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The coffee aroma wafted around the round hole, carved from wooden planks, and ceramic sheets; she stands at its threshold, warmth seeping into her skin. The place was bubbling with people—she stood there, watching kids, parents, elders mingling with each other. A atmosphere so homely, so beautiful—she just w a t c h e s

She watches, standing afar, afraid of tainting the place so filled with love; her eyes glistening with tears, her heart shaking with grief, her hands clenched, she watches wishing to be part of such w o r l d

It was perchance, a waitress nearby shushed her to one to the seats. She stills, she stills, as her girl takes her to one of the high round tables, rutilant, coruscating chairs; she sits too h e s i t a n t

She stands up immediately, afraid, so unbearably afraid that she might take these people down with her melancholy, she might be the cause of their downfall, their consequence for having a fun night. Somehow somehow, she sits down again, not wanting to leave such homespun and airy place for her cold, lonely, and damp world.

Before she knew, a cup with brimming coffee, a dollop of cream, and sprinkle sugar is kept in front of her—she watches surprised; something compelled her to take a sip of dulcified drink, sweet taste enveloping her s e n s e s

Before she knew, she relaxed. She relaxed, letting her demons rest, letting her past scars go, letting her gaurd drop, her thoughts scatter—she drinks, she laughs, she talks freely, she r e l a x e s

She talks to the old man with knitted hat, she talks to the six-year old crying, she flirts with a waitress, she laughs with the group of adults sharing their anecdotes—a tranquil envelops her, making her aura glow.

she doesn't know, she doesn't know if it's the coffee, or the cafè, or the beautiful girl who served her the coffee, or the kid who keeps calling her name wrong, or something else. She just knows, she would come here every single night.

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