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you are not alone,
she whispers,
clutching his bleeding hand.
you are not alone,
she hugs him,
his frail body,
holding onto her,
afraid, broken, and miserable,
he let's her,
hold his hand.

you are not alone,
she shouts,
watching him stand
on the balcony rail,
busy roads stare at him,
small specks of lights blinking at him,
he wonders what it would be like,
to see his blood tarnishing the cold gravel.
she catches him,
before he could jump,
she saves him.
He snaps at her,
but his eyes secretly thank her.

Countless nights spent in worry,
too many days spent on the phone,
she still stands beside him,
too scared to lose someone else.

they say,
drowning man can be saved,
but how can you save someone,
who is determined to drown?
he shouts at her,
seeing her saving him,
over and over again.

she says, deadly calm,
you cannot.
you cannot save someone
who is determined to drown.
but you can always,

he walks out,
her words haunting him,
twisting his gut,
making him wishing for another chance.

it takes time,
days turn into weeks,
weeks into months,
and months into years,
but she manages to make,
him save himself.

one morning,
they sit on the very same terrace,
where she saved him years ago,
sipping freshly brewed tea,
wind chimes ringing,
and plants whispering,
and the sun shining upon them,
he looks at her,
and says,
thank you.

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