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Darkness filled the cave, and Bill lit a lantern. He sighed and looked over at Mabel's cage. The pre-teen girl was asleep on her bed, an empty tray on the desk. Bill stood up and walked towards the front of the cave. He folded his arms and leaned against the wall. He knew that it was getting late. He began to worry that the Pines wouldn't show up, but his worries vanished when he saw Sandra step into the clearing. Bill smiled and began walking towards her.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here," Bill smirked, holding out his hands.

"Quit the small talk, Cipher," Sandra said coldly. "Where's my niece?"

"Shooting Star?" Bill replied. "She's sleeping soundly in her cage."

"Show me," Sandra commanded.

"Of course, m'lady," Bill teased, holding out his hand.

Sandra looked at his hand, and angrily swatted it away. Bill watched with a smirk as Sandra made her way towards the cave. Bill snapped his fingers and a blue light of energy curled itself around Sandra, dragging her back towards Bill. Sandra glared at Bill, and he grabbed her wrist.

"You're cute when you're mad," Bill sneered, resulting in getting a slap from Sandra.

"Tell me that again, and I'll make your LiFe A LiViNg HeLl!" Sandra yelled, wrenching her wrist from Bill's grasp, and white fire formed around her.

Bill backed down, and Sandra floated towards the cave. Bill smirked again, and followed Sandra, his hands in his pockets. He stopped in the cave entryway in surprise when he saw Sandra floating towards him, carrying a sleeping Mabel.

"Woah, where do you think you're going?" Bill asked, arms folded and standing in Sandra's way. "I kidnapped Shooting Star for a reason."

Bill snapped his fingers, making Mabel's sleeping form float out of Sandra's arms and made her hover next to him.

"What do you want, Cipher?" Sandra angrily asked.

"It's simple," Bill began, putting his arms behind his back and walking around Sandra. "You know that you and your uncle killed my assistant, Charlotte?"

"Well yeah," Sandra replied, the white fire around her shrinking a little bit. "She was your assistant. I only wish that we could have killed you instead."

"Ouch, that hurt," Bill said, faking being hurt. "Who knew that you had such a cold heart?"

"Finish your demands, Cipher," Sandra commanded.

"Well, I need another assistant," Bill continued. "And I think that you would do nicely."

"What?" Sandra asked, surprise making the white fire disappear. "Why?"

"Your power, Sandra!" Bill said eagerly. "It's incredible! It's more powerful than Stanley and Fiddleford's power combined!"

"How do I know you aren't lying?" Sandra asked suspiciously.

"You are the youngest meatsack out of the three of you, so your powers are more powerful!" Bill said, getting more and more excited. "Join me and we will be the most powerful beings ever!"

"Your flattery won't persuade me, Cipher," Sandra said.

"Sandra, think about it!" Bill began, placing an arm around Sandra. "What's left for you in this world? Sadness. Heartbreak. Death. You are half of a demon. No one will accept you for who you are. But with me, you'll live on forever, without those feelings in the way! Everyone will accept you!"

Sandra hugged herself and looked at the ground. Bill smiled. He's plan was almost complete.

"Come on Sandra," Bill said, holding out his hand, a blue flame engulfing it. "Just except my deal. The girl for your assistance."

Sandra looked at Bill with tears in her eyes, and started to slowly reach towards Bill's hand. Bill smirked and was about to grab Sandra's hand when she began laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" Bill frowned.

Sandra began laughing so hard that she had to hold her stomach.

"Y-you really t-think that I w-would c-come here w-without b-back-up?" Sandra managed to say in between fits of laughter.


Bill suddenly realized that red fire was surrounding him, lifting him in the air. He looked down and saw Stanley holding him up in the air, with a smirk on his face.

"Sandra! Grab Mabel and let's go!" Stanley shouted at his daughter.

Sandra stopped laughing and obeyed her father. When she was in the woods, Stanley dropped Bill, and took after his daughter.

Bill growled and sat up, his eyes turning red. He became surrounded by a blue flame as his anger rose.

"I will get you for this, Pines."

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