Music To My Ears 3 - Jungkook

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It was a sight that Jungkook hadn't seen in a long time.

The two had been chatting for a year via messages while he had been back in Korea but it had been a whole year since he had watched this girl sing and dance her heart out in front of him in this square in her hometown.

He wasn't sure how long he had been there and just observing her when she finally noticed his presence – sat in the exact same spot where they'd first met, but this time giving all of his attention to her instead of his art.

She clearly couldn't believe her eyes when she first spotted him which was understandable considering he'd decided to surprise her and therefore hadn't told her that he'd be coming back. He couldn't help but wonder if it was the mask covering his face that made her notice him. She seemed to hesitate at first but slowly made her way over and then sped up when he got to his feet, stopping in front of him with a big smile on her face.

"Jungkook! What are you doing here? You didn't tell me you were coming!" She was about to envelop him in a hug when she realised it might not be entirely appropriate, but she happily jumped into his arms when he opened them for her.

She pulled back after a few seconds and looked up at him with a big smile on her face. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Jungkook raised his eyebrows in amusement. "Because then it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?"

She puffed her cheeks out in defiance. "I don't care about surprises. I could have prepared for your arrival! When you left you promised me we'd sing together the next time you came." Her eyes widened in realisation then. "I haven't even cleaned up my flat!"

Jungkook couldn't help but laugh as he steered the anxious girl back towards her stuff. "First of all, calm down. I'm still here tomorrow so we can do all of that then, ok?"

She took a deep breath to calm herself as they reached their things. "Ok." She had a thought in that moment and turned to look him in the eyes. "How about I pack my things up and we just spend the rest of the day together?

He blinked at her in confusion. "Are you sure?"

She nodded her head vigorously. "Of course. I can see all kinds of money all day, every day, but I can't see you every day. Losing out on a day or two won't ruin me."

"Especially if you post the amazing video of us singing together on YouTube," he said as winked at her.

She was shocked for a moment but then she couldn't help but laugh. "Wow, you're so sure of yourself."

Although Jungkook smiled in response to her comment, he couldn't help but feel guilty that he'd been hiding the truth from her all this time. His mind wandered as he watched her pack her things together and he realised that the most important thing was that she posted the video online and gained exposure from it before finding out about and possibly hating him for it.

He could use his fame to help her.

"Are you alright?" she asked him. He hadn't noticed that he'd zoned out and that she'd finished packing while he was justifying his lies to himself and quickly nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry. I'm just a bit tired."

She smiled at him as she hoisted her bag higher onto her shoulder. "Then let's just forego going somewhere and just go to mine. How's that?"

He offered her a smile in return. "Sure. Let's do that. Do you want me to carry your bag?"

She was clearly surprised at the offer. "Are you sure about that? Mr. I'm-allergic-to-germs?" she asked as she pointed to her own face to indicate the mask on his.

Jungkook was just as surprised at her words and let out a short bark of laughter before he could stop himself. He quickly composed himself. "Just give it here," he said as he almost pulled her bag off her shoulder and onto his own. "Shall we go?"

She nodded. "Thank you. For carrying my bag," she said when he gave her a confused look.

"No worries. Lead the way."

They chatted amicably on the way to her house and Jungkook was able to see some of the lesser-walked roads of the town which he was happy about. It took them about half an hour to reach her flat without using public transport – walking had been Jungkook's choice so he could experience the town.

She had barely opened the door to her home when she froze in place, earning a curious look from Jungkook. The smile disappeared from her face as she turned her head to look at Jungkook with a serious look on her face.

"You wait right here. I'll let you in in a minute," she said before she grabbed her bag from his shoulder and slunk through the small gap.

"Wha—" Jungkook was cut off by the slamming sound of the door and just left to look at the closed door in front of him.

He suddenly wondered what she saw that made her shut him out like this, but then remembered her talk about how messy her flat was when he heard the sounds of rushing around and cleaning up on the other side of the door.

Jungkook chuckled to himself as he decided to just let her do her thing and took out his phone as he leaned against the doorframe and waited for her to finish.

The door opened suddenly after a few minutes, revealing the rather dishevelled girl behind it. Jungkook immediately slid his phone back in his pocket before turning to face her and having to stifle a laugh. "Um... You have a..." He indicated his own hair to show her that there was a bit of her own hair sticking out rather unflatteringly.

"Ah," was all she said as she patted down the section he'd indicated. "Better?"

Jungkook nodded as a red flush adorned her cheeks. "All better."

She nodded and there was silence for a few seconds. "Do you want to come in?"

He shot her a sad smile as he took out his phone and held it up. "Can't. I just got a text telling me I need to head back for now. But I'll still be here tomorrow so you have plenty of time to set things up and I'll be here in the morning."

She was sad but tried not to let it show; the only thing that betrayed her was the small sad pout on her lips. "Alright, sounds good. I'll see you tomorrow then?"

His eyes smiled at her as he turned to leave. "See you tomorrow."

She waved the whole time until he was out of sight before sighing and closing the door, leaning against it for a moment. She pressed her hand to her heart in an effort to stop it from beating so fast and to calm herself down. She shook her head a little as she smiled to herself, pleased to have seen him again after all this time, even if the majority of his face had been hidden.

Once composed, she got to setting up the equipment that would be needed for tomorrow. It took longer than she'd expected it to and it was already dark outside by the time she was done. She couldn't help but let out a sad sigh at how early night fell in the winter.

She decided it was still early enough to have a coffee though so made her way to the kitchen and prepared everything before heading to the fridge to already get the milk out.

"Oh," was all she said as she opened up the fridge and noticed the lack of milk within it. She'd forgotten she was meant to get herself some milk after performing that day and internally reprimanded herself. She sighed as she realised there was no way around it and she'd have to go and buy some quickly.

She quickly grabbed all the things she'd need for a quick trip outside before wrapping herself up with the winter clothes she always had by the front door.

She took her time inside the building, for she really didn't want to step outside into the cold. As soon as she crossed walked out of the door her breath appeared before her eyes and she visibly shivered. She knew she'd better hurry.

She wasn't jogging long when she reached the nearby street on which her go-to corner shop lay, but just as she was a dozen metres away from it, a man wrapped up in thick winter clothing stepped out from behind a building and continued walking down that main road in front of her, perpendicular to her path.

She smiled then; she'd recognise that man anywhere, even with a big hat hiding his now mask-less face.



She was confused when someone else shouted his name and stopped halfway through her shout, but the other person clearly wasn't aware and finished calling out his name. She'd taken a step in his direction but he also hadn't been aware of her presence when he turned his head to look at the shorter and older man who'd now appeared at his side.

For a moment she wondered who this man was, but her curiosity only grew when men with camera gear appeared from behind the same building as Jungkook just had. Surely they weren't there for him? Her throat started to feel a little bit constricted.

Her suspicions were confirmed when he moved in front of a building and was immediately the centre of attention with all cameras focused on him as he struck different poses.

She turned on her heel and started to walk back home, her feet carrying her home while her mind was on the man that she thought she'd known. Who was he? A model? An actor?

She was back home before she realised it – both milkless and with a completely different opinion of the man she thought she'd gotten to know over the past year.

Without having to think twice about it, she made her way over to her laptop and opened it. As it booted, her hands hung hesitantly over the keyboard; she didn't know his last name. Would just Jungkook be enough?

But it was.

Jeon Jungkook – member of one of the biggest boy groups in the world. For a moment she wondered just how it had evaded her attention, especially with her affinity to music, but then she realised that of course she would never take an interest in songs sung in a language that she couldn't understand; she wouldn't be able to sing them.

That thought only lasted for a second though as she looked over the group photos because there was another question that immediately formed in her mind.

How dare Jungkook also keep his six handsome friends from her?


So I think per member I'm going to have five parts per short story! That means Jungkook is now 3/5 through his :D I have the rest of his story figured out so now I just have to work out the story arcs for the rest of the members and then all that's left is writing them.

Regardless, I really hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'd love to hear your thoughts about it ^-^ Thank you for taking the time to read it! <3

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