodded his head between the hug while he wrapped his arms around Hoseok. The brother's were so engrossed in the hug that they didn't noticed two people standing at the door with a smirk on their faces.

~ Is you meet and greet over now?

They all turned back to see Jin and Yoongi's look-alike standing with a smirk. All of them were Shocked. Not because they came again. But because their look-alike came wearing the same outfits as them.

Jin- Do you really want to die you bastards!!

Jin's Look-alike- It's you who will die Seokjin.

He said and threw something causing the full room to be covered in the smoke.

Everyone was coughing while trying to get out from it. After some seconds the smoke vanished itself. They all took a deep breath and their breaths for stuck when they looked infront.

(Credits to the owners of the both photos)

(They aren't smiling or any of the express shown in the pics. They are having a shocked face. And now I will refer them as Jin 1, Jin 2, Yoongi 1, Yoongi 2. Gonna confuse you all you too 😉)

Hoseok- J...Jin Hyung?

Jin 1, Jin 2- Yes Hobi.

Both of them replied at the same time with the same sweet voice. Hoseok was surprised as well shocked.

Hey Moonlights

How was it?

Can you guess who is the real Jin among them? Who is Hobi's real brother?

Nevy chapter will be confusing for you, me and Everyone. So be ready.

Also, next chapter will be the last chapter of the story.

This story is gonna end in next chapter.

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Love you all so much

Words Count- 1150

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