Music To My Ears 1 - Jungkook

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The quaint and rustic feel of this town drew Jungkook in straight away as they drove through it on their way to the hotel. Although the traffic had been bad because of the many one way streets, for once Jungkook didn't mind because it let him observe the beauty of this place a little longer. He knew that as soon as they were settled in he'd have to have a better look around.

So that's what he did.

The town was just as beautiful as he'd expected it to be. Once the grimy windows and stuffy coach air were removed, the town just seemed to ooze even more beauty – and he loved it.

As he repositioned his backpack, he heard the sound of his pencils rattling and he got a rush of excitement. What should he draw first?

He was just admiring the buildings and the atmosphere when he walked onto what must be the main street – for the throng of people was almost intimidating. His nerves grew all of a sudden and he checked the hat and mask that he was wearing, but he didn't let his nerves get the best of him; he would enjoy himself while he was there.

Although the hat likely wouldn't have received much attention on a sunny day such as this, he could still sense that he was receiving a number of looks, and knew that the mask was likely the reason behind this. He pretended not to notice; he'd been to Europe before and knew that the presence of these masks was uncommon. The only thing that mattered to him was that he wasn't recognised.

The main street continued for a little while before it opened up into a square, and a multitude of performers were causing this part of the town to be just as crowded as the streets that led up to this area.

He observed some of the performers as he made his way around, but it was one in particular that caught his eye. He stopped walking and folded his arms as he observed her from afar.

She had a tall, slim build, but didn't seem to be taller than him, though it was hard to tell with her hectic movements. As she danced energetically in her select area, he was mesmerised, and couldn't believe that she didn't have more of an audience. Her shorts seemed to accentuate the form of her legs and it seemed to make her movements all the more captivating.

It seems he'd only just caught the end of her performance because the music soon stopped and she bowed as a few people around her clapped. She thanked the people who gave her some money for her performance and then walked over to, what he assumed was, her stuff. Much to his surprise, there was also a microphone stand. Surely she wasn't about to sing?

Indeed, the next thing she did was grab the microphone with such force as the next song started, and her voice was just as powerful as her movements. As she stood there unmoving with mic in hand, he just knew he had to try and attempt to draw her passionate expression.

He sat down on a nearby bench; the view wasn't head on, but he always did find side views more alluring, even if he wasn't always getting it spot on perfect. He especially believed it would be case this time, seeing as she wouldn't be still for long and also wanted to include the old buildings in the background.

Jungkook got to drawing as fast as he could, primarily focusing on her form and especially her face at first, as he could focus on the buildings in the background after. Surprisingly, the transition of her from real life onto paper through his hand was easy. He'd feared he wouldn't make it in time after she finished the song, but she went straight onto singing another one, giving him a bit more time.

He could swear their eyes met a few times as she turned her head to look over at him, but the distance was too great to tell and she was looking around the whole square intermittently.

After the second song finished, there was a momentary pause. As he'd just finished drawing her he was now focusing on the buildings behind her, and he could see that she was clearly deciding what song to put on next. After she'd reached her decision, she once again took centre stage and began to dance.

He so badly wanted to just drop his pencil and watch her, but the light was starting to fade now, so he just watched her as he looked up to view the buildings. It felt like a waste of talent to not spend his time watching her, but he also still had to get back to the hotel.

As she danced like that, he wondered if she would sing and dance at the same time if she'd have a wireless head mic, because she was incredible at both things, but only seemed to do one at a time. Currently, the mic stand stood idly by.

The song finished, and she made her last bow as she began to clear up her things, obviously done for the day. He couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed, but realised it would let him focus more on the background.

What irked him was that he just couldn't get this one part of a building right. He drew it, rubbed it out, tried again, but to no avail. His forehead started to scrunch up in concentration.

"I thought your glances were suspicious," a voice said from above him. He jumped up automatically in surprise and came face to face with the beauty he'd been focusing on for the last half hour. He opened his mouth to respond, but nothing came out, so she continued. "That's me, isn't it?" she said, indicating the sketchbook which he'd now clapped to his chest to hide from view.

"Ah..." he responded slowly. "No...? Maybe," he wasn't sure how to respond. "Yes, it is," he sighed finally, realising that hiding the truth had no point.

"Can I have a closer look?" she asked, concentrating her eyes on his face; it made him a little hot under the collar.

"Sure," he almost squeaked, and more or less thrust the sketchbook towards her; she took it from him with an amused expression on her face.

"Thank you," she said, and sat down in the spot next to him; he followed suit and once again sat down, his body now visibly less relaxed than it had been before.

"It's good," she praised, nodding her head in approval. "I guess you haven't quite finished the buildings. I'm flattered you focused so hard on me at first."

"Well, who knew how long you were going to stay still like that," Jungkook mumbled as he took back the sketchbook that she was now holding out to him. "Once you got to dancing again, it would have been impossible to draw you."

"Ha, that's true I suppose," she chuckled awkwardly. She took another look at the drawing then. "Would you mind if I keep this?" she asked after a moment.

He glanced over at her and suddenly became nervous. He wanted to say no because he wanted to keep it; he also wanted to finish it. "It's not done yet," he replied instead, trying to convince her to let him keep it.

"I don't care," she said, leaning over and taking another closer look. "I like how the buildings are only lightly outlined. It makes it appear as though I, as the main foreground character, am the most important thing in the picture. I like that effect, in the most modest way I can."

Jungkook smiled a little at her response, and then chuckled; he clearly couldn't convince her not to want it. Also, after all, he had been drawing her without her permission even if she hadn't said anything about that. "Alright. But can I take a picture so I can try and draw another copy later?"

She nodded fervently in excitement, for she couldn't be happier that she got to keep it. After he'd taken out his phone and taken a bunch of pictures for reference later, he tore out the page as carefully as he could and handed it to her; she took it ever so gently from his hands.

"Thank you," she gasped, as though the slightest movement would damage it. "Thank you," she repeated, this time looking to him as she said it with a big smile on her face.

He smiled at her in return, and although she couldn't see his smile through the mask, she could see his eyes smiling at her. "No need for thanks. I'm glad you like it. Treasure it," he winked at her, wondering where his sudden confidence came from.

"I will," she responded, jumping a little in excitement.

Jungkook smiled to himself that time. "Anyway, I have to get going. It was nice to meet you," he finally said, after he'd taken a few pictures of the view of the buildings in front of him too.

"It was nice to meet you too!" she responded as he got up to leave. "Have a good evening!" she called after his retreating figure. He waved a hand in response.

She smiled as she looked at his vanishing back and then down at the drawing. She traced the outline of her body and couldn't help but be amazed by his skill, and was especially grateful to him for letting her keep it.

As the smile on her face began to subside, she realised then that she never asked him for his name. She looked down at the drawing he'd made of her, and at the bottom noticed a small scribbled name. She whispered it aloud to herself.



So our youngest member Jungkook is the first to appear in this little book of mine! Hopefully you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it (: 

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