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Sandra was pacing her room when a knock was soon heard at her door.

"Come in," Sandra replied, and stopped pacing.

The door opened, and Pacifica entered.

"Pacifica?" Sandra asked, surprised that it was her that walked in. "What's the matter?"

"It's your father and uncle," Pacifica replied. "They just took off after you came back with Mabel."

"What?!?" Sandra asked in surprise. "Why?!?"

"They're looking for Bill," Pacifica replied.

"They're going to get themselves killed!" Sandra ran out of her room as fast as she could.

She kept running through the woods, and to the cave where it all began. She wasn't surprised to discover that Stanley and Stanford were already there, standing in front of Bill.

"Bill Cipher," Stanford said. "We have come to make sure you will never bother us again."

Bill laughed and cracked his knuckles. "I've been waiting for a long time to do this."

Blue fire surrounded Bill and he rose into the air. He fired a blue fireball at them, but Stanley blocked it with a red shield. Sandra stayed hidden, thinking of a plan.

Bill then flew towards Stanley and Stanford, and Stanley tried to block him. Instead, Bill rammed into both of them, and lifted them into the air.


Sandra watched in surprise as a grappling hook appeared out of nowhere and knocked Bill to the ground. Stanley and Stanford fell to the ground, and Sandra ran up to them. 

"Sandra?!?" Stanley asked in surprise and anger. "What are you doing here?"

"Father, you can't just go running off after a demon!" Sandra yelled back. "Even if you do have demonic powers, you could still get seriously hurt!"

"Your daughter is right, Stanley," Stanford replied, helping his brother up. "We should have thought more about this." 

Stanley nodded his head, and turned to the woods. "Where did that grappling hook come from?"

"Grunkle Stan! Grunkle Ford! Auntie Sandra!"

All three of them turned to see Mabel and Dipper running towards them.

"Kids!" Stanley shouted in surprise. "What are you doing here?!? Don't you know that Bill is dangerous?!?"

"We know," Dipper replied. "We just couldn't leave you guys to take on Bill yourselves!"

Stanley smirked a little, but it was soon replaced by a frown. He kneeled down and placed a hand on each of their shoulders.

"Kids, listen to me," Stanley said seriously. "No matter what happens, you will be going home at the end of this summer. We will not let Bill separate out family again."

"Aww~ how sweet," Bill's mocking voice surrounded them. "The meatbags think that they will get out alive. When in reality, ThEy WiLl NeVeR sUrViVe!"

All five of them turned to see Bill, in his true form, giant, and glowing a blood-red color. Blue lighting curled around his fingertips, and he pointed at Dipper and Mabel.

"SaY gOoDbYe To ShOoTiNg StAr AnD pInEtReE, PiNeS!" Bill laughed, letting the lighting loose.

Dipper and Mabel hugged each other in fear, but Sandra stood in front of them as the lighting hit her square on.

"Sandra!" Stanley and Stanford screamed in terror.

Sandra looked at them with no scratch even remotely seen on her body.

"W-what?" Sandra asked looking at herself. "What just happened?"

"I don't believe it," Stanford exclaimed, you absorbed the lighting!"

"Then, shall we get rid of this demon father?" Sandra asked, grinning.

"We shall," Stanley nodded.

They flew up to Bill, and threw fireballs at him. He tried to block them, but he was soon hit and falling to the ground.

"Guys, you need to make a portal!" Stanford shouted. "To a place where he can never escape!"

Stanley and Sandra nodded and faced their hands to where Bill was going to fall, and a portal soon began to form and start sucking Bill into it. He grasped the sides of the earth as he was being pulled into another dimension. 

"No!" he screamed. "What did I do to deserve this?!?"

"You separated me from my parents for 30 years!" Sandra replied, her rage building up. "You almost killed us! You decieved us! You broke my heart! Should I go on?!?"

"Your time is up Cipher," Stanley said. "You will never bother our family ever again. And if you do, so help me, you'll regret it."

With one final scream, Bill disappeared from sight, and was never heard from again.  

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