BroZone becomes RockZone 🎤🎸

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There is the group Kismet (NSYNC) with BroZone.
And new ship (Floyd x Boom)🏳️‍🌈🩷💛

All the pop trolls gathered at the BroZone concert, thousands of fans Looking forward to BroZone and the brothers have a surprise for their fans.


John Dory comes on stage with a microphone and all the fans started screaming with joy.


The fans shout louder and start shouting less loudly to hear John Dory speak.

JD - You will be happy and we have a surprise for you guys !

The fans are all excited and one fan starts to rip his t-shirt, it was a dark blue t-shirt with the BroZone logo and the group's photo.

JD - For now, be patient, we're coming ! 😉 (go behind the scenes)

John Dory enters the locker room and sees his brothers and their friends, new groups who are a bit of their family now.

JD - (put the microphone down) Are you guys ready ?

Hype - Yep ! 👍

JD - Great ! Now we-

Clay - JOHN DORY !!

Hype - Except Spruce and Clay. 😅

JD - *sigh* What's wrong with them again..? 😑

Spruce and Clay run to John Dory with *hairspray* and a comb and they complain to their big brother leader.

Spruce - John, Clay keeps stealing MY comb ! 😫

Clay - What ?! YOU are the one stealing MY hairspray ! 😠

JD - Already Spruce is not your comb it's Floyd's dolls and Clay it's whipped cream is not a hairspray. 😑

Spruce & Clay - Oh... Sorry and thanks John. 😅👍

JD - It's okay and you're welcome guys. 😉

But as soon as John Dory was about to tell Hype that it was time to be on stage, the two younger brothers jumped on John.

Floyd - John I lost my makeup box ! 😭

Branch - John I'm stressed again ! 😭

Hype - Oops... I forgot to tell you that Branch and Floyd are not ready either. 😅

JD - Seriously..?! (hears the fans scream louder) But our fans are waiting for us, we won't keep them waiting long.

Hype - You are the leader, so what are we doing ?

JD - Umm... (takes Hype's shoulders) You'll keep them busy while you wait for me to help my brothers. (pushes Hype onto stage) good luck, buddy ! 😁👍

Hype is on stage and facing all the trolls who are still shouting with joy and a microphone is thrown and the spotlights illuminate Hype who doesn't know what to say to the audience who are waiting for them.

Hype - Umm... Yo.. what's up guys... 😅

Random troll - BroZone is going to sing with Kismet together ?! 😃

Hype - Err... (whispers to John who is behind the curtain) *John what do I tell them ?* 😬

JD - *You tell them "it's a surprise but wait, be patient." Wait, I'll bring the others with you.* (pushes Boom, Trickee and Ablaze on stage next to Hype)

Random troll - So are you going to sing with BroZone together or not ? 😃

Hype - Umm... This is a surprise so please friends be patient in the meantime. 😁

Everyone - Okay !!

Hype - (give the mic to Ablaze) So Ablaze, how are you going buddy ? 😁

Ablaze - Huuh... I'm good. 😁👍 And you ?

Hype - I'm good too dude ! 😉👍

Kismet - (starts laughing nervously) 😅

Everyone - ...? 😶😐🤨

Boom - Hehe... I don't get it... 🤨

Everybody - ... 😐😶

Floyd - (laughs shyly) *He's so cute.~* 🤭💓

JD - *Floyd this is not the time to look at your boyfriend, and what do you need from me ?*

Floyd - *I can't find my makeup box.*

JD - *Okay I will help you don't worry bro.* 😉

Floyd - *Thank you John.* 🥰 (hug John)

Branch - (jumps on John and grabs him by the jacket and shakes him gently) *John I can't calm my stress please help-* (receives a chocolate bar in the mouth and calms down)

JD - (gently place Branch on the ground) *That's it, everything is fine Branch, it's going to be fine, don't worry.*

Branch - *Thanks John Dory !* ☺️

JD - *Okay now, the makeup box.* (finds the makeup box next to the locker cloakrooms) *Floyd I found your makeup box.*

Boom - (approaches Floyd and gets nervous) *Sorry I forgot to give it to you.* (takes the makeup box and gives it back to Floyd) *I bought you some more makeup because you were almost out of it so... I bought it for you.* 🥰

Floyd - *Aww thank you Boom, you're so sweet !!* 🥰 (wraps his arms around Boom's neck and gives him a hug)

Boom - (hug Floyd back and smile goofily) *Y-your welcome Floyd.* 🥴💕💞

JD - *Alright, everyone is ready ?*

BroZone & Kismet - *Yeah !* 😎👍

JD - *Cool, LET'S BRO !* 😎✊

They collect Hype and gather in a circle.

JD - Alright guys, it's time to shine and show the fan that we're rock stars too !

BroZone & Kismet - Yeah !

Trickee - Um wait.. We Kismets are not rock stars. 🙁

JD - Of course you guys can be rock stars ! In the meantime we'll go first with perfect then we'll all be together with Better Place and we'll be together with a rock song with our new clothes that Floyd chose well. 😉

Floyd - (blushes and gets shy) Aww stop boys, you're making me blush.~ 🤭

Everyone - BroZone ! BroZone ! BroZone !

JD - It's time guys, let's go !

All the lights go out and BroZone comes in with the song "perfect"

(It's up to you to imagine their dances)

Boom looks at Floyd lovingly and his hair makes a heart shape.

Boom - *sigh lovingly* He's so cute and... So beautiful... 🥴💞

Hype, Ablaze & Trickee - Oooooooh 😏😏

As soon as it's over John Dory speaks.

JD - And we have a surprise we are going to sing Better Place with... KISMET !!

The lights shine on Kismet and everyone is very happy that they are going to change with BroZone.

JD - Guys, it's up to you to start with Branch ! 😉👍

Hype - Thanks John. 😊

The BroZone brothers step aside and leave Kismet and their little brother Branch singing and dancing "Better Place"

(lazy to write the scene) 😅

After the music ends, John Dory takes the microphone again and announces their new music that they will have to change. Back in the locker room, BroZone and Kismet change from pop trolls to rock trolls.


(I haven't found any better rock music I don't know much about rock music)

When the music ended, the Trolls were both shocked but very happy and fulfilled.

Journalist - It's so A-MA-ZING ! The two boybands BroZone and Kismet together can sing ROCK for us. I'm SO SHOCKED AND HAPPY !! I WANT AN AUTOGRAPH !!! 😆

BroZone and Kismet bow to their fans and watch with pride. John Dory shakes hands with Hype, Spruce shakes hands with Ablaze, Clay shakes hands with Trickee, Boom and Floyd look at each other nervously, Boom holding Floyd's hand but the sensitive brother kisses Boom's cheek who smiles awkwardly.

Branch - Oooh guys, We have a couple now in the group.~ 😏

Boom - (blush but smile and take Floyd by the waist) Maybe.~ 😏

Floyd - (blushing and giggling shyly) 😳🤭

JD, Spruce & Clay - (start to become protective and jealous)

JD - Boom You know we like you so much but here... 😒


JD & Spruce - Clay we didn't mean that !! 😠🤦‍♂️

Clay - Really ?! 😳 Oops sorry Boom I wanted to say- (gets stopped by Spruce who puts a chocolate bar in his mouth)

Spruce - Let us talk Clay, you're taking your jealousy too far. 😑

Trickee - Uh... Branch what's going on with them..? 😐

Branch - Protective and jealous big brother, don't worry it's always like that with them. 😅

Ablaze - Oooooh ok. 🙂

Floyd - Guys stop, you know Boom is very kind, sweet and protective. ☺️

Boom - (blushes and rubs the back of his neck nervously) It's true... 😊

JD - Even though you're our friend, we're watching you Boom if you ever hurt our strawberry cupcake-

Hype - Um guys we can talk later we're still in the middle of a concert and everyone is looking at us. 😐

BroZone and Kismet turn around to face audiences both confused and surprised by the news.

Clay - Oops Does that mean they heard what I said before eating the chocolate bar..? 😳😅

Spruce - Yeah they heard EVERYTHING, we're really not discreet. 😶😅

The BroZone brothers and their Kismet friends laugh and come out on stage on their way home and happy to all sing together now.


That's all I had as an idea, I hope you liked it.
And now the continuation of the one-shot is the couple Floyd x Boom sorry Guy Diamond but Boom is an LGBT+ Trolls I want to ship him with Floyd and I find them very cute seeing magnificent drawings of this gay couple ! 🏳️‍🌈

Bye bye !

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