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Stanley and Stanford ran towards the dance floor when they heard Sandra scream. When they arrived, they saw Sandra sitting on the floor, her head in her hands. Her body was shaking, and a small pool of tears was by her side. Without a moment of hesitation, Stanley ran to his daughter, and pulled her into a hug. In a flash, Sandra wrapped her arms around her father.

"Sandra!" Stanford cried out in shock. "What happened?"

"I-It's William," Sandra replied through her tears. "He-He's B-Bill."

"Cipher?!?" Stanley and Stanford asked in surprise.

Sandra nodded in reply, tears still falling.

"Stanley, what should we do?" Stanford asked.

Stanley looked down in response.

"I-I don't exactly know," Stanley replied. "He could be anywhere by now."

"What is he planning?" Stanford muttered to himself.

"Probably something terrible."

Stanford, Stanley, and Sandra looked up to see Mabel, Candy, Grenda, Pacifica, and Dipper on the dance floor, still in their party clothes.

"Oh, kids," Stanley said. "Do you have any idea where Cipher could have gone?"

"I might have an idea!" Mabel spoke up, running out of the shack.

"Mabel!" Sandra called, standing up. "Don't go alone! Cipher's dangerous!"

Sandra ran after her niece while everyone else followed.


Back at his house, Bill, still in his human form, was looking through his crystal ball. The image that was shown was of an angry Mabel followed by her worried family. A small sneer creeped up his face. His plan was working flawlessly.

A knock at the door made him look up. He carefully walked over to the door, and opened it. Facing him was an angry Mabel.

"Hello, Shooting Star," Bill greeted the girl.

"Bill. Cipher," Mabel replied, gritting her teeth. "You are the most low-life, evil, annoying, frustrating demon I know."

Bill gave a small laugh and bowed. "Thank you. I try."

"What are you accomplishing by breaking my Auntie's heart?" Mabel asked, still not moving.

"It's part of my plan," Bill simply replied.

"Plan?" Mabel asked.

"MABEL!" They turned to see Sandra and the rest of the family running towards them.


Bill grabbed Mabel and they disappeared in a puff of black smoke. Everyone started coughing until the smoke cleared.



Mabel paced her small cage. In it was a bed, desk, lamp, and a stack of coloring books and crayons. Her cage was inside a cave full of furniture. This was Bills true home. Finally, Mabel grabbed on to the bars and screamed.

"What do you want with me, Bill?!?"

"Quiet, Shooting Star!" Bill hissed from his fridge. "I won't be able to hear them coming!"

Mabel huffed and sat on the bed. Bill soon came over carrying a tray that consisted of a glass of water, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and a bag of chips.

"Hungry?" Bill asked.

Mabel begrudgingly nodded and he slid the plate underneath the bars. She slowly approached the plate and poked the sandwich.

"Are these poisoned?" Mabel asked.

"I'm ashamed that you think that I would poison your food!" Bill said, pretending to be shocked.

Mabel glared at him, so he waved it off.

"No, I didn't," Bill said half-heartily. "You are no use to me dead."

Mabel to the tray back to her bed and began angrily munching on her sandwich. Bill sighed in relief and sat down to think. He needed to think, and having a pre-teen girl that was mostly hyped up on sugar yelling at him wouldn't help. He knew the full extent of Stanley, Stanford, Sandra, AND Fiddleford's power. He just needed to plan for it.

Bill smiled to himself as he stood back up and walked towards the front of the cave. This was going to be fun.

Everyone stood still as they stared at where Bill and Mabel used to be. Dipper was panicking while Pacifica was trying her best to calm her boyfriend down. Candy and Grenda were no different than Dipper and where hugging each other for support. Stanley and Stanford were having a deep conversation about where Bill might be and if Mabel was okay. Sandra was the only one not talking. She was staring at the house, her fists clenched.

I was a fool. How could I have not seen through his disguise. He kissed me. EUGH.

Sandra than spat on the ground, wiped her mouth, and slowly turned to the others. She had a good idea to where Bill took Mabel.

"Father. Uncle."

Stanley and Stanford stopped talking and turned to Sandra.

"I think I know where he took Mabel."

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