Music To My Ears 5 - Jungkook

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A petal broke off from one of the red roses before fluttering down to the pavement, and Jungkook watched its every move. He was currently holding the bouquet in front of him, admiring the beauty and smell of the flowers as he waited for the pedestrian light to turn green.

Eventually it did and he crossed the road, first walking past a few shops before turning right down a smaller side road. He smiled as he looked at his familiar surroundings, knowing that the last time he'd walked down the road it had been with her by his side.

And after another year, he was about to see her again.

The air was cold, but he barely felt the chill as he walked in the direction of her house with a small bounce in his step. For him it almost felt like summer with how warm he was feeling on the inside.

It wasn't long before her house came into view and a smile appeared on his face, yet the couple coming his way didn't even look at him strangely since the mask was covering his face once again. If anything, he was shot strange looks because of that.

As Jungkook turned off that road and started to make his way up the short path to the familiar front door, his heartbeat accelerated and he momentarily forgot to breathe because he knew that he was about to see her beautiful face again. He really couldn't wait any longer.

He held the bouquet up in front of him before knocking quickly on the door; after a few seconds he heard the sound of footsteps before the door opened up. Jungkook knew it had been a whole year since he'd been here, but still...

He hadn't expected this.

"Um... Do you live here?" Jungkook asked tentatively as he slowly lowered the bouquet down to his side, catching the strange man's eye.

"Yes, I do," the man said as he brought his eyes back up to Jungkook's.

Jungkook frowned. "Does a woman live with you, by any chance?"

The man cocked an eyebrow. "No, I live here alone. But good luck finding her."

Without another word, the man shut his door in Jungkook's face.

Jungkook let out a huff of annoyance as he turned away from the door. "Rude," he muttered. As he made his way down the path and away from the building, Jungkook looked around to make sure he was definitely at the right house, and he knew without a doubt that he was.

Once he reached the road he grabbed his phone and started tapping away at it to find her name. Disappointed that his surprise would be ruined, he pressed on her name and held the phone up to his ear.

"Hello? Jungkook?"

Jungkook didn't want to waste any time so he got straight to the point. "Where are you?"

Jungkook could almost feel the stunned silence through his phone. "Why do you ask?"

"Well... You know how I surprised you last year? I wanted to do it again this year but you weren't at the square, nor at home. In fact, there was a strange man in your house," Jungkook said, abashedly rubbing the back of his head with the hand that was holding the bouquet.

She was silent for a few seconds before Jungkook heard the quiet sound of giggling coming through the phone. "You remembered the way to my house after a whole year?"

Jungkook couldn't help rolling his eyes when that was all she managed to get from that explanation. "I wouldn't forget a path as important as that."

Even though the giggling had stopped, he could still hear the smile on her face when she spoke her next words. "Come back to the square. I'll meet you there."

Jungkook nodded even though she couldn't see him. "Okay. See you in a bit."

When Jungkook hung up, all he wanted to do was run towards the square. He knew that wasn't much of an option though as he looked at the rose bouquet in his hand and wished nothing more for it to arrive in her hands in one piece; running with it in hand would surely destroy that wish. With a deep sigh he started speed walking in the direction from which he'd just come, all the while making sure that not too many petals were falling from the flowers.

Jungkook had just reached the square when his phone vibrated and when he took it out, there was a message from her: Beside the shop where we ate our first lunch.

He looked up and did indeed see her figure in the shadows of the shop; she waved her hand excitedly as he made his way over though she ended up hurrying over and meeting him halfway anyway.

Jungkook felt a lot more awkward than he thought he would now that he was actually facing her again, so after quickly scanning the face that he loved, he just thrust out the roses quickly for her to take, which she did.

"What's this?" she asked with a hint of amusement evident in her voice. She held one of her hands up to the flower petals to feel their velvety texture.

"Roses," he deadpanned. She looked at him sarcastically.

"Really? I honestly would not have guessed. I meant why on earth did you bother getting them for me?"

"Girls... Like flowers. Right?" Jungkook asked, seemingly unsure of himself as he avoided looking directly at her.

She couldn't help but smile when she realised just how much she'd missed having Jungkook with her. "Even if flowers are beautiful, they just seem dull in your presence."

Jungkook looked at her in surprise before he shook his head and chuckled nervously. "You know, when I saw that guy in the door of your old house, I was worried you'd gotten a boyfriend that you never told me about."

She shook her head at him but the smile didn't disappear from her face. "Oh, Jungkook. You know the only guy for me is you."

It was in that moment that she looked behind Jungkook, who began to turn around out of curiosity when remained silent; she grabbed him by the arm. "Don't. They've recognised me so we don't need them to recognise you as well."

Jungkook's expression showed his surprise. "They recognise you?"

She looked back up at him with a sarcastic look on her face. "I don't know whether I should be offended by that or not." She focused her attention behind Jungkook again before grabbing him by the hand and hurrying off, dragging him along behind her. Once they'd turned a corner and were out of the view of her fans, they began running.

"We should be good here," she said after a few minutes. She'd just pulled into a smaller side road when she dropped Jungkook's hand and slowed to a walk, breathing heavily as she loosened her grip on the bouquet of roses. Jungkook's hand immediately felt colder upon her dropping it and he was tempted to grab her hand again but managed to hold himself back.

"You think so?" he asked instead as he moved to walk by her side.

"Yeah, no one really uses this road; other than being a shortcut to the park, it's just a row of residential houses, so no shops."

"Ah, I see," Jungkook nodded. They were silent for a few seconds. "Did they really recognise you?"

"You don't really expect them to have recognised you from behind, do you?" she asked, raising her eyebrows in disbelief. "The video with you kind of started my online singing career. Anonymity can be hard after that."

Jungkook nodded. "I see." They walked in silence for a few minutes before he decided to try and talk to her in Korean.

"So how have you been?" he asked. She looked at him, surprised at the sudden language change but decided to humour him with a Korean response.

"Good, thanks. Not every day that one gets surprised by a K-pop Idol. How about you?"

Jungkook wasn't sure whether he was more surprised or impressed with her spoken Korean; he'd practiced with her over the phone but it was definitely something different seeing her speak Korean and not just hearing it. He couldn't stop the smile from spreading on his face.

"I'm great. Really great. You make me really happy," he said.

She was surprised at his sudden confession and turned to look at him just as they reached the entrance to the park that she had been talking about. When she did, so did Jungkook, and he grabbed her hands in his with the bouquet of roses within their clasped hands.

"Come to Korea with me?" he asked.

She smiled. "Well, I wouldn't consider myself a gold digger, but I hope you plan to pay for my upkeep until I can sustain myself there."

Jungkook's heart lifted at her words. "If it means I can keep you near me, I will support you my whole life."

She couldn't help rolling her eyes as the smile on her face widened. "You know you won't have to do that."

"I know," Jungkook said as he pushed a bit of her hair behind her ear. He smiled too. "But the offer will always be there for you."

She couldn't help but shake her head a bit at his silliness before she thanked him by pulling his lips down to hers.


Ah man, I can't tell you how nervous I am about this upload and how disappointed I am with the outcome :'( I feel like I really didn't do the ending to this story arc justice... Which sucks because this is how I had planned to end it all this time. Sigh...

I'm sorry :( I may come back to this chapter at some point and improve it, but I hope for now it's readable, at least.

Anyway, that's the Jungkook arc complete! I'll be trying to do the Jin arc next, I think. I'm going to write most of it before I start uploading it so that the wait between updates isn't too long :) Or let me know what you think on the matter, haha.

Anyway, thank you soooooo much for reading if you managed to get this final part in Jungkook's arc! It means a hell of a lot to me <3 :') Whether you only read Jungkook's arc because he's your bias or you decide(d) to give all of the members a go~ I'm very grateful ^-^

I hope you all have a great weekend (or week if you read this at a later date)! And sorry this author's note is so long :s Much love to everyone <3

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