The Rat Man

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Oscar: Abuela! Where did Papa go?! Why is everyone not talking about him?! Weren't we all just looking for him a while ago!

Alma: Oscar. Bruno had abandoned you and your siblings.

Oscar: What?! No! That can't be! Papa would never!

Alma: *Angry* Well he did. He don't care about this family. For now on, there's a spoken rule throughout the Encanto. WE DON'T TALK ABOUT BRUNO.

Oscar: N-No! But Papa-!

Alma: Oscar. We don't talk about Bruno...



Oscar flinched at hearing his full name.


Oscar: *Crying*...Yes Abuela...

"We Don't Talk About Bruno..."

*End Flashback*

For years, the second generation of Madrigal Triplets had came to terms that their Papa was a strange person.

But to them it was in a good sort of way. He was always so fidgety and nervous and shy, which is so unlike the rest of their family of bright, outgoing people.

While it was strange to see. But it made them learn that people like Bruno don’t seem to fit in at first glance.

Diego can agree because he's just like his Papa.

He was funny. He was caring. He would always listen to them.

However, due to superstition. He would knock on wood while he threw sugar and salt over his shoulder. He says it is to ward off bad luck.

When they were younger, they didn’t understand how salt can do that, their Papa must know better. So they didn't bother to question it.

But as they got older, they begin to quietly wonder was their Papa mentally unstable? Tbh, he had spent ten years in the walls of Casita.

The day they found out individually was a huge shock to them.

Sophia quickly wrapped her arms around him.

Sophia: Papa! It's good to see you again.

Bruno chuckled lightly while returning the hug as his sons joined in on the hug. He loved hugs. Especially from his ninos. They made him feel better when he's down.

Bruno: Of course mi hija, it has been a while.

Oscar: Yeah. About a good solid month.

Diego: We missed you...

The only reason why they couldn't see him was because of chores and Abuela's constant pressure of using their gifts for the villagers all day. Barely giving them time for themselves or to spend time with the other members of their family let alone themselves unless it was dinner time which every Madrigal (except Bruno of course) had to be presentable.

Bruno: I missed you too ninos. (I miss you guys a whole lot.) So how was your day?

The triplets pulled away from the hug though Diego looked pretty sad about it.

Oscar: Crazy...

Sophia: Eventful...

Diego: Annoying...

Bruno pursed his lips hearing that.

Bruno: What happened?

Oscar: Nothing too serious...

Sophia: Just the villagers being dumb. Abuela barking out orders. Isabela being an primadona. Mirabel being ignored. Ya know, the usual.

Bruno: Oh...

At the topic of Mirabel, Bruno had a hurt look on his face that his ninos seem to caught. It feels like everytime they mention her, Bruno would hold a very sad expression.

Diego: Papa...

Bruno: Yes Diego?

Diego: Have you been eating well?

Sophia: Yeah! Papa! You look like a twig! Please tell me you weren't feeding the leftovers arepas Tia Julieta made to the rats!


Oscar: *Stern* Papa...

Bruno: *Nervous* H-H-Hey! They were hungry! I couldn't just leave them hanging! Heh Heh...

Oscar: *Chuckles* Leave them hanging...

Diego whacked him upside the head. Oscar punched him back and the two went into a silly brawl. Sophia gave them an annoyed side look before turning back to her Papa.

Sophia: Luckily for you, we brought some arepas just in case. But they're for you. Not the rats.

The two boys stopped fighting at the mention of the rats.

Diego: I still don't like those little rodents that hang around you....

The rats nearby squeaked in accusation while Diego glared at them while his niblings laughed.

Oscar: Pfft! Diego! We talked about this!

While Oscar and Sophia didn't seem to mind the presence of the rats that much, Diego on the other hand seem to have some one-sided rivalry with the rats which to them was pretty childish.

Bruno: *Joke* Don't you mean to your rat siblings.

Diego: Those rats aren't my siblings. Only Oscar and Sophia are.

Sophia: Awwww. So he does love us~!

Oscar: I thought he hated everyone~!

Diego: Put a sock in it, Casanova before I slug ya with my book.

Oscar stuck his tongue out at him while Sophia muttered underneath her breath about how boys are so immature. Bruno just smile seeing them all together. Most of the time, only one of them come see him when they make an visit.

Oscar: Oh BTW, Papa! Today is Antonio's gift ceremony.

Bruno's eyebrows perked up at that. That's right. Since Antonio, his sobrino whom he never got the chance to meet yet, is five years old now. He's going to get his gift.

Bruno wondered what type of gift he get. He just hope whatever it won't put too much pressure on the young boy.

Bruno: (I just hope he gets a gift at all and not fall into the same category as Mirabel or else, Mama will-?!)

Diego: Papa!

Bruno: (Oh no no no no!) Knock Knock Knock Knock On Wood!

Bruno hit the wall a couple of times before hitting himself on the head. He then had his fingers crossed hoping he didn't give Antonio any bad luck.

Oscar: Papa? Do you want me to get the sugar or the salt?

Bruno: Both.

Oscar went over to the jars on the small wooden table containing sugar and salt then gave them to his father.

Bruno thanked him before opening the lids on the jar and pulled out the sugar and salt throwing them over his shoulders.

His ninos waited patiently until he was done.

Bruno: I'm okay. S-Sorry. Sorry...I...just..ya know...

Sophia: We understand. But Papa...We know you're not bad luck.

Bruno: *Scoffs* Try telling that to villagers.

Sophia: Well there all just assumptions and accusations.

Bruno: I still feel like I'm not ready to go back out there...

For years, the triplets were wondering why their father was hiding in the walls. There were times when they asked him and he responded he doesn't want to talk about it. He'll tell them when he's ready.

Oscar: It's still hard to believe you been sneaking around for the last ten years and not gotten caught yet. No one knows besides Dolores.

Sophia: I just hope she can keep a secret. TBH. She's terrible at keeping secrets...

Bruno: I just don't want Mama to know yet...I'm still not ready...I mean I know I'm a coward and all...I just... can't do it.

Diego: (Screw Abuela...)

Sophia: We know. And we won't force you Papa. Just eat your arepas and be careful for now on. (But he has to come out one day...He can't keep living like this... It's unhealthy. Without Tia Julieta's arepas...he could...)

....It's best she don't finish that sentence...

Bruno: Muchas Gracias.

Sophia: De Nada. (I'm worried about him...)

Bruno's children were with him all the way supporting him. They won't allow him to get hurt.

Oscar: Alright. Enough moping around. We came here for a visit before the ceremony. Papa, got anything interesting?

Bruno perked up with a smile.

Bruno: I do got some rat telenovelas fics I can show off. You guys want to see?

Diego: Would I?! Of course!

Sophia: Oh! Oh! I'm so excited! I would like to hear Pasion Prohibia~!

Oscar: Isn't that the one where the guy had a relationship with a senora and cheated on her?

Sophia: Yep! He secretly had an affair with her sister! I can't forgive him! I want to know how it ends, Papa! (Then I can tell Dolores how it went or maybe she's listening right now...)

Diego: Please don't spoiled it. I want to know too.

Bruno: Alright~! Alright~! Ninos. Settle down.

Bruno grabs two rats nearby and made them take part in his telenovelas.


"But Gabriela, I Love You! I have always loved you!"

"If you really love me, Alberto...You have to choose..."


"Me...Or My Sister!"

Dramatic Pause.

Sophia: *Sniffs* You Go Gabriela!

Diego: Boring!

Sophia whacked him with her handkerchief.

Oscar: You have no sense for romance, hermano.

Diego: Next time we're picking what I want to hear!

Oscar: It better not be something science related, Nerd!

Bruno: Okay Ninos. I think it's time for you guys to go back now.

Triplets: *Pouts* Awwww...

Oscar: I wish we didn't...I wanted to spend more time with you, Papa.

The seer smiled sadly at that. He wanted nothing more but to spend time with them too. Even though they're aware he's in the walls. He still wasted ten years being separated from them.

Bruno: Me too. But...your Abuela will get worried if you guys aren't there for Antonio's ceremony. Plus, Dolores can't be able to cover for you guys.

Sophia: Yeah...You have a point there.

Diego: Thanks to letting us spare some time with you, Papa.

Bruno: Anytime Diego. I should be thanking you kids.

The triplets gave him another hug before heading on over to the hole.

Oscar: Til next time, Rat Man?

Bruno chuckled at the nickname and nodded.

Bruno: Til next time.

Sophia: Make sure you eat your arepas and bathe properly. Get some more food if you have too. You can't just rely on only arepas.

Oscar: Yeah. If any other food goes missing. We'll just blame it all on Camilio.

Bruno: Ha. Okay. I will.

Oscar: Be sure to watch Antonio's gift ceremony as well.

Bruno nodded. They know he won't miss it. He just needs to stay out of sight.

Diego: Be safe, Papa.

Bruno: You too, mi hijo. You too...

The triplets leave the Casita Walls just in time to get ready for the ceremony tonight.


OMAKE: Telenovelas

Dolores: Will They Be Together?! I have to know!

Sophia: Until the next episode comes out! It's time to make some crazy conspiracies! Join Me Prima!

Dolores: YES!

Oscar & Diego: *Sweatdrops*.....

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