1. Where It All Begins

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*July 30th 2022*

Nashville, Tennessee in the Nissan Stadium where the 35th Summerslam event takes place and a lot of superstars are excited for being on the card and even more are excited to see what happens in the coming weeks and months as new management has taken over.

One person is meeting with a member of the new management as James Phillips known as James Fatality to the fans just arrived at the stadium making sure no fans know he is there and will be debuting.

James walks around the stadium wearing a hoodie with the hood on as he finally finds Paul Levesque's office and knocks on the door as he waits for a response and looks around at the staff members walking around carrying things and getting the stadium ready for the event.

******: Come in please.

James opens the door and takes off his hood as he looks and sees Paul sitting in a chair before he stands up and smiles a little as he looks at James and walks up shaking his hand.

James: Mr. Levesque good to finally meet you sir.

Paul: It's good to meet you too James and please call me Hunter.

James nods as Hunter motions for him to sit down and he walks back to his chair and sits down as he looks across the desk.

Hunter: So James I'm sure that you and our previous management had already thought up a contract and ideas. Well now that I'm running creative and Stephanie is Co-CEO we have different ideas for you and all our stars.

James nods and looks at Hunter as he continues to listen to him as he waits for Hunter to stop talking.

James: Well Hunter I'm very glad that I'm here now. I mean everyone in this business when they were younger dreamed of being here and I trust you and Stephanie. So I'd like to hear these new ideas sir.

Hunter: Well you'll be debuting tonight about half way into the show as we thought that would be the best time for a debut of an outside star. You'll be debuting against Ezekiel as Jeffrey wants to go back to his old gimmick.

James nods and listens as he looks around the office and then looks back at Hunter.

Hunter: If you have any ideas for what or who you could debut against instead I'd like to hear your thoughts.

James: No sir I think that is a good idea and I'll talk to Jeffrey when I am able to but I'd like to walk around the stadium and get to know everyone.

Hunter: Of course it was good meeting you and I'm looking forward to having you be here.

James and Hunter both stand up as they shake hands again and James nods at Hunter.

James: Thank you for this opportunity sir.

Hunter nods as James leaves the office and looks around as he walks around seeing staff getting the stadium ready as it's barley even one in the afternoon.

James starts to walk around the stadium and goes to where the ring is being set up and sees people sitting in the seats talking to each other and one of them notices James and stands up almost like they recognize him.

****: Oh shit James?

James looks over at the person and recognizes them as he smiles a little and sees Luis Martínez (Damian Priest) walking over to him.

James: Luis! Bro it's good to see you again.

James and Luis do a bro hug as they both chuckle a little and look at each other.

Luis: Man I haven't seen you since what 2017 maybe 2018. Damn. How you been?

James: I've been great bro. You know just doing what I enjoy. How have you been man?

Luis: I've been good and am really happy for the faction that I'm now a part of.

James: Yea I've seen some clips of your faction Judgment Day. It's awesome that you guys were getting to work with Edge like that is a dream.

Luis chuckles and nods as he puts his hands in his pockets and shrugs

Luis: He's a great man to be around and he is really happy to help us and help others around to hopefully be pushed to that next level.

James nods and looks at Luis as he chuckles a little.

James: Yea also I mean you get to work with Finn who is amazing and the founder of one of the best factions in our business's history. Also Rhea she's great and she's already proved that she is gonna be a future star in this business.

Luis nods again and looks around the stadium as he smiles a little.

Luis: They're actually right over there come on I'll introduce you to them.

Luis chuckles as he motions for James to follow him to where he was sitting with other superstars.

Luis: Ferg...Demi this is one of my friends from the Indies. James meet Fergal (Finn Balor) and Demi (Rhea Ripley).

James smiles as he looks at Fergal and notices Demi raise an eyebrow and look him up and down as James cracks a small smirk and looks at Demi.

James: Nice to meet you two. I've seen some of your guys stuff and you're both amazing performers.

Fergal: Thanks man. I've seen some of your matches from New Japan you're also a really good performer.

James smiles and nods as he chuckles a little and notices that Demi is still looking at him before looking away.

James: Thanks Ferg it means a lot. So this stadium is gonna be packed and you guys are facing Rey and Dominik that should be a great match.

Luis: Yea it will be. Rey is awesome and Dom is really becoming his own star as of late. Demi here has shown that she is not afraid to help us out in this feud.

James chuckles and nods as he looks at Demi who smiles a little and chuckles as she shrugs.

Demi: What can I say I gotta make sure people know that we're not messing around.

James nods again and smiles a little as he looks around at the stadium.

James: Yea and that match will be good. Hey I'm gonna keep walking around the stadium. It was great meeting you two and Luis great seeing again bro.

Luis: Always good to see you man.

James smiles as he starts to walk off looking around the stadium as Demi is watching him walk off before looking away.

Luis: What are you looking at Demi?

Demi: Nothing I wasn't looking at anything mate.

Fergal chuckles and nods as so does Luis who shrugs and sits down.

Luis: Sureeeeeeeeeee.

*Later that day*

Summerslam has started and the crowd is loving the show so far as Becky Lynch vs Bianca Belair put on an amazing match as Bianca won then a returning Bayley showed up bringing with her a returning Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky. Then Logan Paul vs The Miz happened with Logan winning in a good match. As Baron Corbin took on Pat Mcafee in another good match as Pat won it. Commentary had to change as it is Corey Graves and Michael Cole. Now Judgment Day is taking on the Team of Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio as everyone backstage is watching and enjoying the match.

Rey kicks Damian in the side of the head as he's on the apron and tries to hit a springboard move but Damian grabs Rey putting him on his shoulder as he backs and Rey is able to slip down off Damian as he runs to the ropes and gets caught by a thrust kick right to the face by Damian sending him down to the mat as immediately Damian goes for the cover.

Ref: 1...2..

Rey kicks out as Damian rolls his eyes and stands up looking down at Rey who is holding his back and is laid out on the mat.

Corey: Rey was able to kick out but I don't know how much longer he can keep this up.

Damian grabs Rey and starts to lift him up by his head as he grabs his by the throat and lifts him up for a chokeslam but Rey is able to wrap his legs around Damian and roll sending him into the ropes as Rey stands up and calls for it as he runs to the ropes.


As Rey runs to the ropes Finn tags himself in and steps through the ropes hitting a flying clothesline on Rey who's running back sending him back down to the ring mat as Finn taunts.


Rey crawls to the corner and uses the ropes to stand up as he holds himself in the corner and Finn gets ready as he runs hitting a dropkick into the corner sending Rey back down to the mat as Finn immediately climbs up the ropes but Dominik grabs his leg making unable to jump before Finn starts hitting Dominik over and over again making him fall off the apron as Rey is able to get up and hit a forearm to Finn stunning him on the top rope.

Michael: The assistance from Dominik helping Rey get up and stop Finn from hitting a Coup de Grace.

Rey starts to climb up the ropes and hit Finn with a few more punches before grabbing him and hitting an avalanche hurricanrana sending Finn to the other side of the ring as he pins him.


Ref: 1...2...

Damian is able to break up the pin as he grabs Rey and picks him up as Dominik tries to get into the ring but Rhea grabs him and lifts him up in an electric chair position before dropping him onto the barricade as in the ring Damian is gonna hit a crucifix powerbomb on Rey before the lights in the stadium start to go out and nothing is heard until.


The crowd erupts as the camera pans over to a set of stairs with fire forming around them as the camera pans up the steps until Edge is seen at the top making the crowd erupt even more as he walks down the steps and starts sprinting down to the ring.


Damian steps out of the ring and gets on the floor as he starts to run up to meet Edge in the aisle way before Edge hits a spear on Damian sending him down to the floor as Edge stands up and runs into the ring hitting Finn with a spear who drops a chair he picked up.


Rey stands up as he kicks Finn into the ropes and rubs back as he finally is able to hit a 619 on Finn as Dominik gets onto the apron and climbs up the ropes hitting a frog splash on Finn as Rey hits a springboard splash and pins Finn.

Michael: COME ON!!!! COME ON!!!!

Ref: 1...2...3!

The bell rings as the crowd erupts into cheers as Rey is helped up by Dominik and Edge as they all cheer and celebrate as Damian and Rhea pull Finn out of the ring and hold him up as they leave the ring side area going through the aisle.


Everyone is cheering at the great match that just happened as Judgement Day get backstage and applauded as they all smile and thank everyone.

James is getting ready for his debut which is up next as he watches a monitor and hypes himself up as he puts on his glove and hears someone walking behind him and turns around.

James: Hey Luis, Ferg, Demi that was a great match the crowd seemed to love it.

Luis: Hey thanks bro.

Luis and James do a bro hug as Fergal smiles and nods as Demi is sipping a water that she was handed.

Fergal: So is your thing next then?

James nods and chuckles as he motions to a monitor where Ezekiel is in the ring hyping up the crowd and talking to them.

James: Yea it is. Wish me luck you three.

James walks to gorilla and sees Hunter look up at him and nod as he tells James to sit down.

Hunter: Your parts about to come up just get ready to go when I say James.

James nods and watches the monitor as he doesn't say anything.

*Back in the ring*

Ezekiel: You all know my brother Elias was telling me about how when he was at Summerslam he was always loved and cheered and you know I believed him because who couldn't love him. He was a very selfless guy. I gotta tell you watching Summerslam growing up with my brother was amazing and he always said that he would be there one day.

Ezekiel smiles as he looks around at the crowd as he nods.

Ezekiel: But I decided that tonight I wanted to have a match on this amazing show so anyone backstage start getting ready cause I'm dedicating this match to my brother Elias.

Corey: Ezekiel clearly being straight forward he wants a match against anyone backstage.

The bell is rung signaling that a match will happen as the camera goes to the ring announcer Samantha Irvin

Samantha: The following contest is scheduled for one fall(ONE FALL!!!) introducing first from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighting in at 228 pounds Ezekiel!

Ezekiel smiles as he throws his arms up and the crowd cheers for him.

Michael: Well who could he be facing?

The crowd waits in anticipation as no music is heard and everyone waits including the commentators.


The crowd all look at the entrance aisle as they wait to see who's music is playing.

Corey: Who could this bel-

The crowd erupts as James Fatality walks out and looks around as he smirks a little and listens to the crowd as he chuckles before starting to walk down the aisle.


James chuckles as he continues to walk down to the ring as he smirks again.

Samantha: And his opponent from Atlanta, Georgia weighting in at 335 pounds he is The Genetic Monster.... JAMES FATALITY!!!!!

James gets up to the ring as he takes off his jacket and puts it on the steps before grabbing the ropes and getting onto the apron as he steps over the ropes and laughs a little.

Corey: Look at the size of this man! He is 6'8 and like Samantha said 345 pounds and from what I've seen he can move like a damn cruiserweight.

James doesn't even wait for a bell as he runs up kicking Ezekiel back into the corner and starts kicking him over and over again before stepping back and grabbing him by the hair and picking him up doing a biel throw sending Ezekiel through the air and across the ring as he lands harshly on the mat.


James walks up to Ezekiel and pulls him up as he grabs him lifting him up into a suplex position before throwing him down onto the mat and laughing as he looks at Ezekiel and shakes his head.


A lot of people backstage are watching James's match around the stadium as near where James was Fergal, Luis, and Demi are all watching with Demi not being able to take her eyes off the screen.

Luis: Hey Demi you ok?

Fergal waves his hand in front of Demi who looks at them.

Demi: What? I'm just trying to watch the match is all.

Fergal: Sureeeeeeeeeee.

*Back in the ring*

James waits for Ezekiel to start getting up as he runs hitting a brutal big boot sending Ezekiel back down as he grabs the ropes and holds his jaw as James pulls him up and hits an Emerald Flowsion as he smirks at the camera near him.


James stands up and grabs Ezekiel lifting him up and laughing before hitting a burning lariat folding Ezekiel as he lays on the mat holding the ropes as James grabs him pulling him to the middle of the ring.

James: Here let me help you there buddy.

James steps back as he sees Ezekiel start to crawl and use the ropes to stand up as James chuckles and watches him as Ezekiel holds onto the ropes as James runs up hitting a brutal elbow making Ezekiel continue to hold onto the ropes before James grabs him hitting a uranage suplex as he pins Ezekiel.

Ref: 1...2...

James pulls Ezekiel up and shakes his head as he smirks and stands up as he kicks Ezekiel in the side making him hold it.


James grabs Ezekiel and starts to deadlift him before hitting a piledriver as he looks at the camera and grins as he flips Ezekiel over.

Corey: OH MY GOD!!!!! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!!!!????

James looks around at the crowd as he stands up and motions that it's over as he picks up Ezekiel and pushes him back making him hit the ropes and step forward as James kicks him in the gut and lifts him up hitting a Fatal Bomb before pinning Ezekiel.

Ref: 1...2...3!

Samantha: Here is your winner JAMES FATALITY!!!!!!!

James stands up as he looks around and runs his fingers through his own hair as he shrugs and laughs.

Michael: THIS MAN IS A MONSTER!!!! A very impressive win by James Fatality!!

James starts to step out of the ring as he grabs his jacket off the steps and laughs as he holds it walking up the entrance aisle as he turns around and looks at the crowd as he smirks before walking backstage.


As James gets backstage he immediately hears people applauding him and he smiles as he thanks everyone and shakes Hunters hand as he thanks him for the opportunity.

James starts to walk out of gorilla and continues to smile a little as he goes to his locker room and changes into some different clothes and walks out of the locker room as he sees Demi sitting on a production box and she smiles as she looks up at him.

Demi: Hey! Me and Luis wanted to know if you maybe would want to watch the rest of Summerslam with us?

James smiles and chuckles as he looks at Demi.

James: Sure sounds like fun.

*The end of the night*

James is sipping a drink as he's sitting with Judgment Day and a few other superstars as they're all watching the rest of Summerslam as Roman Reigns just beat Brock Lesnar in a last man standing match.

Fergal: Damn! That match was fun.

James chuckles and nods as he smiles a little and looks around as he looks at Demi and smiles again before looking away.

James: Yea that match was great. Hey guys I'm gonna get going to the hotel. Thanks for inviting me to watch the rest of the show with you guys.

Luis: Oh it's no problem at all bro. See you later man.

James stands up and smiles as he starts to walk off.

Fergal: Bye James.

Demi: Bye!

Demi smiles as she watches James walk off and looks away.

Luis: I didn't invite him to watch the rest I just thought he came and sat down. Ferg did you?

Fergal shakes his head and then looks at Demi.

Fergal: I didn't ask him. Demi did you ask him to hangout?

Demi looks away before looking at Fergal as she shrugs.

Demi: Yea I did he's cool and I just wanted to get to know him.

Fergal: Oh alright Demi.

Elsewhere James is getting into his rental car as he starts to drive away from the stadium and smiles a little.

James: That was a good pay-per-view and seems like everyone is happy I'm here. That Demi girl though. I can't wait to see her again.


Hey guys this is the end of the first chapter! I hope that you all enjoyed it!

Stay Safe, Take Care, and as Always Stay Cool Everyone.

I'll see you all on the other side

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