Music To My Ears 2 - Jungkook

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Being in town this early in the morning was a stark contrast to what it was like walking around later in the day, just like he had been 12 hours earlier.

Despite the lack of human presence in the town this morning, Jungkook still fidgeted with his mask and hat as he made his way back to the square from the day before, making sure that they were still in place.

The square itself was just as empty as the streets; apparently the streets at 6am were too dead for even the performers to bother to appear and start their performances. Jungkook was happy for the lack of distractions as he sat himself down in the same spot as yesterday, which was definitely still the best view of the area he had started sketching yesterday. As the sun rose higher, the light reflected beautifully off the buildings, making for the perfect lighting.

Taking out his sketchbook, he opened it to the page where he'd already redrawn the girl from yesterday. He looked around then quickly, wondering if she was anywhere in sight, but realised that she probably wouldn't be around this early in the morning either. He once again focused on his drawing, taking out his utensils as he got to work transferring the beauty of real life onto paper.

The square started to get busy before long but Jungkook barely noticed as the performers set up their areas. It was only when he heard a voice from behind him that he ceased his drawing.


He jumped up immediately, fearing he'd been discovered. However, when he turned to face the source of the voice he was rather surprised to find the young woman from yesterday; she smiled at him. "It is you."

Jungkook inclined his head slightly in greeting. "Hello."

As he greeted her, he racked his brains for the moment he had disclosed his name to her, reprimanding himself internally for making such a rookie mistake. His thoughts were interrupted when she held up his drawing from yesterday in front of him.

"Your name's on here." She answered his unspoken question as she turned the paper around so she could look at his drawing once more before she focused her attention on him again. Jungkook nodded uncomfortably as she introduced herself to him.

"So do you live near here? I've never seen you around before." She looked at his with curious eyes, her head slightly tilted.

He shook his head slightly as he began packing away his things to get ready to leave; although he wanted to stay and finish, he clearly wouldn't get an opportunity to do that with her here. "I'm just passing through and actually leaving rather soon."

She nodded in understanding. "I see. How about we have breakfast before you go? I want to thank you properly for the drawing."

Jungkook hesitated as he picked up his full bag. "I'd like that but I really don't have much time."

Her eyes sparkled. "I know a good place not far from here. All you need is half an hour."

As Jungkook checked his watch and saw that it was still only 7am, he realised that he could spare the time since they weren't leaving for another two hours from now; he looked up her. "Alright. Lead the way."

Her smile widened as she carefully put away his drawing and indicated for him to follow along behind her. "Follow me."

He did just that and was surprised that the place she mentioned was indeed just around the corner from the square. As they entered the small restaurant he noticed the surprisingly large number of people already inside despite the early hours and his heart immediately sunk as he realised he'd completely forgotten that he'd have to remove his mask to eat.

"Let's sit here." As his attention shifted to her again, he noticed that she was about to sit at a table near the entrance and immediately grabbed her upper arm to stop her from sitting down; she looked up at him in surprise.

"Let's sit over there," Jungkook said, pointing at a table further in the back with his free hand.

She was confused as she followed his finger to look where he was pointing, but nodded. "Sure."

Jungkook led the way this time and opted to quickly take the chair facing the wall rather than the seat facing towards the rest of the restaurant, leaving her to take that seat.

They had barely sat down when a waiter made their way over with a couple of menus in hand which he placed in front of the duo before asking what drinks they would like. After he walked off they grabbed the menus and leafed through them to look for meals they would enjoy this fine morning.

The waiter soon returned with their drinks and took their food orders before taking the menus with him and finally leaving the two amongst themselves. Jungkook didn't move as she took her drink and placed the straw to her lips to take a sip.

"Aren't you going to drink?" she asked as she placed her drink back on the table. "You're going to have to remove your mask to eat anyway."

"Ha..." Jungkook averted his gaze as he thought of his response. "But you know how it is. The less an ill person gives opportunity for his illness to spread, the less chance others have of catching it."

She tilted her head slightly as she leaned back in her seat. "You're ill? What do you have?"

Jungkook wasn't sure if she leaned back to make herself more comfortable or to put a bit of distance between the two of them upon realising he was potentially contagious. "Oh, you know, just a cold. Nothing major."

"And you need to wear a mask for a cold?" Her eyebrows rose halfway up her forehead in disbelief.

He chuckled nervously. "Well, the type of illness doesn't matter if you're ill. You can still infect others and I don't want to do that."

She nodded as she tried to recall whether she'd heard him cough or sneeze at all, but realised that that likely isn't something that she would have picked up on anyway. As she looked over at him he let out a small cough as though to make a point.

She shook her head as she leaned forward onto the table once more. "So how long have you been drawing?"

They made small talk for the half hour until their food arrived, and as the waiter placed their respective dishes in front of them Jungkook couldn't help but feel a little bit nervous. He knew that the nerves weren't misplaced when he noticed that she hadn't started eating and instead was discreetly watching him.

He sighed quietly as he lifted his hand up to his mask to remove it. Had her plan all along been to find a way to remove his mask? As he placed the mask on the table and noticed her wide eyes, his heart plummeted as he realised that she had perhaps recognised him and wanted to confirm her suspicions.

However, her next words came as a bit of a surprise to him.

"Oh my gosh, you're so handsome," she said quietly, clearly not intending for him to hear his words. He cleared his throat awkwardly as he started eating, hoping she would follow his lead which she did.

It didn't take long for them to finish their meals and she paid for them like she'd said she would. They made their way back towards the square together where she began setting up her stuff in the same location as yesterday.

"Have you ever sung before?" she asked him as she finished setting up the microphone and turned to look at him; he recoiled a bit at the question.

"Have I—Have I sung before?" She nodded and he chuckled nervously. "Of course I have. Bathrooms are the audience of many singers."

She rolled her eyes at him as she pulled him in front of the microphone and made her way over to her equipment to start playing a song. "What do you want to sing?"

"I really don't—" he started to say as he turned away from the mic to look at her, but the fierce look in her gaze immediately caused him to gulp and he faced the microphone again. "Just play Paper Hearts by Tori Kelly," he muttered only just loud enough for her to hear.

She grinned triumphantly to herself as she found the karaoke track to the song and she sat back and relaxed as the intro to the song played, her eyes focused on the young man in front of her.

What came next not only surprised her, but also entranced her. For a moment she seemed to forget to breathe as his voice echoed out across the square through her speakers. Breathy, yet powerful, his voice was unlike anything she'd heard before.

It was only when the clapping began that she realised he'd finished and a large crowd had gathered. He did a quick bow before he turned and raised his hand at her in farewell before he made his way towards the crowd and away from her.

"Wait! Please!" he heard her call. He turned around to find her directly in front of him so he took a step back. For a moment she just looked at him in silence, leaving him at a loss.

"Yes?" he asked which seemed to knock her out of her reverie as she grabbed a piece of paper from her pocket and placed the pen she was already holding against it as she scribbled something. Once she was done she thrust it towards him and he took it, seeing a number on it.

"Please let us sing together next time you come here. Or I'll even come and see you sometime. Your voice is just..." She seemed at a loss for words as she gestured around with her lips forming words but making no sounds. Jungkook chuckled.

"Thank you. I'll have a think about it," he said as he put the restaurant receipt with her number on in his pocket. He raised his hand in farewell as he left. "Keep doing what you're doing and don't give up; you have potential."

She nodded her head vigorously as she listened to his parting words and also raised her hand just before he turned his head to face away from her. "Bye!"


Ah man, I struggled with this one even with the basic plan in my mind... I hope it's still a relatively enjoyable read though :') I feel I had to get something out to thank you all for 100 reads.

It's currently midnight and I sat up late to write this... Which isn't a bad thing. But then I come online to find that I won the acrostic poem mini-game in The Seesaw Awards XD I can't believe it! I haven't written a poem in years (and it's actually how I got into writing) so it was quite a surprise. Definitely made the staying up worth it :')

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter and always feel free to let me know your thoughts! And if you just want to let me know that you enjoyed it, hit that vote button <3 Thank you for reading! :D

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