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Sandra sat on the front step of the porch of the Mystery Shack, her elbows on her knees and her chin in her hands. Today was the last day of summer, and Dipper and Mabel's last day in Gravity Falls. She had only spent half a summer with them, and already she would miss them. She would miss Mabel's upbeat attitude and Dipper's curiosity. But one thing still lagged in the back of her mind.

No one will accept you for who you are.

What Bill had told her back then hurt. It hurt so much because she knew that it was true. She was half demon. What would happen if no one truly accepted her for who she really was? It wasn't her fault she was born this way. It wasn't her fault...

"What are you thinking about, Sandra?"

Startled, Sandra looked up to see Stanley above her. With worry written across his face, he sat next to his daughter.

"Oh nothing," Sandra mumbled. "Just what Bill said to me."

"Sandra," Stanley began. "You know better than to listen to what that demon has to say. He's only trying to make you miserable."

"But he's right!" Sandra blurted out, turning to her father. "I am half a demon! What if no one accepts me for who I really am?!? I mean, it's not my fault I was born this way! What did I do to make my life like this?!?"

Stanley sighed. "You didn't do anything. This was all my fault. I'm also half demon, remember? And you are my daughter. It's my fault for placing this burden on you."

Sandra looked into her father's eyes and noticed something that she had never noticed before: sadness. Emptiness. His brown eyes held so many secrets. So many lost memories. It was like they were an abyss of the life Stanley has led. Sandra bit her tongue, and looked down, ashamed that she thought she was the only one who had a burden this big. 

"I-I'm sorry, father," Sandra mumbled, looking down in shame. "I forgot that you suffered too."

Stanley gave her a small smile patted her arm. "Don't worry about it. Come on." Stanley stood up. "The bus is almost here. We have to say goodbye to Dipper and Mabel."

Stanley left and Sandra soon followed.


Everyone watched sadly as Dipper and Mabel's bus vanished over the horizon, Sandra especially. As soon as no one could see the bus anymore, Sandra left the others, saying that she needed to go for a walk. 

Lost in her thoughts, Sandra never noticed the man that she slammed into.

"Oh! I-I'm so sorry!" Sandra apologized, picking up the flowers that the man had dropped.

"Oh, it's okay," the man replied, standing up. He held an armful of flowers in one arm, and he held out his other hand to help Sandra up.

"Thanks," Sandra said, accepting the hand, and getting hoisted up off the ground.

They stared at each other for a little bit, looking at each other's features. The man had brown, messy hair, a blue t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. 

"So," Sandra broke the silence. "Um...my name is Sandra. What about you?"

"Phil," the man replied, nodding his head. 

Sandra then noticed the purple flowers she and Phil were holding.

"What are these flowers for?" Sandra asked.

"They are for my sick mother," Phil said. He saw the flowers Sandra was holding and smiled. "You can keep those, Sandra. They match your pretty eyes."

Sandra smiled, and Phil looked away in embarrassment.

"I-I gotta go, Sandra," Phil said. "If you want to talk more, I'll be at Greasy's Diner in the morning at 9."

"Sure, I'd love to chat more," Sandra replied, still smiling.

"Okay, see you then," Phil said, turning to leave. "Good-bye, Sandra."

"Good-bye, Phil," Sandra said.

With one final wave, Phil disappeared from sight. Sandra kept smiling, and looked down at the flowers she was holding. Maybe, just maybe, everything will be okay.


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