Brother's Keeper

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The Eldest Son Of Bruno froze in his spot at the entrance of Casita once he heard his name spoken clear from the familiar stern tone that everyone in the family knows who it belongs too...

He turned to the elderly woman with a smile that was obviously fake.

Oscar: Si Abuela? (Ay Caramba, what does she want now?)

Alma: I was hoping I could speak to you for a minute.

Oscar: Is there a problem, Abuela?

Alma nodded with that stern frown on her face.

Alma: Yes. This is about the incident with Mirabel earlier.

Hearing that made a frown appear on Oscar's face as well. Oh boy, he did not want to hear this conversation. Then again, no matter how much he tries, no one can ignore Abuela. No One. She is the matriarch of the Madrigal Household and the Leader of the Encanto village. Everyone has to listen to her.

Oscar had also noticed that ever since Mirabel's failed gift ceremony, Abuela had been treating the girl as if she was some complete stranger in the family.

Oscar and his niblings hated that. Gift or not, Mirabel is still family.

Nonetheless, Oscar tried to make his frown go away and put on his best smiles.

Oscar: Oh yes that. I am aware that Mirabel is doing her best to help out in the family. Especially with her new candleholders. But...I am disappointed at how everyone seems to ignore this new progression...

Mirabel has such great ideas but as usual, no one besides Sophia, Diego, Antonio, Tia Julieta, and Tio Agustin seems to care what she does.

In fact, like Abuela, it's almost like they seem to see the girl as a nuisance.

Alma: Well that's because everyone has a gift and she doesn't.

The Eldest Triplet's Eye Twitched.

....Seriously. That's her answer. Oscar tried his best to not lose his patience with her.

Oscar: Abuela...Mirabel has such good ideas. The project's recent development she made could be well into it's final stages, and if she had a production team...Her work could be confident enough to help the Encanto's thrive by month's end.

Alma: Yes. That is understandable. But like I said before, it's probably best that Mirabel steps back.

The frown on his face came back.

Oscar:....What are you implying?

Alma: What I'm implying that Mirabel does not do anything that could ruin your primo Antonio's gift ceremony. It could cause an inconvenience to the community.

Oscar felt like he wanted to tear strands of hair out from his bushy afro.

Inconvenience?! Inconvenience?!!

Ever since Mirabel's failed gift ceremony. His Abuela believed something is wrong with the magic. She wasn't sure why Mirabel wasn't given a gift but overtime she believed the girl did something wrong to hurt the magic and started blaming her.

It pissed him off. How does one little girl hurt the magic?! He don't understand!!!

Alma: Just think about it Oscar...I've noticed Mirabel been around you and niblings a bit too much. She's getting in the way of your chores. Maybe it's best I assign you with Isabela more. She's a much better role model and-?!

That was the final straw to Oscar's patience.

Oscar: *Glares* I'm not abandoning Mirabel, Abuela.

Alma: *Stern* Oscar. You're the eldest grandson to the Madrigal Family. You need to set an prime example for the family.

Oscar: Oh so family means putting down others because you believe they're an inconvenience just because their gift could cause problems for others or if they don't have a gift at all they're basically useless to the family. Is that what you're saying?

Abuela gave him an disappointed look but continued.

Alma: All I'm saying is Mirabel shouldn't be around you anymore!

Oscar: Abuela! Enough! I don't want to hear it anymore!!!

Alma: OSCAR!!!

Oscar walked away in annoyance ignoring Abuela's shouts as he walked down the hallway of Casita. Sophia, who just passed by, watched her brother with a sad look on her face, unable to provide any comfort due to her list of chores she has to do on her own.


After finishing his own chores, Diego stayed in his room for the rest of the day. Everyone else was still looking for Antonio, who was supposed to be getting ready for his gift ceremony.

Even if he isn't all that close to him, Diego could tell his youngest primo was nervous. But he never thought he would be nervous enough to pull a disappearing act making his familia worry about him.

Diego would be lying if he said he wasn't worried about the younger boy. But he's sure Mirabel would find him soon since the two were very close...or Dolores would at least know where he's at but would keep it a secret...but who knows for how long. The boy can't stay hidden all night even if he tries.

In the meantime, before the gift ceremony commences, he will stay in his room reading away from prying eyes.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Diego grumbled wondering who that could be. Shouldn't everyone be doing their daily chores?

Oscar: Diego! You there? Can I come inside?

Oh. It was only Oscar...or at least that's he thought.

Diego:...Is it just you?

Oscar: Sofia will join us in a minute. Something came up and she had to entertain a few guests.

Diego:...Alright. Fine. You can come in.

Oscar opened the door and let's himself in with a happy-go-lucky grin that made Diego's skin crawl. He hated extroverts.

Oscar: S'up Bro.

Diego: Hey...How everyone hiding up?

Oscar: Great! Turns out Mirabel found Antonio! He was hiding in the nursery because he was too nervous.

Diego: I knew it...I can't blame him...I wonder how his gift ceremony is going to go...

Oscar: Well...Let's hope it's better than ours.

Diego grumbled again. He didn't need an brutal reminder. Their gift ceremony...was an disaster. But we'll save that story for another day.

Oscar: Hey...Can I ask you something?

Diego: Yeah...Sure...

Oscar: Do you see anything wrong with Mirabel?

Diego raised an eyebrow. Mirabel? What's this got to do with his prima?

Oscar: Ya know. Since the gift ceremony is tonight. This may be the last night that Antonio will share that nursery with her.

Diego: *Sad* So...She'll remain in that nursery alone. Because she never got a room...

Every gift ceremony provides those with their own room. However, since Mirabel was never able to get a gift...her door vanished...

Oscar: Honestly. I feel sorry for her. I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life in some boring old nursery all alone until the next child show up only to receive a gift five years later and be constantly reminded of being giftless. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

Diego: Me too.

Oscar: Yeah. But like Abuela's for the best that she stays in there...for the family...(Hint: Sarcasm)

Diego coughed. Bullshit.

He remembers the times when Abuela spoke about their Abuelo Pedro.

Diego doesn't know what to make of Pedro Madrigal. If he is completely honest, he has to admit that he'd never been that interested in the man.

Pedro had (supposedly) died fifty years ago. An eternity for a young boy. Sure, his Abuela had always talked about his sacrifice and what a great man he had been, but Diego just didn't cared all that much.

He didn't know the man! There was only that one painting in all of Casita.

He gets annoyed every time when she talks about that damn candle. Every. Single. Day. At. Every. Single. Ceremony.

The miracle...that damned miracle...

That miracle! Diego has always had mixed feelings about that miracle. It had saved their lives, yes, but it had also given Tia Pepa a power that forces her to keep a lid on her emotions at all times. It had given Dolores a power that physically hurts her. Had given his Papa a power that had ruined his chances of a normal life almost from the start. A miracle that had given Mirabel no power at all for reasons they could guess at but would never truly know.

It may help them...but it also had partially ruined their family.

His niblings could agree.

Oscar and Sophia may not say it but Diego knew there were times his niblings wishes they all can blow that stupid candle out years ago for taking their Papa away.

Diego: *Sarcasm* Yeah...for the family...

Oscar: I don't blame ya. It's stupid. Mirabel wants to feel special like the rest of us. But everytime I see Abuela. She has the constant need to belittle her.

Diego:...(Like she does with me...)

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Sophia: I'm coming in~!

The middle triplet let's herself in and saw both of her brothers. Their attention immediately turns to her.

Sophia: Hola Hermanos!

Oscar: Hey Sis!

Diego: What you came in here for, Viola?

Sophia's delightful face went to a frown.

Sophia: Well...It's about you.


Sophia: Yes. Did you just happen to skip a chore today? Abuela is not pleased.


Oscar stared in shock before turning to his brother.

Oscar: You skipped a chore?! Again?!

Diego: I-I-I had a reason too!

Oscar grimaced. His brother stuttered. Usually he does this when...

Oscar: Diego...Did someone say or do something to you?


Taking the answer in silence, Oscar and Sophia looked at each other knowingly.

Oscar: Who was it this time? Was it the one of the arrogant boys in the neighborhood? Was it Miguel? Edwardo? Ricardo? Or was it that bastard Carlos...I swear that little shit is always looking for trouble! He and his brother Manuel get on my nerves and-?!

Diego: Oscar! You don't have to do anything for me! You'll just make Abuela mad if you get into another fistfight!

Oscar: I don't care! No one makes fun of my hermano and gets away with it!

Sophia: The same goes for me. Diego. This is the third time we're hearing this.

Diego: Sophia....

Oscar: Yeah. Bro. This has got to stop.

Diego: I know but...Well being the child of an "Harbinger Of Doom" definitely ain't helping my reputation here in the Encanto.

Oscar: *Chuckles* Harbinger Of Doom.

Sophia and Diego glared at him.

Oscar: Err. I mean. Diego. Don't let those jerks ruined your name and reputation for you. You're better than them.

Diego: I know that too Oscar matter what I do. I try to fit in for the Abuela says. But no matter how much I try. To keep it together. feels like my gift goes out of control and when it does...people look at me with scares me...

Speaking of said gift, some of the objects in Diego's room started floating around much to his siblings' alarm..despite being used to it.

Oscar: Diego...

Sophia walks over to her younger triplet brother and puts an reassuring hand on his shoulder.

Sophia: We're here for you, hermano. We won't let you lose your way.

The objects soon floated down safety back in their original spots. Diego had control of them again.

Diego: Yeah...Gracias.

Oscar: De Nada, Hermano.

Sophia: Anyway...We still got time before the ceremony....So...What do you guys say we pay a visit to...him?

Oscar's eyes lit up in happiness while Diego couldn't contain his excitement.

Oscar: Casita? Would it be safe to do it now?

Casita ruffles her patio tiles in a "yes" motion.

Sophia: Alright then...You guys ready. Let's hurry up. Let's Go! Vamos!

The triplets quickly ran out of Diego's room and walked up to the balcony, passed by a few of their primas' and primo's doors before heading on over to a painting on the wall.

Oscar looked around and noticed Dolores walking around. She looks at them with wide eyes and melancholy expression.

Dolores: Your secret is safe with me. Hm!

The triplets nodded at her before they pulled the painting up revealing a large hole in the wall.

Oscar: Ladies First~!

Sophia: Well aren't you a gentleman~!

Oscar: I'll try~!

Diego: Just get in the wall, idiotas. I'm losing patience.

Oscar/Sophia: Rude.

They all crawled into the wall behind the painting before closing it making it look like the hole was non-existent.


A hole and a long, dark tunnel.

Sophia's eyes adjusted to the dark as she and hermanos ventured forward.

When she was younger. When she first found out about the hole in the wall. She couldn't even imagine what an entire hallway was doing behind the walls of Casita.

Then again, Casita, the magic house itself was a mystery. She left so many wonders for the Madrigals have yet to find out.

The sense of adventure had always excited her.

The moments stretched on and so did the hallway. So when she found a door with a warm yellow light coming from the other side.

Rats made their way into the room through cracks and Dolores could obviously hear their excited chatter depsite being outside the walls, Sophia heard somebody muttering to them, then the rats started munching on something.

She recognized the voice.

Inside stood somebody she and her hermanos were happy to see.

They haven't visited him in a while due to Abuela's constant pressure and village chores.

Sophia: Papa! We're Here!

Bruno jumped and turned fast enough to stumble against the table before falling. The rats were startled but then ignored him in favor of the leftover arepa laid out for them. Sophia and Diego smirked at the scene in front of them while Oscar was trying his best not to fall onto the floor laughing.

Bruno: *Nervous Chuckle*...H-Hey Kids...Long time No See...Heh...

Their Papa Never Left...For The Last Ten Years...He's Been Living In Casita's Walls.

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