Romantic date 💚🌙💕

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John Dory invites Luna (my character) on a romantic date and he will do anything to make her happy and tell her the most beautiful and romantic words that he has been practicing for 3 weeks.

In the pod (BroZone studio) John Dory wears a black jacket and pants with a black bow tie tied around his neck, he still has his ski goggles on and looks at his teeth again if nothing is stuck between his teeth.

JD - Alright to finish perfection, the poem ! (takes the letter out of his tuxedo pocket and puts his fist in front of his mouth) *COUGH* <Luna since I saw you for the first time, I fell in love with your pretty eyes as beautiful and blue as the sky and you are an angel with your kindness you are my angel with a big golden heart and when I'm away from you I feel like my world is falling apart but when you're here it's paradise and I feel stronger and much better, you are my moon my beautiful moon girl, and I love you my beautiful Luna.>

John finished reading the letter finally feeling ready to say the poem he wrote for Luna. Without paying attention, he felt arms around his left arm and saw that it was Floyd giving him a hug.

Floyd - Oh John you are very handsome bro.~ (straightens his bow tie) Do you have a romantic date tonight ? ☺️

JD - Yep, (put the letter in his pocket) I invited Luna out of the village, we're going to look at the stars together. 😁

Branch - (comes behind JD and gives him a little shoulder massage) Ooh our big brother has a romantic date with his wife.~😏

JD - (starts to blush heavily) Wow, wow easy guys, we're not married yet, she's my fiancée.. 😳😅

Branch & Floyd - (they each hug one of JD's arms) AWWW our big brother blushing !~😁🤭

JD - Hehe, what's going on with you guys ? 😅

Branch - Nothing, because we love you bro ! 😊

Spruce - (take JD's poem) OOOOooh you wrote a romantic poem for Luna, that's cool ! 😁 (reads the poem)

Clay - OOOOOOOOO SO ROMANTIC.~😏 (read the poem too)

JD - Yeah.. (rubs the back of his neck with embarrassment) But I don't think she'll like it...

Floyd - What ? 😧 Why do you say that 😟

JD - Guys, Luna is an expert in romantic poems and even though she loves reading them, I doubt she won't love my poem.. 😞

Spruce, Clay, Floyd & Branch - Aww John.. 🥺 (they hug their big brother in a big comforting hug) 💚💜💛🩷💙

Spruce - You know JD ? I'm pretty sure she will love it. 😉👍🏻

JD - Guys I know you're trying to-

Clay - JD, the words that you represented her as your angel with a big heart I find that beautiful. 😁

JD - Really, do you really think so ? 😯

Branch - Of course bro, she loves you and you love her, and for her no matter what you write her romantic words she will love it ! 😉

Floyd - And don't say that she won't like it, she will love it and I also really appreciated your poem, I'm even sure that she will be moved with joy by your beautiful poem. ☺️

Hearing the lovely compliments and encouragement from his little brothers, John Dory smiles at them and gives them a hug and his brothers hug him back.

JD - Thanks my lil bros, I love you guys. 🥰💚

Spruce, Clay, Floyd & Branch - Aww we love you too JD ! 🥰

BroZone - (hugs) 💚💜💛🩷💙

Spruce - And you're lucky to have us, we'll help you make your date romantic ! 😉

JD - Aw I appreciate your help guys. 😊

Branch - We will do everything for our beloved big brother. 😊 (see a bouquet of flowers) Hey John, are the flowers for Luna too ? 🙂

JD - Yes, (take the bouquet) she loves blue flowers and roses so I give her things that she loves like also the- (see Clay trying to eat the chocolates in from a heart shaped box) CLAY DON'T TOUCH THE BOX IT'S FOR LUNA !! 😠

Clay - (put the chocolate back in the box and close the chocolate box) Sorry bro.. 😅

Floyd - Are you going to give her a box of chocolate too ? Aww it's so romantic. 🥰

JD - Yeah.. but I think it's too Valentine's Day, I just want to give Luna the most romantic date we've had in our relationship until our wedding day.

Clay - Well.. yes it's true that it's Valentine's Day, but know that I did the same thing with Viva and she really enjoyed our date, I'm sure Luna will love the date, bro. 😉

JD - (begins to think and smile that his brothers do everything to help him) Thanks guys, I feel better now. 😊

BroZone - (hugs again) 💚💜💛🩷💙

Branch - And what time is your date ?

JD - 6:25 pm, why ? 🤨

Branch - Well... because it's 6:20 pm... 😅


Spruce - Hey, hey John calm down ! (make him sit on the couch) Don't worry bro, we will take care of it, while you join Luna we will prepare the meeting for you. 😉👍🏻

JD - Yeah you're right, it's better now, if you have finished preparing the decorations that I had planned to make you call me while waiting for me to give her my box of chocolate. 😁

Floyd - And the poem ? 🙂

JD - The poem I will read to her at the end. 😉

BroZone - Awwwww ! 😏🤭🥰

While John Dory leaves the pod and goes to a house where Spruce's wife and children live (Luna lives with her in the meantime because she doesn't like living alone) Spruce, Clay, Floyd and Branch prepare decorations, food and romantic music for them to dance to later.

Branch - And... here !

The brothers look at the masterpiece they made and they are proud to have made a romantic date for their big brother and his fiancée.

<With John Dory>

JD arrived at Brandi's house, was about to knock the door until his brothers called him.

Clay - [Mission accomplished bro, we finished preparing everything ! 😁👍🏻]

JD - Already ?! 😲 What do you have today to be so energetic ? 😅

Floyd - [We're not energetic, we just want to help you big brother, you've helped us so much and protected us too, now it's our turn to help you ! 🥰]

JD - Aw thank you bros, but if you will excuse me but my beautiful moon is waiting for me. 😌


JD - Love you too guys. 🥰

John Dory hangs up and puts his phone in his pocket, he hits the door and hides the bouquet of flowers behind his back. As soon as the door opens John Dory sees Luna with a turquoise dress which is almost the same color of JD's hair when he was young with moon and star designs in shiny gold, she is wearing her moon stars jewelry which she wears all the time and she even wears eyeliner and very discreet light blue eyeshadow.

JD - (blush and smiles awkwardly at Luna's beauty) H-hey Luna ! 🥴👋🏻

Luna - (blush and give JD her most beautiful smiles) Hi John Dory ! 😊👋🏻

JD - You're so beautiful tonight. 😉

Luna - Aw thank you and you too, you are so handsome ! ☺️ (get JD's bow tie right) And you are very cute with a bow tie. 🥰

JD - You too are cute. 🥰 (takes Luna's hand) I already told you that your beauty surpasses the beauty of the moon and makes you shine than the stars in the night sky.~😉😏 (Kiss Luna's hand romantically)

Luna - (giggles shyly) Yes you told me when you proposed to me. 🤭🥰 (sees that John is hiding something behind his back) John what are you hiding behind your back ? 😊

JD - Oh.. (shows her the bouquet and hands the flowers to Luna) Here, it's for you my beautiful moon of my dreams.~🥰💐

Luna - AWW all types of blue flowers and some roses ! ☺️ (take the bouquet with joy) You're so sweet and cute John thank you so much ! 🥰 (gives JD a quick kiss on the lips)

JD - (Surprised and smiled awkwardly) 🥴💞💞

Luna - (makes a cute little laugh and gives her fiancé a hug) I love you ! 🤭🥰

JD - (hugs his fiancée back) I love you too. 🥰 (Kisses her on the cheek) Can we go ? 😏 (extends his arm)

Luna - (giggles) Yes of course. 🤭 (take JD's arm and the couple walks with their arms linked together)

<Ten minutes later>

John Dory and Luna have almost arrived at the small field where JD chose for their date, the leader stops which also stops Luna and looks at him with a confused look but John Dory smiles at her which reassures his future wife.

Luna - Why are we stopping John ? 🤨

JD - Well.. I want to surprise you. 😉 (stands behind Luna and puts his hands on his fiancée's shoulders) Would you like me to cover your eyes ? I want to surprise you. 😊

Luna - Aw If you want to surprise me that's okay, but I'm a little afraid we'll trip.. 😅

JD - (smirks) Aw don't worry sweetie, if you want I have a better technique to reassure you. 😏

Luna - Oh and what is your technique ? 🙂

JD - This.~😏 (carries Luna like a bride)

Luna - Oh ! 😳 (blushes heavily and gives him her beautiful smile) Your technique is to carry me like a bride ? ☺️🤭

JD - Of course and... (brings his lips close to his fiancée's lips and smiles at her seductively) Do you know I can't wait to carry you like this on our wedding day and honeymoon~?😏

Luna - (starts to turn red and imagines this wedding scene) John stop, look I'm all red now.. 🫣😅💞

JD - What ? I have the right to imagine the scene where you and I on our honeymoon enjoy being together.~😏

Luna - (become all shy) Uhh.. Do you mean things like you and me in-

JD - (blushed heavily) NO- I-I- mean... I know you're not ready yet but know that no matter how long it takes I will always be patient with you my love. 😉💕

Luna - Aww you are a real angel sweetie. 🥰

The couple kisses and JD starts walking towards the field where their date and his brothers are. Luna closes her eyes and waits for John Dory's response before opening her eyes. Once arrived, John Dory looks around and sees that his brothers have really had everything prepared, they even prepared dinner for the couple, the leader gently places his fiancée on the ground on her feet and holds her shoulders.

JD - Are you ready to see your surprise . 😊

Luna - Yes ! 😄

John Dory removes his hands and Luna is surprised to see the place, there is a small lake next to the table with food and heart shaped decorations.

Luna - *GASP* WOW it's so beautiful John ! 😍 (sees rose petals of all colors making a path) Aww it's so romantic ! 🥰

The couple walks towards the table and John Dory moves the chair so Luna sits first and JD sits across from his bride and the bride and groom look at each other with so much love by sharing the chocolates that John gave Luna.

Luna - Did you prepare all this ? It must have taken all day to do it. 😊

JD - Well.. part of it is me but the rest is my brothers, I hadn't noticed the time and I didn't want to make you wait and worry. 😅

Luna - Aww John, you know you don't need to be a perfectionist for me, I just want us to have a good time together. 🥰

JD - (smiles and takes Luna's hands) You know you are the most beautiful and cutest Troll I have ever met in my life~?🥰 (kiss Luna's hand)

Luna - (giggles) You're so cute. 🤭🥰

Suddenly, "Careless Whisper" music begins to play.

JD & Luna - ... 😳😶

Waiting for John Dory's brothers his hiding place behind a bush.

Spruce - *Clay turns off this music it's too annoying for Luna and JD doesn't really like this music.. 😑*

Clay - *Sorry bro I had the wrong music. 😅*

When Clay was about to change some music, the brothers heard the couple's conservation.

Luna - John, I would love to hear the poem you wrote for me. 🥰

Spruce Clay, Floyd & Branch - *AWWWWW ! 😃😁🥹😊*

JD - (blushed and started to get nervous) Oh well.. 😳👉👈

Luna - Isn't that okay, John Dory ? 😟

JD - No, no I'm fine don't worry it's just that... (scratches the back of his neck nervously and sighs) It's just that you are an expert in romantic poetry and I wanted to write you the most romantic poem but.. I don't want you to be disappointed with what I wrote for you... 😞

Luna - (touched by JD's words and gently takes his hands) Aww John listens, (JD Look her straight in the eyes) I don't care if the poem is very romantic or not, what matters to me is that it was you who wrote it for me. ☺️ It's true that I am an expert on poems, but what matters most to me is that you wrote a romantic poem for me and I know that I will love your poem my John. 🥰

Touched by Luna's words and confidence, he gives her the most beautiful smiles and looks at her with passion and love.

JD - You know what ? I don't need leaves to tell you because I know what to say now. 😊

John Dory gets up from his chair, he approaches Luna, takes her hands and brings her closer to him so that they are very close.

JD - Luna, you are the most beautiful, kindest, sweetest and cutest girl I have ever met in my life, without you by my side I feel lost in the darkness with no light to light the way for me and when I am with you the weather is beautiful every day with a beautiful blue sky like your pretty eyes, birds that sing with a beautiful melody like your pretty voice and you are as bright as the sun like your pretty smile that warms my heart. (Luna starts to be touched by JD's poem and smiles with so much love in her eyes) You are my princess of the night, the moon and the stars, I will do anything to make you laugh and make you happy and I can't wait to call you my wife on our wedding day, I love you my Luna. 🥰💕

Luna - It's... THESE ARE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WORDS AND POEMS I HAVE HEARD IN MY ENTIRE LIFE ! 🥹 (wraps her arms around John Dory's neck and Kisses him on the lips with so much passion and love)

John Dory is surprised at first, but kisses her gently too, his arms still around her waist and the couple is not ready to let go of each other for another moment with so much love that they share.

In the bush, JD's brothers watch their big brother with his future kissing and cuddling, they are so happy to see their beloved big brother soon married to the woman of his life and they can't wait for the wedding even if for a moment they would like to stick to John Dory so that he stays with them forever.

<One month later after the wedding>

The BroZone brothers and their couples are gathered on Vacay Island in Brandi's restaurant and share a good time with family.

Branch - So how was your honeymoon ? 😊

JD - We had a lot of fun. (wraps his arms around his wife's waist from behind) We walked to the beach, we went to very romantic chic restaurants and we even had our little nights together.~😏💕

Luna - (blushes heavily and becomes all shy) John, you promised me you wouldn't say anything ! 😳

JD - What ? I also promised my brothers that I would tell them everything about our honeymoon.~😏

Luna - (turns to JD and hides his face in John Dory's neck)

Brandi, Viva & Poppy - AWWWWW 🥰💕

Spruce & Brandi's kids - OOOOoooh ! 😯😏

While Luna hides behind John Dory, too shy and embarrassed to face the others, everyone laughs and shares a good time as a family.


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