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This will talk about BroZone's brotherly love when they were up to their adulthood.
The brothers were never separated and grew up together and are very close.

The BroZone brothers are reunited in their secret hideout that Branch drew when he was a baby, (it's Branch's bunker) practicing for their next show which is in 3 weeks.

JD - (raises his arms which is a sign to stop) Okay 10 minute break, good job guys ! 👍

The 4 brothers stop and they are a little out of breath. Branch sees a newspaper that is filled with family photos of BroZone when they were children with their parents and grandmother Rosiepuff until they were adults but without their grandma and parents.

Branch - (turns around and slowly approaches John Dory who writes songs with Floyd) Hey umm... John Dory.

JD - (turns to his youngest brother and gives him a sweet smile) Yes, what's wrong Bitty B ? 🙂

Branch - Well... can we look at the family photos ?

JD - Do you want to see family photos again ?

Branch - Yes it's been a long time since we saw the photos of our childhood.

Spruce - (approaches with the family photo album) Yeah I agree with Branch, It's been a long time since we watched and I miss it.

JD - Well... (turns towards Floyd then towards the 3 brothers who look at him with a small smile)

Clay - come on bro, you even told us that we could take another photo of family and memories.

John Dory looks at his brothers who make sweet and cute eyes at him.

JD - Alright, alright. And it's true that I miss it too. (his brothers give him a hug)

The BroZone brothers sit on the couch and look through the photos of memories from when they were kids to their photos of today.

Branch - (points to a little troll with turquoise/dark green hair and a baby with purple hair) Aww you were so cute when you were babies ! 🥰

JD - Yeah but the cutest was you and Floyd, especially when Floyd dressed like a princess ! 🥰

Spruce - Yeah look it's this photo! (points to the photo of Floyd wearing a pretty pink glitter dress with a pretty crown headband next to Floyd it's Clay disguised as a dragon and he's making faces) Aww you were so cute you really looked like a princess ! 🥰

Floyd - (starts blushing and uses his bangs to hide his blush) B-boys stop please, you will make me shy ! 🫣

Clay - (wraps his arms around Floyd from behind in a big hug) AWWW OUR LITTLE PRINCESS IS VERY SHY ! 🥰

John and Spruce give him hugs and start tickling the sensitive brother who falls into the couch with Clay and the two older ones who are on top of Floyd tickle him.

Branch gives a sweet smile to his brothers and looks again at the family photo album, an image caught his attention when Branch had just come out of his egg he noticed Floyd's look while firmly holding the arm of John Dory who was holding baby Branch in his other arm next to the leader it was Spruce who was giving his handsome look and next to Floyd it was Clay who was wrapping his arms around Floyd's little body.

Branch - Guys, come see what I found !

The older brothers approach and Floyd begins to feel embarrassed.

Clay - Awww I remember perfectly the day you were born ! And that Floyd- (Floyd puts his hand over his mouth preventing him from speaking)

Floyd - NO ! You guys promised me not to do anything to him THAT day ! 🫣

Branch - What do you mean Floyd ? Now I want to know what happened ? 🙂

Spruce - (speak quickly that Floyd didn't have time to stop him) Floyd was jealous of you when you were born !! 😁

Floyd - (puts his head in Clay's neck who laughs softly and gently pats his head and gently strokes his back)

Branch - (shocked and confused) WHAAAAT ?! 🤯

JD - Haha yeah. (sits between Branch and Floyd) Look closely at the way Floyd looks at you in my arm.

Branch - Wait... He was jealous of me just because you carried me ? 🤨

Spruce - (laughs and sits next to Branch) Hahaha not only that ! 😂 Floyd was jealous because we took a lot of care of you and he wanted attention ! 😁

Floyd - Yes but I stopped being jealous because I knew you always took care of me. 😌

Clay - (sits next to Floyd giving him a little hug) That's not true, it was John who made you understand and Spruce and I also made you understand by comforting you and showing you how much we love you so much.

Floyd - (smiles at his brothers and hides his face with his big bangs)

JD - (wraps his arm around Floyd and uses his other hand to gently remove his little brother's bangs and speak to him softly) Hey~ (gently caresses Floyd's cheek who is starting to have tears in his eyes because of his jealousy of the past) You know that I wasn't angry with Spruce or Clay and we made you understand that even though we had to take good care of Branch, we look out for you.~ 😉

Clay - (gets behind Floyd and wraps his arms around his younger brother) And we love you little brother. 😊

Floyd - (lets out his emotions and hugs his brothers) I love you guys !! 🥹🥰

JD, Spruce, Clay & Branch - We love you too Floyd !! 🥰

BroZone - (hugs) 💚🩵💜💛💚🩷💙

After 10 minutes of cuddling the brothers look again at the photo they are looking at before talking and hugging.

Branch - (looks at his brothers curiously) Will you tell me what happened when I was born and when Floyd was jealous of me and you reassured him ? 🙂

JD, Spruce & Clay- (screaming of joy) YES FINALLY- (Notice that Branch looks at them with a confused look while Floyd giggles at the reactions of their big brothers) Oops sorry guys... 😅

Branch - (laugh) It's okay guys. 😊 (gets excited) So tell me everything !! 😃

JD - (laughed softly) Alright, alright.

John Dory takes the photo album, Floyd and Branch rest their heads on John's shoulders, while Spruce and Clay look at John Dory while holding the two youngest in a hug.

JD - It was the day you had just hatched from your egg.


The BroZone brothers were gathered around the egg waiting for their baby brother.

Clay - John Dory, when does our baby brother come out of the egg ? 🙃

JD - (comes with a blanket) Be patient Clay, he will come out of his egg a little later, but for now he needs warmth and since it's winter he will come out with a nice warm blanket. (wrap the blanket around the egg)

Spruce - And why our parents and grandma leave us alone with the egg ? 🤔

JD - They left to do some shopping for Branch's arrival in his egg. 😑

Spruce - Yes, but if he's ever born in front of you now, like in two minutes, what should we do ?! 😱

JD - (tenderly takes the egg) Don't worry guys I'm here, I know how to take care of a new one I've done it with you before. 😌

Spruce - Oh, it's true... 😅

Floyd - (comes up and gently pulls John's jacket to get his attention) John I can't get the cupcakes. (makes cute eyes at him) Will you please grab them for me, my big brother that I love.~ 🥺

JD - (smiles and takes Floyd's hand) Okay, show me the way. 😉

In the kitchen, John Dory gently puts the egg in his hair and takes the tray of cupcakes in all types of flavors.

JD - Here Floyd, which one do you want ? 🙂

Floyd - (thinks for a moment and shyly looks at his brother tapping his fingers together) Can I take two please ?~ 👉👈

JD - (gives a sweet smile to his little brother and takes a chocolate-flavored cupcake) I understood your little game, Floyd. (puts the cupcake near his little brother's lips) You want me to feed you, right ? 😏

Floyd - (looks at his brother nervously) Y-yes... 👉👈

JD - (lets out a soft laugh and looks at Floyd with his beautiful smile) Floyd you know I will never say no to feeding you because you are still the baby for now, but know that I will always be there for you my baby brother.~ 😉

Floyd - (smiles and looks at his brother with an adorable little smile)

John Dory took two small pink chairs and a small pink table which are Floyd's toys. The leader feeds his little brother tenderly and the sensitive one happily eats the cupcakes while holding John Dory's hand with his two little hands on his big brother's hand who is holding the cupcake. After Floyd eats both cupcakes, John takes a dish towel and gently wipes Floyd's face.

JD - (feel his new little brother's egg move) Oh ! He moves, GUYS, BRANCH IS COMING ! 😃

Spruce and Clay arrive next to their brothers and look at John Dory who gently takes the egg out of his hair.

As Spruce removes the tray of cupcakes, Clay places the pillow on the little pink table and John Dory gently places the egg on the pillow and the brothers wait for their new little brother to come out of its egg. The egg starts to get a crack and the egg starts to move a lot more, and then the top end of the egg is gone and blue hair is coming out of the egg.

Spruce - Wow his hair is so beautiful ! 😍

A head emerges from the egg which is now broken since the baby managed to escape from its egg. John Dory gently picks him up by covering it with the blanket that is around the egg and rocks gently so the baby knows he is safe.

Clay - Awww he is sooo small ! 😍 And a very big head. 😁

Floyd - (looks at his new little brother) It's true that he's cute...

Floyd is happy to now be a big brother, but he's starting to feel a little jealous that his brothers are watching their new baby brother.

Baby Branch begins to wake up slowly and seeing his big brother John Dory he gives him a big happy smile and tries to touch his big brother's face.

Clay - Hey John, when a baby sees the first troll, will he think you're his father ? 🧐

JD - No Clay, you still confront with the birds. 😑

Clay - Oh... 😐😅

Spruce - (gently strokes baby Branch's hair who laughs happily) He's so adorable, he's a little angel ! 🥰

Clay - Yeah sooo small and cute ! 🥰 (makes faces which makes baby Branch laugh) Even his laugh is SOOOOO CUTE !! 🥹🥰

JD - (See that Floyd stays a little aside) Floyd do you want to carry your little brother ?

Floyd - (slowly approaches John Dory and he looks nervously at Branch who gives him a big smile) N-no... I'm afraid of dropping it... 😟

JD - Don't worry I'll hold it with you.

Floyd - Okay...

But as soon as John Dory gets a little closer to Floyd, baby Branch starts to cry which scares Floyd and makes him want to cry too.

JD - Oh no Floyd don't cry. Baby Branch cry because he's just hungry, don't worry. (turns to Spruce and Clay) Guys, I need your help !

Spruce and Clay helped John calm Branch down and to feed him. After John feed Branch with the bottle, the baby calmed down and he begins to fall asleep in the arms of his big brother who sings him a lullaby.

Branch - (lays his head on John's chest and falls asleep)

Spruce - (looks at Branch with a sweet smile) *He's so cute.* 🥰

Clay - *Aww I can't wait to play with Branch !* 🤩

While the 3 older brothers sit on the couch and watch their little brother sleep with tenderness, Floyd watches them from the kitchen and feels a little jealous that Branch is in the arms of their big brothers, he considered an idea to pay attention to his brothers including John Dory.

Clay - Where is Floyd ? I thought he would be with us with baby Branch, he was so happy to become a big brother though... 😟

Spruce - Yeah.. John do you think Floyd is starting to get jealous ? 🤨

Floyd - (starts to panic and hides at the kitchen wall)

JD - It's possible Spruce, you were the same with Clay when he was born but of course you started to like being a big brother. (gets up and walks to the crib) But Floyd will quickly get used to being a big brother, don't worry. 😉

Spruce and Clay look at each other but they trust their brother. John Dory gently puts Branch in the crib and kisses his baby brother on the forehead who makes a sweet smile as he feels his big brother's kiss.

Floyd - (tears escape from his eyes) I too want my big brothers to take care of me... 🥺😣

The little pink haired troll walks over to the little pink table and sits down on a chair and starts eating cupcakes.

Floyd - (without paying attention, his finger gets a splinter) OUCH ! 😣

JD - (comes running and looks at his little brother with concern) Floyd ?! 😧

Floyd - (looks at his big brother with tears in his eyes while holding hands) J-John... 😢

JD - (runs towards his little brother and kneels on one knee gently caressing Floyd's cheek filled with tears) You got hurt ? Show me where it hurts.

Floyd - (shows his finger which has a splinter) I hurt myself with the table. 😣

JD - (gently take Floyd's hand) Aww my poor strawberry cupcake, I'm going to take it away for you, don't worry. 😉 (managed to remove the splinter) And here, the nasty splinter is gone. 😊

Floyd - (smiles) Thank you John Dory. ☺️

JD - (always hold his brother's hand) Your welcome baby bro. (know what Floyd wants) Do you know what could cure your little finger ?

Floyd - (begins to have doubts but smiles happily) The magic kiss ? 🙂

JD - Exactly. (gently kiss Floyd's finger) And here's my pinky cupcake, your finger is healed ! 😉

Floyd - (makes a big smile and hugs his big brother tightly) Thank you so much John Dory ! 🥹🥰

JD - (hug Floyd back) Your welcome Floyd. 🥰

Spruce - (come in panic) JOHN DORY ! Baby Branch is crying again ! What are we doing ?! 😱

JD - I'm coming and don't panic Spruce. (gently take Floyd's hand) You're coming, don't worry Branch is going to like you and you're going to be a great big brother. 😉

Floyd - (smiles at his big brother's words and holds his hand tightly) Kay. ☺️

The brothers are reunited in the living room sitting on the couch taking care of Branch who quickly calmed down again. They speak in whispers so as not to wake their baby brother.

Clay - (still amazed that John calmed the baby) *How did you manage to calm and reassure him ?!* 😲

JD - *You know, now I'm a big brother 4 children it's always been easy for me, especially with Floyd.* 😁

Spruce - *Oh yeah ! Floyd always wanted us to hold him, sing him a lullaby and even sleep with us. Especially with you John, he never wanted to let you go.* (start laughing softly) 🤣

JD - *It's normal I was the first to wear it, you two ran in panic all over the pod.* (laugh softly)

Floyd - (touches John's arm with a worried look) *Did... Were you fed up when I cried when I was a baby ?* 😟

JD - *No because you were a baby who loved cuddles and attention.* (pulls Floyd in a hug) And you still had it like today but the most important thing is that it's better now that you've grown up, and then if you were sick I'll always be there to take care of you and Spruce and Clay will be there for you and Branch too.*

Floyd - (smiles as he thinks of a plan to have his big brothers take care of him and Branch at the same time)

<The next morning>

No one is awake yet except John Dory, it's time for Floyd to begin his plan to pretend to be sick so his brothers will take care of him. Floyd takes a thermometer by placing it in the coffee that John Dory left, after the thermometer goes up he quickly goes to his room let the brothers share together jumping into bed under the blanket and places the thermometer in his mouth and makes a tired and sad face.

JD - (enters the room and sees Floyd with a thermometer in his mouth) Floyd ?! 😧

Floyd - (looks at his brother and extends his arms towards John for a hug) John I want to hug you, I don't feel good... 🥺

JD - (puts his coffee cup on the desk next to the door and goes over to Floyd for a hug) Aww don't worry I'll take care of you and Spruce and Clay too when they finally wake up. 😑 (touches the forehead of his sensitive little brother) You don't have a fever. (gently removes thermometer from Floyd's mouth) 42 fever ?! 😧

Floyd - (starts to panic that his plan isn't working)

JD - Anyway, this thermometer doesn't really work. (throws away the thermometer) So... (sits on the bed and strokes the hair of his pretend-sick little brother and speaks to him gently) What's up my little strawberry cupcakes ? Do you hurt somewhere ?

Floyd - I... (think and come up with an idea) My belly hurts... 😣

JD - Aww your little belly hurts. (gently tickles Floyd on the belly which makes him laugh) I'm going to gently massage your belly, can I lift your pajama dress so I can massage your belly ?

Floyd - (Nod gently) Yes...

John Dory gently lifts Floyd's pajama dress up to his chest and gently massages his stomach. When Floyd had a stomach ache when he was sick or ate too much. For Floyd, John Dory is a good massager, it always does him good and he is a good massager all over the body, even hair.

JD - Are you okay, are you still in pain ?

Floyd - (nods gently and places his hand on John's who still massages him gently) I still hurt...😣

JD - I'm going to massage you again, you tell me if it feels better, okay ? 🙂

Floyd - (Gives his brother a cute smile) Kay. ☺️

While John Dory massages Floyd's belly, Spruce and Clay begin to wake up and look to their right sides.

Clay - John, what are you doing ? 🤨

JD - Floyd has a stomach ache, so I massage his belly.

Spruce & Clay - (gets out of bed and joins their brothers and looks at Floyd with worries) Are you okay Flo ? 😟😟

Floyd - (nods gently)

JD - He just has a stomach ache. (still massaging the stomach and his other hand gently caresses Floyd's cheek) Then would you like to eat something ? 🙂

Floyd nods and lifts his head a little so that John Dory lowers his head so that Floyd whispers in his ear.

Floyd - (Whisper very softly in John's ear) *I want to eat yesterday's cupcakes and will you feed me like you did yesterday ?* 🥺👉👈

JD - *Of course and Spruce and Clay are here for you too, no need to be shy my little strawberry cupcake.* 🥰 (hug and tickle gently Floyd on the belly)

Floyd - (laugh happily)

Spruce & Clay - (join John Dory and Floyd in bed and they start tickling their youngest brother)

<Ten minutes later in the kitchen>

The BroZone brothers and baby Branche eat all their breakfasts, Branch is drinking from his bottle and he is in Spruce's arms because John Dory is already busy with Floyd feeding him like a baby and while Clay is quietly eating his cereal and his pancakes.

JD - (notes that Floyd is "much better") Is better now, Floyd ? You were just hungry so you're fine. 😁

Spruce - OH YES ! (both Branch to John) Please carry him and feed him John Dory ! He's even heavier although it was very light yesterday ! 😫

Branch - (laughs at Spruce's complaint) 😂🤣

JD - (rolls eyes boredly) Stop complaining, Spruce. 😒 (Gently pats his cheek) He's not going to kill your beauty. 😏

Spruce - Aww stop ! (lightly pushes John's hand and places it on his cheek where John almost caressed) You'll make me blush ! 🤭

Clay - Wow you sound like mom and dad, I think we're going to call you mom and dad now ! (laughs and falls to the ground) 😂🤣

JD & Spruce - (looks at their brother with a bored look) 😑😑

Clay - (gets up and goes back to the table and begins to calm down) What ? 😐 (crosses his arms puffs out his cheeks and sulks) You guys have no sense of humor. 😑

JD - Anyway, I'm going to take care of Branch.

Floyd - (panic that John Dory is going to carry Branch, he hugs the leader.

JD, Spruce & Clay - (are confused about what is going on with their little brother)

JD - Floyd, you're okay ? 🤨

Floyd - N-no... I... (think of an excuse that his brothers pay more attention to him) I just want to hug you ! 😁☺️

JD - Okaaay and you are acting strange today... (carrier baby Branch) What's going on Floyd ? 🤨

Floyd - I...

Clay - I think I know what's going on, he's jealous of Branch because we don't take care of him, right ? 😏

Floyd doesn't know what to say and looks at his brothers with fear and tears begin to well up in his eyes.

Spruce - Floyd ? Are you okay ? 😟

Floyd - (leaves the table and runs to his room which he shares with his brothers)

JD, Spruce & Clay - (shocked and worried about what just happened) FLOYD !!! 😧😨😨 (get up and run towards the bedroom but stay in front of the door and look at each other with worried)

Spruce - Floyd what's wrong with you ? We just want to talk to you, we won't argue to you, we promise ! 😟

Floyd - (cries in bed and hides under the blanket)

Clay - Please Floyd, we are worried for you, We promise we're not mad ! 😟

JD - (can't stand to hear his little brother cry and passes Branche to Clay) Clay carries Branch I'm going to go talk to him.

Clay - Okay but what do you say to him ? 😟

JD - (puts his hand on the wrist of the door) I'm going to reassure him like I always did.

Spruce - You were never angry with Floyd anyway. But you're not going to get angry at our sensitive little brother ? 😟

JD - Of course not ! I'm going to reassure him and take care of him, I know what's wrong with him. (winks) 😉

Spruce & Clay - Oooh we see. 🙂🙃

John Dory gently opens the door, upon entering and gently closing the door he turns around and sees his little brother under the blanket crying, which breaks the heart of the big brother leader. He slowly walks over to the bed and gently sits down in the bed and gently strokes the parts Floyd's hair that is sticking out of the blanket.

JD - (speak quietly so as not to frighten his little brother) Floyd, my little strawberry cupcake.~ (gets even closer to Floyd and Floyd comes out of the covers with red eyes filled with tears in his eyes) Awww my cutie pinky princess. 😟 (spread his arms for Floyd to hug him so he can cry on him) Come hug me, come cry and hug your big brother.~

Floyd - (starts crying heavily and hugs John Dory and cries on his chest)

JD - Shhhh~ (caresses the back and hair gently)

Floyd - I-I'm so sorry John Dory *sniff* All I wanted was for you to take care of me, I was afraid *sniff* I was afraid you wouldn't take care of me anymore ! *hiccup* I miss you so much even though it's been yesterday since Branche was born... 😭😣

John Dory is touched by his little brother's words, Floyd was afraid that John would no longer take care of him because of baby Branch. John Dory doesn't like his little brothers to be jealous of each other to get his attention, all he wants is for his brothers to get along well and have good family harmony.

JD - Floyd looks at me.~ (puts his hands on his little brother's cheeks and gently lifts his head) It's okay and I'm not mad, I would never be mad at you because you're so sweet, so cute, so amazing and you're so sensitive and I can't stand to see you cry like that.~ (gently caresses and wipes Floyd's tears running down his cheeks) And I don't like seeing my little brothers jealous of each other to know who I'm going to take care of more.~ (presses his forehead against Floyd's who calms down but his tears are still flowing) I love you all, all four and know Floyd that you will always remain my rose princess and I love you and your brothers.~

Floyd - (cries hard but gives his big brother a big smile and hugs him tighter) I LOVE YOU AND I'M SO SORRY JOHN DORY !! 😭

JD - (hug Floyd tightly but gently) Shhhh it's alright don't worry and I love you my pinky cupcake.~ (gently lifts Floyd's head again and kisses him gently on his forehead)

The elder and the sensitive one haven't let go of each other for more than 5 minutes. Spruce and Clay with baby Branch in his arms come into the room and climb onto Floyd's bed and look at the two brothers in a beautiful hug filled with love and comfort and they notice that Floyd is sleeping in John's arms on his chest with a big smile and John is looking at his other brothers with a big smile. Clay puts Branch down in bed and he crawls into bed happily laughing and the middle brother looks at his little brother Floyd with a sweet smile and Spruce slowly approaches John Dory who is holding Floyd gently rocking him and the second oldest brother gently strokes the sensitive pink-haired younger brother's hair, the three older children whisper very quietly as they watch their little brother sleeping and their baby brother playing with one of Floyd's dolls.

Spruce - We heard everything, our poor princess boy was afraid that we would no longer take care of him even though we love him so much, we all love each other.~

Clay - (Branch goes on his knees with a doll and plays with it) And do you think Floyd will get along well with baby Branch ?~

JD - (tightens the hug so that his little brother feels loved and safe) Yes, our two youngest brothers will get along well, Floyd also wanted us to take care of him for a long time and I will always be for him and for you guys.~

Spruce - (puts his hand on his big brother's shoulder) We will all be there for each other, our brotherly love is unique than any trolls and creatures in the whole world.~

They hug and all lie down on the bed. Floyd wakes up slowly, feels a little body giving him a hug and sees baby Branche give him a sweet smile, Floyd smiles sweetly at his only little brother and gives him a hug. He feels arms around him and sees that it's John Dory hugging him behind and giving him a sweet smile.

JD - *You see ? I told you Branch would love you and you're going to be a great big brother, I promise.*

Floyd - (smiles and will be John Dory and Branch in his arms while sleeping and feels safe again)

The brothers were asleep again, three adult trolls watch the boys sleep peacefully with so much joy.

*End flashback*

John Dory has finished telling everything and Branch is both surprised and amazed at what happened with Floyd when he was born.

Branch - Floyd I can't believe you were jealous of me ! But I find it adorable how you were with John Dory when he called you "my rose princess" so cute.~ 😁

Floyd - (blushed with embarrassment) Yes, but I was very small and very fragile, (cross his arms and look away) so I love dressing like a princess !

Spruce - Aww and you will always be our princess ! 🥰 (hug Floyd with John and Clay and starts tickling Floyd)


Branch joins his brothers in the tickle and is now being tickled by his older brothers.

After the tickling they.

Clay - Oh and when Baby Branch called John Dory daddy and Floyd mommy !! (laughs) 😂🤣

Spruce - (laugh too) 😂🤣

Branch - I really called you-

JD - Yes it was embarrassing but funny at the same time ! 😁

The brothers laugh and look at the family photos again.The BroZone brothers may have always been very popular boysbands but they are brothers, very close brothers who have a very special power to create family harmony.


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