🎀 Chapter-40🎀

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Hoseok- J...Jin Hyung?

Jin 1, Jin 2- Yes Hobi.

Both of them replied at the same time with the same sweet voice. Hoseok was surprised as well shocked.

Jin 1- Hobi, I am your Hyung. He is the one who is my Look-alike. Okay?

Jin 2- No Hobi. I am your brother. He is the one lying.

Hoseok was in dilemma right now. He didn't knew who his real brother was. Both the Jin standing infront of him were looking completely same. Not even slight difference.

Jin 2- Hobi, what are you thinking?

He said as he went near Hoseok. But before he could touch Hoseok, Jin 1 came and gave a tight punch to Jin 2.

Jin 1- Don't you dare to touch my brother with that filthy hand of yours. Your touch will only make him dirty.

He said. Jin 2 looked at him and punched him back.

Jin 2- it's you have to stay away from him and me you bastard!! leave this act of yours!!

Jin 1- Act? And me? It's you who is actin-

Before he could finish his sentence, Jin 2 held him by his collar. He also did the same and both Jin started fighting with each other. Sound of punching slapping and kicking were heard in the whole mention

After 10 minutes of the fight both Jin suddenly stop than the heard one of the Yoongi saying

Yoongi 2- Hyung!! Here!!

He said and threw the gun towards them. Both Jin looked at that the gun and ran to catch it but the gun fell down in front of Hoseok.

He look at the gun and immediately of picked it with shaking hands. He looked at both Jin and then at the gun.

Jin 1- Hobi, give it to me.

Jin 2- No Hoba, don't. Don't give him the gun otherwise he will kill all of us. Give it to me.

Jin 1- No hobi, he will kill us.

Like this high Jin started telling Hoseok to give the gun to them which again left Hoseok in a tough situation.

(AN- Before reading further, Whom do you think Hoseok should give the gun to?)

Just then Jungkook came behind Hoseok and whispered something in his ears. Hoseok looked at him and have him his big smile which confused the others.

Hoseok- I will give the gun to the one who will answer my questions correctly.

Jin 1, Jin 2- Questions?

Hoseok- Yes. I will ask something's which only me and My REAL Hyung knows. Whoever gives the most right answer, will get this gun from me. Okay?

Jin 1 and Jin 2 looked at each other more like glared and then looking at Hoseok both said

Jin 1, Jin 2- Okay!!

Hoseok-  Hmm, so when and where did I met with Jin Hyung for the first after being kidnapped?

Jin 1, Jin 2- In University

They both answered at same time and looked at each other. Hoseok was somehow shocked hearing both of them answering but he just continued the next question

Hoseok- Where was I when Jin Hyung found me and took me home with him?

Jin 1- Byun-ho's Warehouse!!

He answered before Jin 2 can say something. Hoseok nodded his head and said

Hoseok- When I started living with Jin Hyung, what I used to call him?

Jin 2- You used to call me Jin shi

This time he answered and Jin 1 glared at him. Hoseok nodded his head and said

Hoseok- What is the thing Jin Hyung gave me with every meal?

Jin 1- Green vegetables

Jin 2- It usually depends on what I gave earlier.

Hoseok- Hmm....., when Jin Hyung saved me and brought me to our house, he told me that I am his younger brother. I had a shocked react-

Jin 1- You were so happy knowing it that you couldn't believe your ears. You hugged me tightly and said "I never knew I had an elder brother, but I am happy that I have"
This is what your reaction was.

He said and looked at Jin 2 with a smirk on his face.

Hoseok- Well, it wasn't the question. The question is, I had a shocked reaction. What was the thing Jin Hyung told me that time that made me believe I am his brother?

Jin 1- I showed you some of our photos and told you some childhood incidents.

Jin 2- I told you about something which till now also, Only I know. About the scar

Jin 2 said and Hoseok immediately looked at him. He nodded his head and said

Hoseok- Last question. As This Jin Hyung just mentioned the scar. Can you both tell me where do I have that scar and when did I got it?

He said. Both the Jin looked at each other. Jin 1 smirked and looked at Hoseok and said

Jin 1- The scar is on your neck. Left side. You got it while you were playing with me in our childhood.

He said with confidence. Jungkook came behind Hoseok and said

Jungkook- I guess he is our Jin Hyung. He didn't even hesitate while the other didn't said anything yet.

He whispered a little audible to Jimin too who also nodded his head.

Jin 2- It's on your right side and that too behind your neck. You got it when you were 2.

He said and Jin 1 laughed at him. Everyone looked at him while he said

Jin 1- You are a fool. If you are here to take my place you should have atleast known this thing. If you see clearly Hobi does have a scar on his right side of the neck.

He said. Jungkook looked at Hoseok's neck and found a small scar there.

Jungkook- He is right. Hobi Hyung does have a scar here.

Jin 1- See. Hobi, give the gun to Hyung now.

Hoseok smiled and nodded while Jin 2 was shaking his head. Hoseok took some steps forward and stood right infront of both the Jin's. Hoseok looked at the gun and put it forward infront of them.

Jin 1 was about to take the gun when Hoseok turned and gave the gun to Jin 2. Everyone, including both the Jin's looked shocked.

Jin 2 took the gun while Hoseok gave him a smile and a hug and said

Hoseok- He is my real Hyung.

He said. Everyone was still standing there shocked. Jungkook said

Jungkook- What are you saying Hyung? He is not. The other one have gone right answer. Get away from his please.

Hoseok- No Jungkook. The answer he gave was wrong. I do have a scar on the left side of a neck but the scar about which I was talking was not this one. The scar on left side was given by Byun-ho. I didn't got it in my childhood. And the scar about which me and Jin Hyung know is behind my neck, a little to the right side and I got it when I was 2.

He said. Jin 2 smiled and said

Jin 2- I knew you will identify the real me.

Hoseok- Ofcourse Hyung. And now before any talk, please kill this duplicate of yours.

Jin 2- As my brother wishes.

He said and looked at Jin 1 who was now looking afraid. Jin 2 raised his gun and pulled the trigger and before anyone knew Hyung there was a loud gun sound and then a dead body lying on the floor.

Hoseok- Now, let's identify our real Yoongi Hyung too.

Hoseok immediately said as soon as The fake Jin was Dad. Jin (real) nodded his head. They all looked at both the Yoongi who were standing with a emotion less face.

Jin- Well, Hobi asked many questions but I will ask only one to you both. Whoever answers first and correct, is our real Yoongi.

He said and saw both Yoongi nodding their heads.

Jin- What is the name of Yoongi's ex girlfriend and for how long were they in relationship before breaking up?

He said. They all looked at both the Yoongi. Yoongi 1 was about to say something when Yoongi 2 said

Yoongi 2- Hyung, I have told you a million times not to mention that girl infront of me. I don't have any relation with her and you know I don't like talking about her.

He said. Jin nodded his head and turned towards the others.

Taehyung- He is our Yoongi Hyung.

Rosé- Yes. The tone is what Yoongi Oppa use.

Jin nodded his head. He turned towards Jungkook, Hoseok and Jimin and they also nodded their heads.

Jin turned towards both Yoongi and shot Yoongi 2 directly on his forehead. His dead body fell on the ground whole everyone except Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi looked shocked.

Jimin- H.. Hyung why did you??

Namjoon- That Yoongi may answered the questions firstly, and the in same tone as  Yoongi hyung but one thing that you all should know is....

Yoongi- I never had a girlfriend so, why would I have an ex?

He said. Jin smirked and nodded his head. The others were surprised by this revelation.

Jimin- Wah!! This is something....I don't know what to say right now. I am just speechless.

He said. Yoongi have him his humny smile.
On the other hand Hoseok looked at Jin and hugged him.

Hoseok- I am glad that there Is no between us now.

Jin- Yup Hoba. There is no one.

Hoseok- I love you Hyung.

Jin- Hyung loves you too Hoba.

He said and pecked Hoseok's forehead to which Hoseok giggled and said

Hoseok- You know what's the best thing we have in our life?

Jin- What?

Hoseok- That we are Brothers.

🎀The End🎀

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Words Count- 1665

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