Branch is sick 🤒🤧

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Branch falls ill and his older brothers take good care of him.
Their brotherly love is stronger than any brotherly bond with other brothers and sisters.

John Dory, Spruce, Clay and Floyd join Branch in his old bunker.
But what they don't know is that their beloved baby brother are sick..

The BroZone brothers enter the bunker and go down to the basement where their baby brother is waiting for them.

JD - Branch, where are you baby bro ! 😁

Floyd - John, you know that Branch doesn't like being called baby-

JD - I know Floyd. (pats gently Floyd's head) But he's still our baby brother ! 😌

Floyd - I think you guys are a bit protective.. 😅

Spruce - It's normal if we are protective, it's our role as big brothers. 😎💪 (flexes his muscles)

Floyd - Oh... 🫢

Clay - Hey wait guys..

Arrived at the basement of the bunker, they walk a few steps and do not see their baby brother in front of them.. which makes them worry a little...

BroZone - ..?

Clay - Where's Branch ? 😟

The 4 big brothers search through every part of the bunker to the bedroom.

As they walk back into the bedroom, their eyes widen and look worriedly at their baby brother in bed, tired and sick.

JD, Spruce, Clay & Floyd - BRANCH !! 😧 (runs to their sick baby brother)

Branch - (wake up slowly) Guys..? 🤒

The older brothers approach the younger brother one checking his temperature and his forehead.

JD - You are sick ?! 😨

Branch - Yes I got the flu... (starts crying) I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I was afraid you'd get mad at me.. 😭

BroZone - Aww Branch.. 😟🥺

The older brothers approach their youngest brother and give him a hug to reassure him.

Spruce - Shhhh don't cry Bitty B it's okay we don't mad at you, we are worried about you.. 😟

Clay - And don't worry, we'll stay with you lil bro. 😉

Floyd - We will take care of you until this nasty flu goes away. ☺️

JD - (Sits on the edge of the bed and pulls Branch into a gentle hug) We'll take good care of you Branch, we promise. 😊

Branch - (smiles gently at his big brothers) Thanks guys, I love you. 🥰

JD, Spruce, Clay & Floyd - We love you too Bitty B ! 🥰

Brothers cuddle to put their sick baby brother to sleep, Branch places his head on John Dory's shoulder as kisses him on the forehead.

JD - *whisper* We'll stay with you, don't worry baby bro. ☺️

Branch falls asleep in his brothers' arms, feeling safe and loved and his brothers watching over their sick youngster who sleeps peacefully.

<Ten minutes later>

Branch slowly begins to wake up and sees his other brothers sleeping next to him (Spruce is on his right, Floyd is between Spruce and Clay and Clay is sleeping next to Floyd who is hugging him from behind) He slowly turns his head to his left and sees John Dory still waking up, one hand still caressing Branch believing he is still sleeping and his other holding a book.

Branch - (starts to feel unwell and sick) John... 😖😣

JD - (look at his brother now awake) Shhhh.. (puts the book down and hugs Branch to calm him down) I'm here don't worry. (strokes Branch's hair)

Being in the arms of his big brother as he kisses his forehead and being stroke by his older brother makes him feel safe.

Branch - Don't you sleep with us and me ? 🥺

JD - Aww 💞 (sticks his forehead with that of the youngest) Not yet but I promise I'll sleep afterwards. ☺️ (Kisses his forehead) Go back to sleep Branch, you need to rest, I promise I'll still be here when you wake up. 🥰

Branch goes back to sleep, resting his head on his older brother's chest who strokes his hair and looks at him with much brotherly love and protection.

<One week later>

Branch is cured of his fever, but his big brothers have not stopped following him since he was still a little sick.

Branch - Guys I told you I feel better now, why are you concerned about my health and safety ?

Spruce - Branch you've been sick a whole week, so we'll stay and take care of you so you don't get sick again.

Branch - What ? But I was sick only 3 days ago not 1 whole week-

JD - (puts his finger to the younger's lips) No, no ! Say no more Branch. (removes finger from lip) As the oldest and leader of the brothers, we're gonna stay awake on you and period, okay ?

Branch - (crosses his arms and puffs out his cheeks to sulk) Okay John... 😑

Floyd - He's a good boy. 😊 (Pats Branch's head)

Branch - Stop I'm not a baby anymore guys... 😒

Clay - Aww you will always be our baby brother Branch, you're so cute baby bro.

Branch - 😮‍💨 (sighs)

At the end of the day, the BroZone brothers return to their bud to go to their studio.

Branch - (makes a very cute little sneeze)

BroZone - ...

Branch - Oh no... 😐

Floyd - GUYS ! OUR BABY BROTHER SNEEZED ! (cries over Clay in a hug) 😭


Spruce - (carries Branch in his arms) DON'T WORRY BABY BRO, THE DOCTORS ARE COMING, I'M STAYING WITH YOU !


Branch - ... I just sneezed. 😶😒

Aftertaking Branch to the hospital, the 4 older brothers come to realize that they were worrying for nothing. 😂

BroZone - ...

Branch - So... are we going to eat an ice cream ?

BroZone - ... YAAAAAAY !! 😆

The brothers race straight for the ice cream truck and they've all exploded. (as per usual) 🤣


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